字幕表 動画を再生する
I'm sure you've heard this phrase before: "we're going back to our roots".
「原点回帰」という言葉は もちろん聞いたことがあるだろう
Like, a developer makes a game about inching through a creepy mansion and then, several
例えば、どこかの開発者が不気味な洋館を 探索するゲームを作って
years later, that same series is now about jumping over a helicopter on a flippin' motorbike.
何年か後、そのシリーズはバイクで ヘリを飛び越えるゲームになった
Yeah. So, Capcom says "we're going back to our roots" and Resident Evil returns to claustrophobic
そこでカプコンが「原点に回帰しよう」と言って バイオハザードは再び
corridors, hoarding herbs, and ruining your favourite jeans.
狭い通路やハーブ集め、人のパンツを濡らすことに 回帰したわけだ
It's all about identifying what made a series so great in the first place - and taking a
大事なのはシリーズの魅力が まずどこにあったのかを知ること
good, hard look at a franchise to see if it still carries the essential DNA of its earliest games.
そして今のゲームが初期の作品のDNAを 受け継いでいるかを厳しく判定することだ
The next series to do this is, perhaps, my favourite of them all: The Legend of Zelda.
次にそれをやるのはおそらく僕が一番好きなシリーズ ゼルダの伝説だ
For the next game, Breath of the Wild, Nintendo will be going back to its roots, by looking
次回作のブレスオブザワイルドで 任天堂は原点回帰をするために
to the very first Zelda game for inspiration.
Which, I think, is pretty exciting. Because despite its simple graphics and general retro
これはわくわくする話だ なぜなら 単純なグラフィックと全体的な古臭さにもかかわらず
clunkiness, Zelda 1 remains as one of the very best entries in this series - and it did
things that no other Zelda game has done since.
以降のゼルダ作品がやっていないことを 成し遂げたからだ
Designer Shigeru Miyamoto made The Legend of Zelda to capture his childhood experience
デザイナーの宮本茂はゼルダの伝説を 作る時、子供の頃の経験を再現しようとした
of exploring the Japanese countryside.
He's said, "I went hiking and found a lake. It was quite a surprise for me to stumble
「ハイキングに行って湖を見つけて びっくりしたことがあります」
upon it. When I traveled around the country without a map, trying to find my way, stumbling
「地図なしで、心の赴くままに田舎を旅行していると その途中ですごいものに出会う」
on amazing things as I went, I realized how it felt to go on an adventure like this".
「そういう風に冒険をする気持ちを 味わったんです」
He wanted players to feel that same sense of adventure when they were exploring the
宮本はプレイヤーがハイラルの 平原や森、湖、砂漠、山、墓場を探索することで
fields, forests, lakes, deserts, mountains, and graveyards of Hyrule.
So, you definitely don't have a map in this game - there's just a grey box that shows
だから当然、このゲームに地図はない ワールド内での位置を示す
your position in the world. And you aren't told where to go - the text crawl says that
灰色の四角があるだけだ どこに行くべきかも教えてもらえない
you need to track down eight pieces of the triforce, but how that happens is up to you.
トライフォースのかけら8つを集める目的はあるが そこへ至る道のりはプレイヤー次第だ
You're just let loose in a clearing, and told to get on with it. You don't even start with
プレイヤーはいきなり野に放たれる 最初は剣すら持っていない
a sword - you've got to enter this cave to grab that. A way for Miyamoto to tell players
この洞窟で入手する必要がある 宮本はこうすることによって
that this game isn't going to hand them anything on a silver platter.
このゲームでは何も自動的には 手に入らないことを教えているのだ
You're given a huge amount of freedom, from the very beginning. You can technically explore
the entire world right now, perhaps striding off west and coming across a lake, or heading
基本的にはどの場所にも、いきなり行くことができる 西へ移動して湖に行ってもいいし
off east to squeeze through a canyon before you burst out onto a beach.
Sure, games like Skyrim let you go anywhere you like - but in that game you make the choice
確かにSkyrimのようなゲームでも 好きな場所に行けるが、その場合は
between following a quest or freely exploring the map. There's no such choice in Zelda 1
クエストを追うか自由に探索するかの選択になる ゼルダ1には選択など存在しない
- it's just all curious exploration, never knowing what you might come across next.
