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Hey, what's going on guys nick at nite here today welcome to another episode where we're [going] [to] be pushing closer
hopefully to master three was able to clutch that last season and
[Ben] also been playing about the Golem deck
but times are A-Changin here on the local leader board then I don't think you can go more than
Maybe two names in a row without finding either a log slash spell bait or three musketeer deck
There's an apparent my couple Lava hounds on here but
really not too many most of its gonna revolver on three muskets and like I said like a lot of log bait a lot of
Goblin Gangs little hog Riders Rockets inferno Towers princesses thought I would show it for myself
Generally, not what I play, but we'll try. This is the deck
I was pushing with all morning, but this is the one that I'm going to be trying here today
It's uh it's pretty self-explanatory. What is if you played the game at all recently you've probably seen it in challenges on
Competitive play, but mmM. I don't know I was a little off today
I woke up really early our dog has bad allergies and had me up at like 4am
Had to give him some extra medicine
So that's been a factor, but the game is just kind of felt sort of off
I don't know if we see any more of the same deck. I'm using or a variant with a hog in it or
What's the other one that's pretty popular right now. That would be
Hang on let me think about this once again
Or we've been seeing a lot of three muskateers with night and minor
We'll see which which [one] we run into here next but not to sure up
Holland is coming out
So with the hound I'm not fully sure if that was a smart play that was like all day and Olli as arrows
Spicy arrows alright, that's fine. Let's maybe just put a inferno tower over to the right side and [a] princess I
spirit jump
Nice, all right. I think we shut that hound down all right
Maybe a Goblin gang as well
get a little bit of a
Forces hand if you will and those minis are gonna have to come back and we do have the inferno tile
Oh you put that minor Really Far back I can get extra value out of my princess over on the left side
I can see what these sects are fun to play you kind of just like our spears the most annoying for your like
Jim from school or work and Jim's always kind of I don't want to use the word
But you know the word you're thinking of and he's just like huh, I'm here to ruin your day
Oh, I opened my legendary chest and I cancelled the video because it didn't like how it was going
But I have the recording of just that part remind me after this battle. I'll put it in [I]
Guess we'll get started slow princess. This way. She'll take absolutely forever to get there
What would be a good play here, then I'm just full so I guess we'll just rock it
free rocket
It's free country Manik Manik Manik
Iran couple trips planning this year if you guys live in any of those location any of these locations
I can't hear [myself] over the game. It's roaring in my headphones
New Zealand, Australia, Italy and
Abu DhAbi or Dubai?
Let me know if you guys down below or on Twitter at Nick and I yt live in any of those locations
Planning and I might need some tips for travel alright
We have a lot coming at us right here, but that never stopped me from giving some spicy commentary before
another Inferno Tower why not
That one's fear [Goblin] holding down the fort along with the arena tower right there that's going to be nice
Then we can start a slow princess I
Spirit Deep Barrel [Galvin] Gang get that that bait log beta cooking
Inferno tower he's got to definitely defend this right watch out for the Minor I
Princess this is a tank all right. I don't think anybody's everybody princess down to the tank before
I'm gonna say good game right there, and all right it is what it is from the kings of Iran
That's what made me think of a possible trip
Out that way, I don't know why Look at that. I hope nick upload soon. I'm bored
funny Chap alright so about that legendary chest I actually popped open a
Lumberjack, so he is 19 out of 20 one more and we will have a Mac slumbered Jack also inferno dragon
I should make an infernal dragon deck and max him out and try them because we do have
Maximum infernal dragons other than that just looking for a whiz bandit and then obviously that one more lumberjack
But II ways I'm definitely looking forward to getting a couple more or seeing him in the shop because just four more and we will
Have a max level
Awful films fan mail not yet, edited because those take Friggin forever to edit
So expect that on the second channel youtube.com slash nick and I in the coming days. It's definitely it's [films]
I had like two ish weeks
built up mail
That'll be coming out the second channel
Mmm, my goal would be tomorrow to edit that but worst case, Wednesday
Yes, it would appear that that
our forces combined
Cannot do it. [no], all right archers. I school um Mega
Expo there she blows
What she blow expo?
