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Welcome to HowToCookThat I'm Ann Reardon and I'm Dave.
And today we are doing Clever or Never because we had so many requests to do another one.
We are going to do it a bit differently today.
I have chosen 3 gadgets and Dave has chosen 3 gadgets and we don't know what each other's
gadgets are or what they do so we are going to give it a go and see how that goes.
You can vote in the comments, which gadgets you think are Clever give it the thumbs up
and which ones you think are never, give it the thumbs down.
And also we will put a poll over on Community so you can go over there and vote for your
favourite gadget, I'll put a link to Community below so that you can get to that.
So I think we'll start with one of your gadgets.
Gadget Number 1 is this device which is a Drink Dispenser.
How does it work?
Not like that!
Um you have to...
Now I get my drink ...
Ahhh yeah, I've got to put it on that way.
... I was thinking it was going to be a disaster if I put it on ... the other way up.
Drink all over the counter is not quite what we're after.
How's this going to work?
Well, I have no idea because I've never done it before.
I can imagine it when it's full but I'm not sure when it's empty.
Anyway let's have a look.
We'll either make a mess ... this is the new kitchen by the way.
Yes we were going to do a tour today but I still don't have splashbacks in so we'll have
to do a tour once the splashbacks are in.
They are on order, soon.
Speaking of 'splash', let's see how we go.
Oh no splash!
And it's not falling over anymore.
Can I have first go?
Wow, that's so frothy!
A glass of froth.
It's a bit slow to pour.
You wouldn't want to be in a queue at a party.
If you give it a squeeze.
It's like milking a coke.
Milking a cow.
Alright your turn.
This is so much easier than just pouring!
Oh my goodness.
At least the kids couldn't pour a whole thing fast.
That is too slow.
No, I like it.
I like the concept of it but that is just dribbling.
You shouldn't have to pump.
You shouldn't have to pump it like that to get it to work.
Yeah but it's heaps of fun!
Nah I don't know about that, I'm not saying that's not Clever because I reckon that's
going to be a hit with the kids.
It doesn't pour drink, that's its prime function.
Ok, alright yeah, apart from that!
Gadget number 2 is a steering wheel.
It is a melon cutter, we have a mini version of this that I use lots of days to cut apples
for Jedd's lunch because he's got wobbly teeth.
He's losing his first little teeth.
Awww, so cute.
So it works really well for apples so this is like a super-size version and I want to
know if it works on melons.
Now, I don't know about you but in Australia we can't get watermelons this size so I couldn't
use it on a watermelon.
So we are going to try it on what we call a rockmelon but I know elsewhere in the world
it's called a ... cantaloupe.
Right, I like your accent.
I have no idea if I can do this.
As always I have not tested this gadget so you're watching me use it for the first time!
Ughhh, I can't do it.
Do you want my help?
Muscles go to it.
Awww, Strewth!
Ohhhh, you broke my gadget!
It's started cutting the melon just there but it just couldn't get through without breaking.
It is a rock-melon ... boom boom!
I didn't actually expect it to break, I thought that would work.
Gee we're not doing good with our gadgets today.
I actually wondered if this would work for cutting a cake into perfectly portioned slices.
I have one here that I prepared earlier.
It's a Black Forest Cake.
So let's give ... I don't know if it's going to work this broken but let's give it a go.
The moment of truth, is it going to work.
It's just compacting the cake!
It's getting smaller.
I don't think this thing is sharp at all, I think that's the problem.
It's just squashing the cake, how can it not cut a cake.
Nah, it's all good.
Look at that, magnificent.
That saved you, like, 20 seconds.
But how am I going to get it off the cake.
You just use your hands from this point.
Oh my gosh!
Well that becomes sort of like the plate, you carry it by the green handles.
This is a total failure, oh my goodness, what do you think?
If I wanted a cake that looked like that, I would have cut it.
It ruined my beautiful cake.
If I turn it this way, it worked really well but if I turn it this way.
Clever ... Never.
So don't use it for cakes, don't use it for melons.
It wouldn't even cut melon.
Ready for a piece of cake?
I can bring the whole thing to you.
Which one would you like?
This is so clever.
Oh I was trying to give you this one but that one fell out.
Yes it's like a dispenser.
Instead of a coke dispenser it's a cake dispenser.
Hmmm, so clever.
Little known fact, Dave is not a sweet tooth.
