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  • Hey, David here, 嘿,我是大衛

  • and I just got off the bus at Yongkang Industrial Park. 我剛剛在永康工業區下了公車

  • And someone told me that there is an herbal, 有人告訴我說這附近

  • biomedical tourism factory in this area. 有一個草藥的生技觀光工廠

  • Let’s go find it! 我們去找找看!

  • This is our very professional resident pharmacist 這位是我們非常專業的駐廠藥師,

  • Hsu of this establishment. 許藥師

  • Can you take us on a tour? 可以帶我導覽嗎?

  • Sure thing! Let’s go! 好啊!跟我走!

  • David, this is our story hall of pain relief patches. David這是我們的痠痛藥布故事館

  • Stiff and achy muscles have plagued humanity since the very beginning, 肌肉痠痛自古以來就困擾著人們,

  • and in each era, there are remedies to cure it. 而每個時代都有治療的方法。

  • The Han Dynasty hasfu-gao” 從漢代的「敷膏」

  • and the Tang Dynasty hasruan-gao”, 到唐代的「軟膏」

  • whilediao-gaofirst appeared during the Qing Dynasty, 清朝則出現了「吊膏」

  • In recent years, convenient oil-based medicinal patches, 近代出現了更便利的「油性藥膠布」

  • and hypoallergenic water-based patches have become available. 及抗過敏的「水性藥膠布」

  • In this story hall, 在這個故事館裡

  • you can read about the history of medicinal patches. 可以看到藥布的發展史

  • What is the main difference between oil-based 那水性跟油性最大的

  • and water-based patches? 差異在哪裡

  • Normally speaking, 一般來講的話

  • we use Chinese medicine in our oil-based patches. 油性貼布我們是用中藥的成份

  • They can promote blood circulation and dispel bruises. 它有活血化瘀的作用

  • and are frequently used for chronic muscle pains. 常用在慢性痠痛

  • For more immediate symptoms such as swelling, 如果是受傷當下的紅腫

  • tenderness or warmness, 熱 痛

  • water-based patches offer faster anti-inflammatory properties. 用水性貼布消炎的速度會比較快

  • The high polymer base of these patches 加上這類貼布上面基劑是高分子聚合物

  • reduces the chance of skin allergies. 皮膚比較不會過敏

  • It turns out, oil-based and water-based patches 原來油性和水性貼布使用上

  • are used quite differently. 還是有一點不一樣

  • You can see how medicinal patches were once made in the past. 在這裡可以看到過去製作藥布的方法

  • It’s sure to trigger nostalgia in many of you. 應該可以勾起不少人的記憶

  • Tainan developed quite early, 臺南開發得比較早

  • and was a very prosperous city. 是繁華的都市

  • As people’s emphasis on health and well-being correlates 由於經濟條件好 相對地

  • with economic prosperity, 也非常注重健康

  • places such as Yongkang in Tainan became major manufacturing 因此臺南永康等地區開始出現了許多

  • and distribution hubs for Chinese medicine. 中藥集散地及中藥房

  • Once industrialization kicked in, 等到整個工業化以後

  • many industrial parks began to pop up in Tainan, 臺南也成立了很多的工業區

  • and the Yongkang Industrial Park is 永康工業區算是

  • one of the earlier examples in this area. 一個比較早成立的地方

  • Therefore, there are many Chinese medicine factories 因此有很多 跟中藥相關的工廠

  • in this area. 設置在這個地方

  • David, this is our manufacturing building. David這邊是我們的製程棟

  • You can see how medicines are manufactured here. 這裡可以很清楚地看到藥品的製程

  • Products such as Guilu Erxian Jiao and medicated wines 例如龜鹿二仙膠和藥酒

  • all came from this facility. 都是在這個廠區生產的

  • A rundown of the production process can be seen on the wall 牆面上還有完整製作流程

  • along with informative videos. 和製程影片

  • This way, visitors can really learn about 讓參觀民眾可以深入了解

  • how medicines are produced. 藥品的製程

  • You know, I see a lot of GMP certifications out there, 我在外在常常會看到GMP認證,

  • but what’s the difference between CGMP and PIC/S 但CGMPPIC/S 有哪裡不一樣?

  • GMP stands for Good Manufacturing Practices in pharmaceuticals, GMP是藥品優良製造作業規範

  • while PIC/S GMP is a standard regulated under PIC/S GMP

  • the Pharmaceutical Inspection Convention 國際醫藥品稽查

  • and Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme. 協約組織的標準

  • Our facility is PIC/S GMP certified. 那我們藥廠已經達到PIC/S GMP規格了

  • Whoa! Look at all these awards and patent! 哇! 好多獎項跟專利喔!