helper today, download Expo files dot net for all your expo needs
Right that's when I oh wait. I always tell you guys download Expo files done that what was Expo expo
Hacks org I think that was the working one and one of them got taken down
Are we can start slow princess all the way in the back left
Should be a nice fade away in case something gets deployed in the opposite lane, or she'll just get logged
[Galvan] gangs nice because we know he doesn't have a log right now and
We can do things like
Put down a night throw a barrel
It's a goblin
Barrel nice now he has the log again, but look at how much damage. We were able to ensue
the damage ensues
[uh] this this
right because that will avoid the
Thing alright, this is bad
Let's do one of these
What do I do here? Well? He [just] logged
Well play it. I guess [alright]. I don't know what I'm doing. I guess I should just rock it the expo, right
He just logged so let's go hard with the log of all things
log back the archers
Beer Goblin get in there
Yeah, I'll just I guess rocket it every time we see it princess
Oh, oh catch the Mega arm late on the mega
Well, we see a log
There's the log the princess is delayed. Oh, let's save this princess watch this
Deep Barrel Rockets away, baby. Oh
man Rocket fight
Rocket fight he just logged he just logged
Ja I actually had no idea if we were gonna win that one, but pipsqueak brings it home
Bring it home six weeks up here. You're never going to be finding. Ooh, lord yaha, Megastars Pk now
He's got the [bowler] baby Dragon, Electro Wizard variant of the graveyard deck again Joey soup Joey sip
Sip what up guys it's sick and bags today. We're here with steph food
talking about the pack go back oh
Gosh mom won the world all right. Let's bring the pictures over here, and we gonna put the night over [here]
And then we're going to calculate trajectory know calculus directory of the log, which should technically go here
But we might put it here or it might put here. What if we put it here?
Then we put it here
Just sort of put it wherever
Ya put here and
overall our trajectory
Should equal a radiant factor of four there it is we know he just logged send out the barrel
He's gonna Ghost arm. Oh wow he's got it. He's got incredible log base game right now
Just guide that night to the tower with your log
All right, what is the play here? I guess inferno would be a good start
or a bad one for
the princess in the back
Shoot the dirt Gob. Thank you, shoot the princess [nice]
All right, she's getting a lot of shots off
Goblin getting opposite lane
Wasn't the best?
Alright. He just pre logged. So what should we do in that situation? Well? I want to go night and then a
Centered Barrel because he doesn't have the log, right?
Princess for the night because right now. She could take her out before she looks over right? Yeah, I'm doing all the things right
We're doing all the things
The problem is as barrels doing better than mine
But that last push was incredible or impeccable or packable if you do play the packet. Oh my goodness princess value
Calvin Gang gets wrecked my dude. Okay. That was good I
Have the best princess rotation to counter his okay nevermind. I almost had it right
You can't win them all
Yes, I do have the best princess rotation. I shouldn't be doubting myself look at this
Well he keeps doing the same play on offense, but I think our play is better I
Have that tower down. I'm not even sure really why we're
Why we're going so hard at it
Take the shot [nine]
And give me that give me that one hit on the Goblin. Oh
Hopping in my tahoe. Oh, no
Alright that was a solid win right [there]. We just change our mindset. Yeah took him out real the real chill
Tanga man, I don't know there was some pressure
I didn't put on when I needed to I don't I don't have like all these cards like in the golem deck
Like I'm best friends with every single card in that deck and I could know in any given moment what I need to reach for
And this one I look down, and I see Goblin king and it like freaks me out because I really don't like how they look
And I'm not fully confident with it one bit
I'm Gonna bring a rear barrel
This should be okay, so that you was gonna hit bolt right there. Oh
Neither that's actually two hits is sort of like that's fine, right um
Playing 12 like a scumbag, but I'm not in like a 12 range. So there must just be good
But he got what he got what he got what he got you got that?
You got got got got game get it get it got game
Get it get it gosh game your hog radha will take you to fame. I want to be
Top of the game top of the game top a tough a tough of the game oh
What are you missing you missing your plants over there? Dude my dude
We're pulling a lick sir. So may as well hit that night and that tower
And ferno he's gonna want to hog. I don't know if infernal is the best play it has to be
if the only play we got
All right, there's a nice plant on the inferno that'll shut down his 545 ha ha ha ha
learned that in
In my Guerrilla warfare fighting class is on Sunday night. Oh
Mm-Hmm. What's the play here night first yes? Yes? Yeah, those are those who those then a princess fade away, then a log?
