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  • "Rainbow Six Siege" came out last December,

  • about 10 months ago.

  • It's a tense, tactical multiplayer shooter,

  • and it attracted a big following of players

  • excited by the prospect of something fresh, something new.

  • Today more people are playing Siege every day

  • than ever before.

  • That means this game is something special,

  • and it's time for you to give it a try.

  • That's why I'm here, to give you your six

  • steps to success in Siege.

  • Let's begin.

  • Step one, watch the tutorial videos.

  • Now, don't scoff.

  • I'm sure you've aimed down plenty of virtual sights

  • before, but trust me, Siege is a different beast.

  • This is largely because of the extensive environmental

  • destructability.

  • Walls, ceilings, and floors all have the potential

  • to be blown up, shot through, and generally rendered

  • useless for the purpose they were designed to serve.

  • Take a moment and picture them-- all the walls you encounter

  • in your daily life.

  • So solid, so safe.

  • Well, not in this world, friend-o.

  • The ceiling is a place where bad guys come from.

  • The floor is a lie they tell children.

  • And the walls?

  • You cannot trust the walls.

  • That's why you watch tutorial videos.

  • You'll learn, you'll get paid in renown,

  • and you'll move on to step two, get situated with situations.

  • These are solo missions that familiarize you

  • with the basic mechanics of how to kick butt in Siege, how

  • to use your drone at the beginning of the match

  • to scout the scene, how to use your drone

  • in the middle of the match to scout the scene.

  • Scouting may not feel like a real bad ass thing to do,

  • but good intel means a better chance

  • to get the best of your enemies.

  • Knowledge is power.

  • Practice firing as you pop out of cover or peek

  • around corners.

  • This is how most gunfights are won.

  • Rappel up, rappel down, and don't worry

  • when you fall off the roof.

  • It happens to everyone.

  • Throw stun grenades until you aren't flashing yourself

  • in the face.

  • And as much as you'll want to put on training montage music,

  • don't.

  • The audio effects in Siege are hugely helpful in tracking

  • your enemies.

  • And remember what I said about knowledge?

  • Power.

  • Now that you've played a few situations

  • and earned a nice little stash of renown,

  • let's head on over to the Operator menu and spend it.

  • Step three, unlock Operators and gear up.

  • Operators are the unique characters

  • of "Rainbow Six Siege."

  • Each has a special ability that can

  • help you do cool stuff in combat, like detect heartbeats,

  • or set booby traps, or revive downed allies,

  • or carry a big stonking hammer.

  • Pick at least one attacker and one defender that sound

  • cool to you, and unlock them.

  • But be sure to save a few hundred

  • renown for their loadouts.

  • Adding a sight to an SMG or assault rifle

  • will be a huge help when you enter

  • the deadly battlegrounds of Siege which

  • you're going to do right-- now.

  • It's time for step four, stepping up to the streets.

  • If you're attacking, use your drone to find the objective.

  • Scan your enemies and park in a hidden spot

  • with good sight lines, so your dead teammates

  • can use it as a camera later.

  • On defense, set up your Operator gadget if you've got one,

  • throw down some barbed wire and doorways,

  • and fortify a wall or two.

  • Blast enemy drones if you can, but do not

  • risk shooting your teammates just because the paparazzi

  • on wheels is up in your face.

  • Celebrities deal with this kind of thing all the time,

  • and they barely ever shoot anybody.

  • All right, the preparation phase is over,

  • but the intel war is already in full swing.

  • Defenders, get on the cameras and try

  • to spot where the enemy is coming from.

  • Attackers, be on the lookout for said cameras,

  • and if you see one, shoot it.

  • Watch for peepholes in barricades or walls

  • that the defenders might be using to spot you,

  • and approach the building with your team.

  • Now is the time when you might be tempted

  • to make a solo flanking run, or roam away

  • from your team's defenses.

  • These can both be super good things to do,

  • and you will do them.

  • You will make that YouTube highlight,

  • that oh-so-GIFable hero play.

  • But if you think you're going to do it

  • in your first few matches, you're dreaming, my friend.

  • Snap out of it.

  • Step five, embrace death.

  • You're going to die.

  • You're going to die a lot, and you won't

  • respawn until the next round.

  • Use the cameras to help your teammates if you can,

  • and think about how you died.

  • Figuring out how you got got not only teaches you

  • about your mistakes, it also gives you

  • ideas on how to turn the tables, and then

  • kill people with those tables.

  • Metaphorically.

  • You'll have your best shot at success

  • if you stick to step six, teamwork makes the dream work.

  • Pick a buddy and stick with your buddy.

  • Learn from your buddy.

  • Shoot where your buddy shoots, and cover your buddy's back.

  • If your buddy goes down, revive your buddy

  • if the coast is clear, and then try to avenge your buddy.

  • This is how you learn.

  • Knowledge is power.

  • The power to deal with those pesky shield bearing

  • enemies, power to swing through a freshly

  • breached window like a bonafide action hero.

  • The power to feel like the bad ass "Rainbow Six Siege"

  • player you are destined to be.

  • It's a powerful feeling, one that more people are

  • experiencing every day.

  • And now that you know how to start strong, it's your turn.

  • See you on the Siege grounds.

  • For more tips, strategies, and gaming puns,

  • subscribe to this YouTube channel and visit the UbiBlog.

"Rainbow Six Siege" came out last December,


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B2 中上級

レインボーシックス シークレット シークレット成功のための6つのステップガイド - Ubisoft SEA (Rainbow Six Siege Six-Step Guide to Siege Success - Ubisoft SEA)

  • 209 6
    Amy.Lin に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日