Gadget number 3 is this clever little thing, it's called an 'Easysealer' and it has heat
sealing action!
I must admit when I asked you what you needed from the shops for your gadgets you said Coke,
Twisties, M&Ms I actually didn't think you had gadgets.
I thought you were just ordering snacks.
So I'm pretty impressed that you actually have gadgets that go with these things.
Yeah I've got some cool gadgets, I'm thinking, always thinking.
So I'm going to take this one out and ... You can't reseal if it's not open.
I'm sort of gonna ... I don't know if people have Twisties.
Do you have Twisties in your part of the world because these are my favourite snacks.
If you look down the bottom we have a PO Box, you are welcome to send me Twisties (jk).
They're like a buck.
I think people want the other way around, they want to try them.
So it's open, so now what are you going to do?
Well, I guess I'm going to go like this.
Like a stapler?
What did you do?!
Gave me a fright.
There is no way this is working.
Oh, I think you went too fast at the end.
It was working at the beginning.
We might have a winner!
I was cynical, I had my doubts...
Fair enough, the first 2 gadgets failed terribly.
They did but this one is from Japan.
Or is it from Singapore?
It's from Singapore ... via Japan.
It sealed it.
That is actually very clever.
That is very cool because by sealing it like that they are going to stay crispy and crunchy.
Okay let's see if it works on the M&Ms.
You want to do it?
Yeah, sure.
Do you think the wire is getting hot and melting the packet?
That's what I think is happening.
Okay let's see, ready for the test.
Oh my goodness it works.
We've got a clever.
It's works that's cool.
That is very good, so if you don't have a container to put everything in and you have
just finished baking something and only used a bit of the packet you can reseal that up.
It is hot?
Yep, yeah that would definitely seal my fingers.
I don't recommend you stick your fingers in the Easysealer but that is very cool for being
able to reseal heaps of stuff, that is great, I like that idea.
What do you think, Clever or Never?
What are you doing?
Yep I think it's Clever, I think that they have come up with a ripper.
I think it's Clever too, let us know in the comments what you think, Clever or Never for
gadget number 3.
Well done Japan.
Gadget number 4.
Come on!
It's not a gadget it's a piece a piece of equipment.
It's a printer, you can use any printer but inside this one is edible ink in a cartridge
instead of ink that you can't eat.
Did you get this from a $2 shop?
Most people don't have one of these but you can get lots of places that will print for
you with edible ink so this is actually not the gadget bit of it.
The bit that I wanted to test out are these and they are Chocolate Transfer Sheets but
they're printable chocolate transfer sheets.
So we've used before on HowToCookThat chocolate transfer sheets like this that you buy and
they're printed with cocoa butter and they turn out beautifully so when I saw that you
could print your own, I thought that's awesome.
But I don't think it's going to turn out quite the same because with cocoa butter you can
print in white but whereas when you're using this you can't print in white.
So there's one problem already, you can't use it with brown chocolate.
So you can only use this type of printed chocolate transfer sheet with white chocolate.
I like white chocolate.
But we'll give it a go.
So basically what you do is you either send it off to someone who has an edible printer
or you print it yourself if you have one and you print your design onto transfer sheet
which just feels a bit, it shiny like plastic on one side and then the other side is, how
would you describe that?
It's definitely got a layer of something on there that is going to transfer to the chocolate
I assume.
Okay so do you want to move that out of the way because we don't actually need that I
was just explaining.
Now I'm actually going to do 2 gadgets at once because they go together, I need both
of them.
So this one is my other gadget which is a chocolate lollipop mould.
So you put the little sticks here and you fill this bit up with chocolate but the bit
I liked about it is this.
It comes apart.
What's so good about it coming apart?
Because then you go like this, you've got the holes there, we can put our transfer sheet
here and line it up exactly where we want it.
And then I'll put the traditional chocolate transfer sheet on the other half so we can
compare them.
And then what you do is you just put this over the top and it's got a magnet and it
lines up.
So instead of having to cut out individual circles and put them in each hole you just
saved yourself a heap of time.
Now we are going to put our lollipop sticks, which should be cake pop sticks in each hole.
That'll do and then we are going to fill up each of our moulds so that they are covering
the design and also covering the cake pop stick.
So we are going to do that for the ones that are printed and for the traditional chocolate
transfer sheets so we can see the difference and see which ones are better and which ones
look good.
