字幕表 動画を再生する
- My name is Tina Larsen.
I'm from Bollungen, Sweden.
[ヨークシャー・イベントセンター 小動物ショー]
And this is my rabbit, Flora.
We're at Harrogate's Event Center.
[うさぎトレーナー ティナ] スウェーデン出身よ
Is that the name of it?
Me and Flora is doing rabbit show jumping.
ここはハロゲート・イベントセンター ......よね?
She really enjoys herself when she's jumping.
[スウェーデン代表 フローラ] ジャンプ大会に出場するの
I look at her, and I see how fun she has.
I don't think she care about the trophy.
彼女は 跳ぶのが大好き 本当に楽しそう
But I think she be interested in beating Cherie.
トロフィー獲得よりも まずシェリーに勝つことよ
- This is Cherie.
[うさぎトレーナー マグダレナ] シェリーは2歳半
She's two and a half years old, and she
really loves jumping.
[シェリー選手] スタート 早いです!
- And she's off.
シェリーは幸せよ 私と暮らしてるの
Oh, she's quick.
私が冷蔵庫を開けると ねだってくるのよ
- She's a very happy rabbit.
好物は ニンジン 干し草
She's very fun.
彼女は勝ち負けより 楽しいから跳ぶの
She lives in my house.
彼の名は マックス
When I'm open my fridge, she's coming, oh, do you have
[新人 マックス] 1ヵ月 特訓したわ
something for me?
エネルギッシュで まだ慣れないけどー
She loves carrots and hay and ordinary rabbit food.
とっても がんばり屋さん
I don't know if she wants to win.
彼が最年少なの 生後6ヵ月よ
I think she think it's fun to jump, and that's
キュートな耳に みんなメロメロなの
why she doing it.
ジャンプに挑戦するのは 10匹
- Max's full name is Maximilian.
Max has been training for a month.
Very hyper, very enthusiastic.
Not too sure what he's doing all the time.
残り半分 がんばって!
He still really, really tries hard.
Max is the youngest bunny in the competition at the moment,
優勝者にはトロフィー 私たちは無理かも
at six months old.
特別な訓練はしてないわ いつも大会に出場してるし
And everyone loves him 'cause his little ears go up and down
as he jumps.
- Just under 10 rabbits with us today who will
早い! 優勝候補でしょうか
tackle the 10-jump course.
絶好調 あと少し!
Stalwarts ready?
Three, two, one, go.
[12.5秒!] おめでとう!
今回は優勝できたけど 次はどうかしら!
Let's cheer her on.
She's halfway through [INAUDIBLE]
make it to the end.
- The prize in the competition this
weekend is a trophy.
I don't think we're going to get it, but who knows?
- I never train her, because I'm
compete so often in Sweden.
So she doesn't need to train at home.
She trains at competitions.
- And she's off.
Oh, she's quick.
Oh, she's on a roll, come on.
Cheer her on to win.
And she did it.
Well done, Cherie.
- She got the trophy.
Today she was the winner, but you never know tomorrow.