Opposite lane Goblin gang to see it. Just see if he answers it we don't have to do much about that one
He does he zapped it fire balling my barrel. That's real cute
Then you tell [him] how cute he looks oh, the cute little barrel you got there
Then another princess fade away
And then we're Gonna go Goblin Barrel Goblin Gang
And just look at the pat. That's sheer panic
His defense is just screaming. I'm panicked
That's nice
Put a nightgown
Ok there's the fireball
Got is that but that should be all right? If he's apps we are going to need a log and a
And a rocket. Oh, I didn't even need to log that
stop good gaming me before it's over to fake me out I
just need
64 seconds then we win
log just in case
Good game. Wow I lately I just don't feel confident finishing off the battle it just seems a bit, too
Not easy hard. I don't want to say hard, but it's not not not easy
Ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting
Thanks for inviting the accelerator
Come back next time enjoy your day in
legendary Line
cute princess let's do a
counter princess yeah, Cha
Cha poop
Everything's locked on the night throw the barrel
It's like it's like I've got it down
Drop a log a drop a log hit a hog to win a prize
What up accelerator I?
Don't up is just so bad after you're just used know everything you play got countered beautifully welcome to accelerator
The Knights leaving the Minion Horde is scary
Hmm. Well there's a log let's do this and this
That fate singing he predicted the rear barrel
Why do I feel like we defended that horribly but all I did was minor and Minion horde? That's nasty
Got to put this night down as well, huh?
Thing that minion horde scary, I don't even know how to really defend it properly with this deck. I guess Goblin king in the middle
Alright will feel it out
Inferno Goblin Gang I spirit jump
Yikes I guess that
Mostly stopped it nice. We got it alright. So he just logged let's go night
Let's go Goblin Barrel
princess for the Rear support
There we go
Nice, the Princess script is spawning in Princess. Wow I'm going to say
You should log that princess
adding value
Where it doesn't belong?
Bring a half mast night
double Inferno tower
Goblin Gang no that was force. That should not have gone in there. Nah, nah
Dang it
Good game. I
went all in on that one with the goblin barely didn't really do anything about the barrel either, but
Princess was able to chip them down. I don't know I don't really like the deck. I don't like how it feels
I don't like anything about this. I just want to play the golem, but I just can't only show you guys golem gameplay. It's just
That's what I'm good at it's what I am good at. We'll see what we get next year
tough cookies on that one
It's trainhard shitter
Wow, he's playing on the letter now. That's cool. Fierce force
Trainer Chitter he's uh he's one of my best videos of all time when we finally were able to beat Trainer Cheddar
But he is very difficult, but it looks like he traded in some of his legendary cards, huh?
I don't know what to do in that situation a battle ram in the back
Hmm ok well?
I'll just rock it all this whoa
Well the princess is a nice spread if she shoots the tower if she shoots
There's a big if in that sentence if she can somehow shoe there we go
Saying that graveyard still got a couple hundred off there
may be A
slightly Deeper Barrel
He was gambling on that set that it would have worked or not oh
Bowler clean off house on my barrel, but the princess is able to get in there and do some nice ship a lip
Ok holy Moly 40 bowling ball baba Boss Roy
There's a nice inferno plant
About even range on the bowler, but it's going to be able to heat up nicely
Oh wow and an executioner look at a rocket that will take him out fully
It's just kind of feeding our rockets right there right into him
I'm just keeping up the chip as much as possible
Galvin Gang should be my main counter to this graveyard, but I'll throw a knight down on this one nice
Thats all the night is
He's a beast against these graveyards
Because him in the tower just they work perfectly in their timing on what they're targeting when they're switching targets
It's really really a good stuff
I'll do a barrel right in the middle princess fade away
Alright. He went pretty hard on that stop. I'm actually going to rock at this down
That was just the best option we had right there
Goblin Gang split them
Inferno Tower
Because they put the battleroom on the inside tile that means it's going to get pulled otherwise. It wouldn't have been pulled
Oh, wow. There's a lot of barbarians here
um [all] [right]
Looking okay. I'll do a nice spirit this side. Oh
Let's just hide the barrel hide the barrel now. I was late
Got it good game
Don't like that. It didn't have max cards
But hey trainer shitter kicking it up at 5300 let's do one more and wrap it up with a solid win
5341 What are people [chilling] it right now?
It's a 5340 ones like 75 us so [I] really [I] really have to know that I'm playing people around like the best
I ever do which is like 25th us like the best
I'll ever push to in a season. So really can be upset about it should be more of a learning experience
It's just been a little frustrating because I pushed too high with the [golem] deck
And then had to just play like a hundred percent full force all the time which takes a lot out of you it does
Sure that does I know I had some specially means the email throw them at the beginning of this episode here
Thanks for the face swaps
Thanks for the spicy shop picture someone put a really cool three saviours me pat and bolt on something
My face has been photoshop reacting [to] many a chest which I have not opened
But I I appreciate the thought on that one. Why mhm?
