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Previous Episod : Salted Egg Pumpkin Vermcelli taste great
What other dish should accompany pumpkin vermicelli?
Accompany it with Jin Gen Hua pork ribs soup
and everything will make sense
Hello, and welcome to the Kao can Cook
Taiwanese Kitchen
and today we are going to
make Jin Gen Hua can also call Orange Day Lilly
with short ribs soup
this beautiful field of Jin Gen Hua is harvest in
July and August in Taiwan
If you start from UK here then just drag the map all the way
and that you can see taiwan where I am come from
and you can see Jin Gen Hua mainly growing in the east part of Taiwan
This flower it is low in calorie
and it contain 20 times more iron than lettuce or spinach
and here's a farmer tried to dry the Jin -Gen Hau
once it harvesting this is a fresh
version about to get dry
and that is a cool dog
to make the soup you will need a handful of Jin Gen Hua
you can get in most Chinese supermarket or just make friends with Taiwanese
it and this is what it looked like and wash them well
and soak it for about two hours
add some dry mushroom as well
You need about 500g or more pork ribs
and dice it into small chunks
get a strong and sharp head knife for snacking
season the ribs with some soy sauce sugar and
peper and add some corn starch
for the saute process later
take the hard bit out and keep the vegetable stock (soak water)
before we started pat dry with kitchen towel
getting frying pan and we are going to sauted the Jin Gen Hua flower
till it get a bit brown
and this process will bring you the
special fragance of Jin Gen Hua , let's fried/saute the Jin Gen Hua and Mushroom
till it slightly brown
move it into a stockpot for stew it later
sauted the pork ribs brew
till it get pretty brown and caramelized
in this way bring the best flavour out of the pork
for the pork stock later
now get ready to assemble everything together add the Jin Gen Hua
and add the pork ribs
cover it with water
and some remaining vegetables stock
simmer for about 30-40 minutes
and if you can put in oven, I always recommend
170 for 30-40 minutes (rest for 30 minutes) just get more even and smoother result
after it cook
sprinkle with chop spring onion and it is ready to serve
taste pretty good
love the ribs, and it is crunchy
( does it melt easily)
kala kala (sounds )
and bit like my cat bite the mouse
the soup almost fried my eyebrows, but still taste alright
there you go, that is our Jin Gen Hua Pork Ribs soup for today
and the if you want to know more Taiwanese
recipes or something you like to see me cooking please keep your comment below
and the you can keep in touch by subscribe to my channel
and the thank you for watching,bye!