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This man has one of the most extensive BMW 3 Series collections worldwide.
この男性は、世界でも有数のBMW 3 シリーズのコレクター。
He owns nearly every model, starting with the first one.
His name: Daniel Falkenberg from Germany. He keeps his armada of BMW 3 Series in his backyard barn.
彼は、ダニエル・ファルケンベルクというドイツ人。 自身のBMW 3 シリーズコレクションは、自宅の裏庭のガレージにある。
When I open the door and enter this garage I feel like being with my second family in a room of happiness, just like in a treasure room with my vehicles that all have their own story.
And this story started years ago, as Daniel remembers.
I already fell in love with the 3 Series at an early age, around the age of 10. Already at this time I felt the joy and enthusiasm to one day become the owner of such a car.
10才位の頃には、私は3 シリーズを大好きになっていました。この頃に、いつかこんなクルマを手に入れる、と思っていたのです。
At the age of 18 I finally drove my first BMW 3 Series. I bought a 325 Eta when I was still 17 years old, just so I could drive it on my 18th birthday.
18才のときに、ついに一台目のBMW 3 シリーズでドライブしました。17才のときに買ったのは325 eta、18才の誕生日に運転するつもりでした。
I had the very first 3 Series, the 323i, with the top motorization at the time, with the wonderful six-cylinder-engine.
初代3 シリーズ、自動車が一般的に普及してきたころの、すばらしい6気筒エンジン搭載の323iに乗りました。
This car competed quite well with the GTI-cars at the beginning of the 80s. A fascinating car that is still state of the art.
The 320i is an extremely rare special model that had been produced for the Italian and Portuguese market.
320i はイタリアとポルトガル市場用に開発された、特にめずらしいモデルです。
From the exterior it looks like a normal 325i, but in the interior, in the heart of the car is a M3, a wolf in sheep's skin.
What I really like a lot about the 3 Series is the variety, the wonderfully simple elegance and the beautiful lines.
私が3 シリーズで大好きなところは、そのバラエティとすばらしくシンプルでエレガントで美しいラインです。
What connects the different models of the 3 Series is that all of them used to be driver-oriented cars where driving pleasure and sportiness were always the dominating characteristics.
3 シリーズ モデルに共通しているのは、どのモデルもドライバーのことを考えられていて、駆けぬける歓びとスポーティさが常に突出していること。
The new 3 Series GT is a fascinating advancement of what BMW had invented in all the generations before it.
新しい3 シリーズ GTは、これまでに開発された全モデルの進化形。
This provides all the joy a BMW driver can wish for, also in terms of space.
A wonderful car that I would really like to have in my own collection.