  • Hmm, that’s right 嗯 沒錯!

  • David, the equipment here are from when we first started. David 這些是我們創立的時候留下來的機具

  • Right now, we are in the time tunnel, 我們現在在時光隧道裡面

  • and it’s actually an exhibition hall for the biomedical plant. 它其實是這個生技工廠的展覽空間

  • And here you can see a lot of history 這裡可以看到很多歷史

  • and old artifacts from the past. 與過往的文物

  • So, this little machine actually pounds and kneads the ingredients 這台小機器可以捶打與搓揉原料

  • until it’s chewy, so it’s easier for your stomach. 直到它比較有彈性,減少對胃的負擔

  • This is a reproduction of the original herbal shop. 然後這是一個早期藥草鋪的復刻版

  • Back in the days, they have the herbs in jars, 那個時候,藥草會被放在罐子

  • and in these little cabinets and drawers. 櫥櫃或抽屜裡面

  • Oh? What’s this? 喔?這是什麼?

  • Can it read my pulse? 這可以把脈嗎?

  • Oh! No, no! 喔!不是不是!

  • This introduces you to the five major organs in Chinese medicine, 它這個是用來介紹中醫的五臟

  • such as the heart. 比如說:心

  • Through interactive games like this one, 透過類似這樣的互動遊戲

  • we can understand our bodies a little bit better. 可以讓我們更認識自己的身體狀況

  • This kiosk can figure out 這台儀器可以了解

  • if we have any degenerative joint diseases or not, 我們的骨關節有沒有退化

  • Well, that looks easy enough. 看起來很容易喔

  • So, it’s a self-diagnostic machine. 它是一台可以自我診斷的機器

  • Let’s check my bone structures then. 我們來檢查一下我的骨骼結構

  • That’s easy, I’m a dude, 這很簡單,我是男的

  • andso, it’s a questionnaire. 所以它其實就是一份問卷

  • Congrats! Your bones are healthy! 恭喜你骨頭很健康

  • Whew! So, according to this machine, 吁! 根據這台機器

  • my bones are just fine. 我的骨頭好端端的

  • It’s good to know. 那我就放心了

  • David, as you can see, modern Chinese medicine David你看我們現在的中藥

  • has largely become a scientifically processed affair. 都已經發展成科學中藥

  • You know, as a kid I hated medicine, 你知道嗎? 我小時候超討厭吃藥

  • especially Chinese herbal medicine, 尤其是中藥

  • because I had to swallow these really nasty brown powders. 以前我都要吞很難下嚥的咖啡色粉末

  • But, nowadays, they actually go through an 18 -step process 但現在,在通過18步驟的製程後

  • to make it into a pill that is easy to swallow. 所製造出的藥丸就好吞多了

  • Travelling through thetime tunnel”, 穿越了「時光走廊」後

  • I’ve learned a great deal about both the culture 讓我對傳統

  • of traditional Chinese medicine 中藥文化

  • as well as modern scientifically processed Chinese medicine. 和現代科學中藥有些認識了

  • On top of the guided tours, 這裡除了有導覽參觀

  • Theyve got DIY activities here. 還有DIY的活動喔

  • Hey David, let’s do some DIY todayDavid 我們今天要來做DIY

  • This is our new DIY project. 這是我們 新的DIY

  • A stylized mosquito-repelling scented pouch. 叫做防蚊造型香香包

  • This scented pouch contains five types of herbs. 這個香包是用五種天然藥材製作

  • Once youve taken Dahurian angelica, lemongrass, 把白芷 檸檬香茅

  • silvery wormwood, mint and patchouli 艾草 薄荷 藿香

  • and mixed it all together, 等藥材全部混在一起後

  • you wrap the ingredients inside a lump of cotton 再用棉花包裹藥材

  • before stuffing it all into a sock. 將包好的棉花塞進襪子裡

  • Next, decorate it to your heart’s content! 接下來就盡心地裝飾它囉!

  • Isn’t it creative? 是不是很有創意呢?

  • This reminds me of my kindergarten days, 這個讓我回憶起了幼兒園的日子

  • and it’s a lot of fun. 真的很好玩

  • This is my little puffer fish, 這是我的小河豚

  • and there’s the mouth, 然後這裡是嘴巴

  • and the eyes right here. 眼睛在這裡

  • This is also a scented pouch that repels mosquitoes. 這也是一個可以驅趕蚊子的香包

Hey, David here, 嘿,我是大衛


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B1 中級

ヘルス&ウェルネスツーリズム (Health & Wellness Tourism)

  • 37 3
    Hot Tainan 哈臺南 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日