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You walk around this community and you notice these weird looking satellite dish things.
This thing that looks like a satellite is actually an ingenious method to cook food
using the sun.
I'm not talking about solar energy, which converts the sun into electricity and stores
it in a battery.
This is much more direct, much more ingenious.
She was making food, and then the rain started coming, and she couldn't make food anymore.
She was going to boil some banana.
One of the big problems facing Haiti is deforestation, basically people use charcoal.
They burn it in order to make their food.
98% of the forests in Haiti have been cut down.
There's no forests left, and you can see it when you're going around.
On our way up here, we drove through some of the most beautiful hills I've ever seen
in my life, and a lot of them were just totally bald because they'd been deforested.