And I hope that the top ones work because that is just awesome if you can print your
own for birthday parties and everything else.
If you give that a little tap it will smooth out the other side.
So once they're all filled they have to go in the fridge to set and so we might come
back to this gadget and check out how it worked and move on.
Gadget number 6 is a Cookie Cutter.
I'm predicting clever, it rolls and does things and it's for Cookies or as we call them in
Australia, Biscuits.
In America they're cookies, in America they call biscuits, what we call scones ... in
the UK that's scones.
And in Germany that's platzchen ... Is a scone a platzchen?
Or a biscuit is or a cookie, in Chinese is a 曲奇饼.
I don't believe you.
All the Chinese viewers, write in and let me know, 曲奇饼.
If you know anyone who says they can speak another language, there is this test that
you can do.
What language, Chinese?
Okay so pull out Google Translate and then put the microphone on and see if it can recognise
what you said.
It says 'Together and together'. Awww.
So sweet but not what you were trying to say, try again. Ready?
GP Ice? Well try my German.
I sprechen Deutsch.
You got that one, do you want to try Chinese once more?
曲奇饼 Favourite ice.
Oh yeah, similar.
I don't think the intonations were quite right.
Okay yep, all good.
Moving on, we have a cookie cutter, let's roll.
Let's roll!
This one's a squirrel.
Alright so what I need to do, you look at that, here's some cookie dough that I ...
That you did not prepare earlier ... Prepared earlier!
That I prepared earlier.
On the list of things needed for your gadgets it said cookie dough.
You go like this with your rolling pin, you just squish it out a bit more.
You try and spin it, I'll roll it.
Oh yeah because you need the practice.
You're good at spinning.
I was spinning free, whoa.
And now you just go like this and here's one I prepared earlier.
Okay, show me your gadget.
Look I've never used it, I'm not sure if that comes as a surprise to you but I am guessing
this is what you do.
Is that how it's supposed to go.
It's your gadget but I'm guessing no.
It's like compacted into the cutter.
Maybe if you flour your gadget before you roll.
If you grab some flour ...
What do you reckon?
This is destined to succeed, we cannot lose.
Here you go.
Working or not working?
Ahh, better.
That's working heaps better.
So I think the dough was just a bit too thick and you needed the flour over the top.
And like that you get a whole row.
So if you roll your dough to the perfect thickness, coat it in flour, you can use the roller ...
I think cutters are better.
So I'm not giving it a clever.
What about you?
Well I think because I brought it all the way from Singapore I was very clever.
No doubt you're very clever I'm just doubting the gadget.
Yeah, I'm a bit 50/50 on this one.
Let us know Clever or Never for that one.
Rewinding back to Gadget number 4 and Gadget number 5 which was our chocolate lollipop
mould and also our printable transfer sheet.
My question is, can we get them out?
This has a handy little thing so you can pull that off and I just give this a little push.
Oh that is cool.
That made them easy to get out.
Look at that!
Oh they're cool.
See the difference is, these are traditional chocolate transfer sheets, can you see how
they're shiny and these ones aren't shiny.
That would be because of the cocoa butter in those.
So if you're just doing a pattern like that, I prefer the normal ones, what about you?
But if you're doing something custom, like you want HowToCookThat or an Emoji and you
want to print it yourself, I actually think that works pretty well.
What do you think?
Yep, I think that is actually really good.
Apart from the limitation of having to be white chocolate but you could always do a
layer of white and then a layer of dark, like Top Deck.
I give that a Clever.
I give both this mould that is super easy to use a Clever and chocolate transfer sheets
a clever, only if it's on white chocolate.
I'm giving it a Clever too.
Ugghhh so warm.
Gadget number 4 is 6
So that's been Clever or Never, thanks heaps for watching, leave a clever or never ... no
This is hard hey!
I don't know how you do this every week.
Thanks heaps for watching ... Oh I think I just spat on them!
So that's been Clever or Never, thanks heaps for ... ah!
So that has been Clever or Never, leave a comment below which ones you though were clever
or never and if there's other things which you've come across in gadget stores that you
think would be fun for us to try let us know and we'll give it a go.
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Click here for more of the Clever or Never videos, here for more desserts and here for
the latest video.
Make it a great week by doing ... Something fantastic for someone else.
If you have a brother or sister do something fantastic for them.
Yeah, do it.
Do it for your brother!
We'll see you Friday.