ただ好奇心に任せて探索するだけ 次に何が見つかるかは分からない
Maybe a shop. Or a secret. Or the entrance to one of the game's dungeons, which are these
店があるかもしれないし、隠し要素かもしれない あるいはダンジョンの入り口が見つかるかも
tricky underground mazes filled with treasure, bosses, mysterious messages, and one of the
ダンジョンは難易度の高い地下迷宮で 宝やボス、謎のメッセージなどと共に
eight pieces of the triforce.
The dungeons are numbered, but there's rarely anything stopping you visiting them out of
ダンジョンには番号が付いているが 順番通りに攻略する必要はないので
sequence and accidentally stumbling into one of the last dungeons in the game. In Zelda
1, surprises lurk on every screen.
Part of what makes this game so enchanting is that it's mysterious and oblique. You're
given no companion character to provide hints and assistance, and the few friendly faces
ヒントをくれる仲間キャラはいないし 友好的な登場人物たちは
in Hyrule offer up cryptic riddles that need to be deciphered.
謎かけのようなメッセージをくれるので 解読が必要だ
But they are intoxicating. I remember this guy, who said "did you get the sword from
でもそれが魅力なのだ 僕が覚えているのは この老人のセリフだ
the top of the waterfall?" and I was like "No?!" and then found myself following the
「滝の上の剣は取ったか?」と言うのだが 僕は「取ってないぞ!?」と思って
stream up into the mountains with giddy anticipation.
期待に胸をふくらませて 川を上り、山へ向かった
And this is a game that encourages experimentation, as much as exploration. Items like the blue
このゲームは探索以外の様々なことを 試すよう促してもいる
ring and the piece of paper and the candle and the magic croissant are just added to
青い指輪、手紙、ロウソク それとこの魔法のクロワッサンは
your inventory without description. and you'll simply have to figure out what the heck they do.
説明もなくただアイテム欄に追加される 効果は自分で見つけなければならない
Zelda 1 just felt indifferent to the player's existence. It had whatever the opposite of
ゼルダ1はプレイヤーの存在に無関心なように思える 親切設計とは真逆の態度だ
hand-holding is. You know, you're just dropped into a world and told to explore it. It was,
いきなりワールドに放り出されて 探検させられるのだ
to sum it up in a single word, an adventure.
I'm sure it was mind-bending 30 years go but I played it for the first time... in 2017
30年前には驚異的だったはずだ しかし僕が初めてプレイしたのは…2017年だ
and it still enraptured me so if you haven't experienced it yet and you think it sounds
その僕でものめり込んでしまったのだから 君がまだプレイしていなくて、興味があるなら
interesting - please go grab it and turn off this video because I'm about to spoil the
ここで動画を止めて、プレイしてくるといい ここから先はネタバレ全開だ
crap out of it.
00:04:33,860 --> 00:04:39,460 何年も後になって、宮本はこう言った 「ゼルダの伝説は私たちのゲームとしては初めて」
Years later, Miyamoto said "We were very nervous since The Legend of Zelda was our first game
「次にどうするかをプレイヤーに考えさせる 作品だったので、かなりドキドキしました」
that forced players to think what they should do next. We were afraid that gamers would
「ゲーマーたちはこの新しいコンセプトに 飽きたり、ストレスを感じたりするかもって」
be bored and stressed by the new concept".
幸運なことに、そうはならなかった ゼルダは成功し、いくつもの続編が生まれた
Luckily, they weren't. The game was successful and led to a couple sequels.
But I don't think he had any reason to worry, because - and this shouldn't come as a surprise
僕の動画を見ている人は驚かないだろうが 任天堂はゲームの作り方を知っているからだ
to anyone who watches my stuff - but it's because Nintendo knows how to make video games.
確かにゼルダ1には大きな自由度がある 好きな場所に行くことができるし
So, yes, Zelda 1 does offer a huge amount of freedom. You can go anywhere you like,
and visit - though not necessary finish - the dungeons in any order you want. But the designers
だがデザイナーたちは様々な技を駆使して プレイヤーを導き、迷子になるのを防ぐと同時に
use some clever tricks to help guide you through the game, stop you getting lost, and make
ワールドが自然に少しずつ 広がっていくようにしているのだ
the world naturally open up, piece by piece.
