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  • Hey Guys!

  • Today I wanted to show you how to make cute lemon soap.

  • It is great as a gift and for any other soap making project.

  • It's easy and fun to make.

  • Start off by melting some clear glycerin soap

  • Once it's completely melted add a tiny bit yellow soap colorant.

  • And to make it smell like a lemon I used a lemon, I used lemon soap scent but you can use an essential oil as well.

  • Mix everything very well and then pour it into a small round mold.

  • Spray some rubbing alcohol on top to remove bubbles and then wait for the soap to harden completely.

  • Now you can remove the soap from the mold

  • I repeated the same with a green and orange colour, to create orange and lime soap.

  • now with a knife cut the soap into small section like you would cut a pie.

  • The more section you create the more realistic it will look in the end.

  • I created about 10 to 12 sections.

  • Once you are done with that, take a toothpick and score the outer surface of the soap.

  • This way the next layer of soap will stick a little better to the sections.

  • And if you want to make it even more realistic and you're not lazy for that...

  • You can also cut off a small piece on each outer corner.

  • This way the shape looks a bit more realistic in the end.

  • Now place the soap into a bigger round mold...

  • and arrange the sections so that you have tiny gaps between them.

  • But be sure that the gaps are wide enough that the next layer of soap can run through them.

  • Spray some rubbing alcohol on top, so every side is covered with it...

  • and then pour white glycerin soap to the side.

  • You want the soap to cover the sides and the small gaps between each section.

  • If they start to move around a bit you can use a toothpick and move the back a little.

  • And now let the soap completely harden again.

  • If your mold was a bit too big, you can use around cookie cutter, and make the wide layer slightly smaller.

  • Now with a toothpick score the outside of the soap as well and spray some rubbing alcohol on top.

  • Then place the soap into a round mold that is slightly bigger than the soap it self,

  • and pour in lemon scented yellow glycerin on top, also spray rubbing alcohol again.

  • And let the soap completely harden.

  • This is how it looks once you remove it from the mold.

  • But if you want you can carefully slice the soap with a knife.

  • and you get cute lemon slices.

  • But you can also create limes and oranges the same way you create the lemon. Just with the right color.

  • I hope you liked this idea and found it helpful.

  • If you did please like this video to support this channel,

  • And if you haven't already, subscribe for more fun and easy DIYs in the future,

  • Have a wonderful day everyone! And see you next week.

Hey Guys!


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DIY: レモンソープ - シトラスフルーツのメルト&ポアソープ (DIY: Lemon Soap - Citrus Fruits Melt & Pour Soap)

  • 174 17
    pon に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日