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Nansi is famous for its plum chicken and fireflies. 楠西最有名的是梅子雞和螢火蟲
But besides these things, 除了這些以外
Nansi also has lychees, and those are popular as well! 楠西的特產還有荔枝也非常受歡迎
Nansi is surrounded by mountains with picturesque scenery, 楠西四面環山山明水秀
and it has Zengwen Reservoir, hiking trails, 有曾文水庫、登山步道、
quaint villages and Guidan Hot Springs. 寧靜的聚落、還有龜丹溫泉
It’s the perfect place to escape from chaos 是一個適合遠離塵囂
and to relax your spirit. 放鬆心情
as you indulge in some outdoor activities. 並享受戶外活動的好去處
Hey, David here, and guess where I’m at? 嘿 我是大衛 猜猜我在哪裡?
I’m at Zengwen Reservoir, 我在曾文水庫
and it’s the largest reservoir in all of Taiwan. 它是臺灣最大的水庫
And this beautiful building here in the Eye of Zengwen Reservoir, 這棟美麗的建築物是曾文之眼
and it also happens to be the information center of this place. 也是這裡的遊客資訊中心
The Eye of Zengwen Reservoir is in the middle 曾文之眼是
of the Zengwen Reservoir Scenic Area, 曾文水庫風景區的中繼點
and it’s also a tourist information center. 也是遊客服務中心
The building took its inspiration from the shape of an eye, 這棟建築是以眼睛的造型來設計
and it’s very unique. 非常有特色
Nature is reflected off the building’s facade 建築外觀反射自然環境
as it virtually blends into the surrounding views. 虛實美景交融
It really is pretty. 非常美
On the second floor is an art and cultural exhibition space. 二樓還有藝文展覽
It’s a great place to check out. 很適合來這裡逛一逛
The Zengwen Dam measures 133 meters in height 曾文水庫大壩高達133公尺
and 400 meters in width, 壩長400公尺
so, it’s big enough for large vehicles to drive on. 可供大型車輛通行
The dam is roughly 930 million cubic meters in volume, 大壩體積達九百二十九萬六千一百立方公尺
and has three radial gates. 共有三座弧型鋼閘
It truly is a magnificent feat of engineering. 工程十分浩大
That’s a massive structure. 真是一個非常巨大的結構
We are on top of the dam of Zengwen Reservoir, 我們現在在曾文水庫的大壩頂
and it’s 400 meters wide. 它有400公尺寬
And, as you guys can see, 而就如你們所看到的
the water level is very, very low right now, 現在的水位非常低
so, make sure you guys conserve water at home, 大家在家要記得省水
and shut off that drippy tap. 並關緊水龍頭
This truly looks epic. 這裡看起來真的非常壯觀
You can see the spillway from the observatory, 從觀景台可以看到溢洪道
and the view here is fantastic. 景色非常優美
Zengwen Reservoir has a rich biodiversity, 曾文水庫的生態非常多元
and you can see crested serpent eagles here 還可以看到大冠鷲
along with many other bird species. 和很多種鳥類
The lake created by the dam has 因大壩而形成的湖面
a view worthy of your indulgence. 景致非常值得欣賞
The Tainan City Bus can take you to Zengwen Reservoir. 搭乘大台南公車也會到曾文水庫喔
This observatory looks really cool, 這座觀景樓看起來非常有特色
you can take the elevator up 這裡還可以搭電梯
to admire at the views. 上去欣賞風景
Look at that million-dollar view. 快看這百萬元等級的美景
We are on top of the Zengwen Reservoir observatory, 我們在曾文水庫的觀景台上面
and here you can see the vast lake created 這裡可以看到曾文溪因為水壩阻攔
by the damming of Zengwen River. 而形成的廣闊湖面
This observatory is circular in shape, 這棟觀景樓是圓形建築
so, you can see the lake from all angles. 可以欣賞到不同角度的湖面景緻
But, a view isn’t complete without a cup of coffee. 但欣賞風景怎能缺少咖啡呢
You know, if you’ve been following the show for long enough, 若你有關注我們的節目
you’ll know that I really like coffee, 就會知道我真的很愛喝咖啡
and to be able to enjoy it with a view like this, 而能在這裡邊看美景邊喝咖啡
it’s really something. 真的很特別
Simply looking at the lake from afar is not enough. 遠遠的欣賞湖面景色怎麼夠呢
A boat ride is a must. 當然要搭船體驗一下
One thing I really want to try 在這裡我一直想嘗試
is the boat tour they have here, 搭遊艇遊湖
and I think the dock is just down that way, 我想碼頭就在下面那邊
so, let’s go. 我們走吧
You know, we are in the dry season right now, 現在正處於旱季
so, the dock is actually all the way down there. 所以碼頭是在非常下面的地方
Let’s go. 走吧
It's easy enough going down 要下去很簡單
but I can't wait to climb back up this thing. 但我真的很期待爬回去
Where you board the boat depends entirely on the water level. 在哪裡搭遊艇跟水位的高低有關
Currently, the water at the reservoir is very low, 目前水庫的水位非常低
so ,you must walk down 200 flights of steps to reach the boat. 所以搭遊艇必須往下走200階的階梯
Whew, you’ve got to be fit to do this! 呼需要一點體力才行
The boat ride is tons of fun. 搭遊艇非常有趣
You get to see the reservoir from a new perspective, 你可以看到水庫不一樣的視野
and you may even be able to see eagles. 還有機會看到老鷹
A guide also accompanies you along for the boat ride. 沿途也有導遊全程導覽
There is also Wild Boar Island. 這裡還有山豬島
Once near, the boat would start playing opera, 船隻靠近就會放歌劇
which attracts the boars, 山豬聽到歌劇就會馬上衝過來
and you get to feed them as well. 還可以體驗餵山豬的樂趣
Next time you have the chance of visiting Zengwen Reservoir, 有機會來曾文水庫
You’d have to experience the boat ride. 一定要搭遊艇體驗一下
Hey folks, we are at the Creekside Recreational Area. 嘿 大家 我們現在在溪畔遊憩區
Now, you wouldn’t believe it if I tell you, 說出來你大概不會相信
but this lush green park 但這綠油油的公園
used to be a construction yard for the dam. 以前是水壩工程的工程用地
It’s where they kept all the machinery and material 這裡曾經堆放工程機械與材料
They even have a water park here, 這裡還有一個戲水區
and it’s a really good place to cool off, 是個避暑降溫的好地方
especially on a hot summer’s day like this. 尤其像今天一樣炎熱的夏天
And this water is very clean. 水質非常乾淨
In fact, this came from the reservoir itself. 是直接從水庫引入的
This place covers some 8 hectares. 佔地面積約八公頃
Besides having a water park, 除了親水遊憩
it has other recreational facilities as well, 還有一些遊樂設施
along with some landscaping. 和許多造景
It’s the perfect place for a picnic, 很適合在這裡野餐
bird watching, or simply taking a stroll. 賞鳥 散步
A few kilometers downstream from the dam 水壩下游處幾公里的地方