まず、ワールドマップはそんなに広くない 横に16画面、縦に8画面だけだ
For one, the world map just isn't that big. It's only 16 screens wide and 8 screens high,
数時間でレイアウトの大部分を学べてしまう これを大きく感じさせるために
meaning you can learn most of the layout in a few hours. To make it feel bigger, the map
マップは曲がりくねった道や 行き止まり、難所を散りばめた巨大迷路になっている
is turned into a giant maze with winding pathways, dead ends, and chokepoints.
またマップの一部は一定の経験を積むまで プレイヤーを遠ざける
Also, Zelda keeps some of the map away from you until you're more experienced with the game.
実際に鍵が掛けられているわけではない ゲーム開始時に本当に到達不可能なのは
Not through actual locks - only two screens and two dungeons are literally impossible
to reach at the beginning of the game -
その代わりに「ソフトロック」と呼ばれる手法で 特定のエリアの探索を難しくしている
But through, what you might call "soft locks", which discourage exploration of certain areas.
One of these, is challenging enemies.
These centaur dudes, and screens filled with tricky foes, will quickly kill you if you
ハートの少ないプレイヤーを瞬殺する 屋外で死ぬと開始時の画面に戻されるので
only have a few hearts. And dying in the overworld sends you right back to the first screen
プレイヤーは叩きのめされたばかりの 場所に戻るよりも
so instead of trekking all the way back to where you just got pummelled into a fine pixelated
mist, you're more likely to just try going off in another direction.
Another soft lock, is information.
このエリアにたどり着くには ダンジョン4でハシゴを入手するか
To access this whole area over here, you either need the ladder from dungeon four, or you
need to know the correct path through the lost woods. That's a maze that will keep turning
you around if you don't know the right order to take its many exits - and to get the solution
正解を知るにはこの女を見つけて ルピ―を払わなければならない
you need to find this woman, and pay her some rupees.
ソフトロックはより常識的な順番で ダンジョンを発見する助けにもなっている
These locks also help you find the dungeons in a more sensible order. If you're just wandering
ハイラルの主要部分を歩き回るだけでは 最初の3つのダンジョンしか見つからない
around the main part of Hyrule, you'll only stumble upon the entrances for the first three
dungeons. The remaining six are more hidden.
ダンジョン4にはイカダが必要だし 5は魔法の山の上にあるので、また別の方法がいる
The fourth dungeon requires the raft. The fifth is on top of the magic mountain, so
you'll need another solution. The sixth is in that western area I just talked
about. And the seventh, eighth, and ninth dungeons are just hanging out in Hyrule - but
隠されているので、特別なアイテムと ヒントが必要だ
hidden away so you'll need special items and clues to find them.
そう、ヒントだ すでに言った通り ゼルダは謎めいたゲームなのだ
Ah yes, the clues. Zelda is, like I said, a mysterious game, and not one to quickly
すぐに行き先を教えてはくれない だが注意深く聞いていれば
give up its secrets or tell you where to go. But, if you listen carefully, you'll realise
that these old men and women do give Link cryptic hints that actually detail almost
everything you need know to get through the game.
ボスの弱点を教える者もいれば より強力な装備の入手法のヒントをくれる者もいる
Some tell you about the boss's weakpoints. Others give you clues about finding more powerful
gear. Some tell you stuff that doesn't make much sense... though, you have to
remember that the game's English translation isn't perfect.
ゼルダファンたちの議論の的となった このヒント「東の果ての半島に秘密がある」は
Zelda fans fevershly argue about the meaning of this clue, which says "eastmost pennisula
is the secret", but it wasn't written by the game's designers. In the original Japanese
元の日本語版では 単に矢を撃つと金を消費すると言うだけだ
version, that same man tells you that shooting arrows costs you money.
とにかく、隠されたダンジョンを 見つける方法を教えてくれる者もいる
Anyway, other characters tell you how to find the most hidden dungeons.