That's a good luck ba-ba-BA-Ba I spirit
Papa Papa
Finn Cici's cheese sauce shoes. I don't have my I
Don't [know] my rock it up, and I'm a bit unsure what to do about it
Wow, the the right side the game got like a lot a lot of damage all right?
here though
I'll do a spirit, and then maybe a rocket if you pumped, huh, all right. There's a hound I
Think we have to fully defend this one
I'm not too sure
I'll put a princess all the way in the back. We have two rocket this balloon
Yes, we will
Right there is the balloon will rock it right here
boom and
Then some Goblin gang action nice
There it is. Oh he hit the [king]
Still got a lot of damage on my tower for hitting the king as well, and my rockets gone. Which is kind of sad
Especially when I wanted to use it for that pump
night Gallon Barrel get the log ready ah
We get a couple jabs in we clean up the skeleton and we force them to
Respond to this princess who can help out with a mega?
Oh, and the kings up all the ways that mega would have definitely got to swing in right there
I'm gonna put a goblin getting in the opposite lane since I got so much time now
Because it's just so much damage. Oh this mate. Oh, this is the freezed one. This is that Lava humphreys deck. It's definitely tricky
[alright], that's just a group them all together
Rocket it all boom I
Goblin Gang nice A
Little [bit] of pressure with the princess of the bridge because we really don't need much
Then the log to take out the Goblin king and hit the tower then a barrel I
Fear it was the lowest
Get it down to 700 for me
Dang it. This is kind of tough Rocket
I missed the Holland amidst the Hoenn ah
Come the arrows flipping a couple goblins
No, no
That deck is annoying I could see why now wow that was crazy. I I?
Must have not applied the right pressure on both sides all right last one let's end with a win
And then we'll wrap it up there, but I shall let that get to number 1 and number 2 in the world
Which [is] quite impressive?
Let's do this Jaywalk Ji. Wah wah wah wah wah wah wah?
Jaywalk oh I get it like Jaywalk
Wal [okay]. Well the night's going the wrong way. That's fine
Let's wait
princess slow and steady
[get] that cross shot and clip those fear. God's please please please please [please] release your arrows. Thank you
next time quicker
Let's try to grab the executioner's attention real quick with the inferno keeping the princess alive it does take my inferno
Fully auto Rotation
We could try one of these surgical goblins plays credit to him for showing me that one I spirit tank
Don't jab that king don't jab that king thank you
Night I
Don't know if that's a high pressure or low pressure
Situation or a low pressure system moving in it's going to be a little windy and hot tomorrow guys. Sorry
I'm a weatherman you [could] call me stan
Fleet steamer, I told you that I'm a dreamer. Oh
Wow, Goblin King often under defended
Will take that pump real quick
princess dealing with the Mega and
Just going to leave actually right now
There she goes
Let's do Goblin Bear off to the side because we tried the back and he tried to tornado it
I don't think [you] can turn 80 anything in that location
And then we'll get a solid log in
We're just kind of keeping control. It's all we can really do right here
Princess will go down. I've got night
We'll just put them on the outside
Execution has to get deadly closed
Goblin gang because he shouldn't have his for like two more cards
Tornado, that's okay
Log for his gang. Oh, I tried to predict the gang that's going to come back to bite us possibly
Inferno tower night
Rock it for all this stuff get in here there it is
There it is thing now I'm feeling it. I'm crushing a golem, and that's my goal golem's my deck, and I'm crushing in
Golem executioner, I like the deck
your game
So the ones that we won. I feel like we're pretty
Pretty substantial winds and the ones we lost
We're always like I needed one more rocket or one more log those are quite close and quite fun stuff
5335 is definitely a fun number our
Current highest of all time is 55 and 34 so keeping with the threes in in
That sense well hope you guys enjoyed some log bait. I almost have more gems than gold and that is a fun fact
Hope you enjoyed the video. I'll see the next time at those written [class] [a] to [b]
(outro song plays)