ダンジョン4では、この男が 「滝に向かって歩け」と言う
In the fourth dungeon, this guy tells you to "walk into the waterfall" - where you'll
これはダンジョン5へのヒントがある場所だ ダンジョン6にいる男は
find the hint you need to find dungeon number five. In the sixth dungeon, a man says "there
「妖精が住まない場所に秘密がある」と言う これはダンジョン7の入り口のヒントだ
are secrets where fairies don't live", which should help you find the entrance to seventh
dungeon in the only pond without a fairy.
The clue for the eighth dungeon is more obtuse, I'll grant you. This guy tells you to look
この男は「行き止まりで木を探せ」と言う これが多分ダンジョン8のヒントか
out for the tree at the dead-end - which I guess is referring to the entrance to dungeon
僕はそう理解したので、最後から2番目の ダンジョンに到達してしまった
eight? I mean that's how I took it, and ended up in the penultimate dungeon in my first
hour with the game.
このせいでゼルダ1をクリアするには 全ての茂みを焼き
But, maybe this is why I kept seeing that bogus claim that you need to burn every bush
全ての壁を爆破しろなんて言われるのかも しれない だがそんなことはない
and bomb every wall to beat Zelda 1. Nah mate.
茂みや壁の裏に、特に理由もなく隠し部屋が 配置されていることもある
There are hidden rooms behind random bushes and walls, and they don't have telltale signs
壁の亀裂のようなヒントもないが だからこそ隠し要素なのであり
like big ol' cracks. But that actually makes them... secrets. So it's a genuine surprise
when you find them.
また隠し要素には価値がある ゼルダ1は場合によっては非常に難しいので
And you really want that stuff. Zelda 1 can be brutally hard, so any help - whether that's
ルピ―やハートの器など、有利になるものは 何でもありがたい だが必須の品ではないので
rupees or heart containers - is more than welcome. But it's all optional stuff, so you
can beat the game without it.
もちろん、本当に難しい部分もある それは否定しない
Of course, there were some genuinely tricky bits. I won't deny that. Especially in the
ダンジョンは特に難しい これはダンジョンデザインを 扱うBoss Keysのエピソードで詳述するつもりだ
dungeons, which I'lll cover in more detail in the NES episode of my dungeon design series,
00:09:11,290 --> 00:09:16,600 だが詰まっても希望はある 任天堂は ゲーム外ヒントの利用を奨励しているからだ
Boss Keys.
00:09:18,100 --> 00:09:22,589 説明書はオープニングのテキストで 読むように言われる
But, if you got stuck, all hope was not lost because Nintendo encouraged you to look beyond
the game for help.
ゲーム中のアイテムが全て載っているし 屋外の ほぼ全ての画面に隠し要素があることを伝えている
There's the manual - which you are told to read in the opening text crawl. Both the main
text, and the bonus tips that are hidden behind a protective seal, give you loads of help.
だが英語版説明書にも翻訳のミスは多い ワープの笛でダンジョン9に行けるとあるが
It describes all the items in the game, reveals that there's a secret on almost every overworld
screen, and gives up the locations of the last three dungeons. Though, the English manual
また友達に聞くこともできる 宮本はゲーマーたちの 交流を念頭において本作をデザインした
is also filled with translation issues, like this erroneous claim that the warp whistle
「他のゼルダプレイヤーと情報交換して 次に行く場所を聞いてくれたらと考えていました」
can take you to the ninth dungeon.
「実際にそうなりましたね 競争ではない仕方で現実世界で協力する」
You could also ask a friend. Miyamoto purposefully designed the game to encourage communication
「そうした交流のおかげで、このゲームは 人気が高まったんです」
between gamers, saying "I wanted them to talk with other Zelda players and exchange information,
ゼルダの伝説はプレイヤーにハイラルの旅路を 決める自由を与えている
ask each other questions, find out where to go next. That's what happened - this communication
意外な出来事もあるし、シーケンスブレイクも可能だ また謎めいた作品でもある
was not a competition but it was a real life collaboration that helped make the game more popular".
隠し通路や奇妙なアイテム 暗号のようなヒントが多いからだ
So The Legend of Zelda is a game that gave players the freedom to dictate their own journey
だが開発チームは優れたデザインを用いて 自由だが迷子にはならないゲームを作った
through Hyrule, allowing for surprises and sequence breaking. And the game felt mysterious,
謎めいてはいるが、不可解ではない プレイヤーに対して無関心だが
with secret passages, weird items, and cryptic hints.
But I think the team used clever design to make a game that felt free, but didn't let
だがより最近のゼルダ作品において 自由は感じられない 全ては説明され
you get lost. Mysterious, but far from inscrutable. And completely indifferent to the player - while
secretly helping them reach their goals.
ワールドマップはストーリーがある程度 進行するまで制限されることが多く
But in more recent Zelda games, you no longer feel free, everything is explained, and that
ダンジョンは順番通りにしか攻略できないし うるさい相棒キャラが
guiding hand is no longer secret.
In more recent entires, the overworld is often restricted until you've hit certain points
近年のゼルダも相応の仕方で優れたゲームではある …基本的には
in the story, dungeons can no longer be completed out of order, and you're stuck with chatty
companion characters who tell you what to do and where to go.
I mean, these games are all fab in their own way - well, almost - but none of them share
Zelda 1's unrestricted sense of adventure.
だが、どうだろう 僕は確かに懐古厨だが 自由や謎、驚きを感じられるゲームは
And you might think that this is just how modern games are. And that I'm just being
a nostalgic old fart.
Hyper Light DrifterやThe Witnessのような インディーゲームは言葉のない冒険であり
But I'm not so sure. Well, I am a nostalgic old fart. But, games with that sense of freedom,
mystery, and surprise still exist.
Fezは謎の複雑さと間口の広さを両立させる よりよい方法を見つけたと言えるかもしれない
Indie games like Hyper Light Drifter and The Witness are enchanting, wordless odysseys,
マップは隠しエリアの方角を示すが 場所そのものは教えてくれない
which capture those feelings.
00:11:39,339 --> 00:11:43,130 それともうみんな指摘していることだが ダークソウルもやはり
And games like Fez have arguably found even better compromises between mystery with accessibility
ゼルダ1の現代的再解釈の感がある 隠し壁や謎のヒント、プレイヤー同士の交流もある
- like these maps which point you towards secret areas, but don't completely give the
game away.
And everybody's already made this connection but Dark Souls definitely feels like a modern
3DSの神々のトライフォース2はいい出だしだった この作品は一本道ではないからだ
take on Zelda 1 - complete with secret walls, cryptic hints, and communication between players.
だが真の試練はブレスオブザワイルドだろう 任天堂がどれだけ原点に回帰できるか
So the question is not, "can you make a game like Zelda 1 today".
The question is, "can Nintendo make a game like Zelda 1 today".
They made a bold start with the non-linear Link Between Worlds on 3DS. But the real test
やあ、視聴をありがとう Game Maker's Toolkitは クラウドファンドのサイトである
will be with Breath of the Wild. Just how much is Nintendo willing to go back to its roots,
Patreonによって資金を得ている この番組が気に入ったら、支援を考えてみてくれ
To give The Legend of Zelda that feeling of freedom, mystery, and surprise?
ここに表示されているのは 1エピソードにつき5ドル以上支援している人々だ
We'll see.
ブレスオブザワイルドがあと1,2週間で発売する 近いうち、これについての動画を出すつもりだ
Hey, thanks for watching. Game Maker's Toolkit is, as always, powered by the crowdfunding
それから僕のチャンネルには他にもたくさんの コンテンツがある
website Patreon. If you like the show, consider throwing a few bucks my way. Just like these
よければチャンネル登録ボタンを押して 新しい動画を通知するベルのボタンも押してくれ
super brilliant people, who donate five bucks or more, per episode.
00:12:48,350 --> 00:12:52,700 まだゼルダ関連のものに興味があるなら Boss Keysの新エピソードも出る予定だ
Breath of the Wild will be out in a week or two - and you can definitely expect a video
正直に言って、DSのゼルダを再プレイする 気力がなかなか湧かないのだが
on that game in the near future. Plus, I've got lots of other stuff in the works too so maybe
自分で始めたプロジェクトだから 最後までやり通すつもりだ
tap the subscribe button, and the bell button, to get a notification whenever I put a new
video out.
Oh, and if you're still not sick of Zelda stuff then look forward to new episodes of
Boss Keys. To be honest, I'm struggling to muster up the enthusiasm to replay these DS games
but I started this ridiculous project so I shall finish it. Look out for that video
in March, I guess?