字幕表 動画を再生する
- Good morning, everyone!
Today is Jacob's EEG test.
So we kept him up really late last night,
and then he woke up this morning
and felt like he had to throw up.
But you didn't throw up, right Buddy?
Kept it in.
We're getting these tests done
so we can figure out why he wakes up
feeling so ill in the mornings.
So I don't know if that's connected.
If him staying up late is connected
to him feeling sick.
Jacob's just about to get his EEG.
So he's got all these leads on his head.
- You told me on my heart.
- [Dad] And there's one on your heart?
- Two.
- [Dad] Two on your heart?
And these are just gonna measure things
while you sleep.
(ragtime strumming)
Jacob just finished his test.
He did really well.
He slept for most of it,
which I think was the plan.
That's why we kept him up so late.
How do you feel, Buddy?
Feel good?
I kinda like your hair like this.
Maybe we should put EEG paste in your hair all the time.
What do you think of that?
- I don't think so.
- [Dad] You don't think so?
So every once in a while,
Jacob wakes up kind of sick,
and he'll throw up and is really pale
and he looks sick.
And it's been an ongoing issue for almost two years now.
And so now we're doing a whole bunch of tests
to try and figure out what the problem is
and what the problem isn't.
So today, it's,
we're checking his heart.
And so he had an EKG,
and they listened to his heart on an ultrasound.
And now, he has an EKG machine that he's gonna
carry around with him for 24 hours.
- That's a whole day.
- This is what it's like being in a doctor's office
with a one year old.
(child screams)
- Hey, everybody.
I'm actually backstage with Colleen.
- So we have to be quiet.
- I'm being way too loud.
- (mumbles) day.
We were working all day long.
Like constantly shooting.
We didn't (mumbles) spot.
I was supposed vlog today, too.
And I totally didn't.
However, I did get cut in half today.
- Actually got cut in thirds.
- I got cut in thirds today.
So that was weird.
- We got to play with an illusion from like
some of my heroes in magic.
Like classic, old school, their actual props today.
- So cool.
- And I think some of it's still on stage.
I'm gonna try and show you some.
Let's see if I can show you.
- [Stagehands] Yeah, that's great.
That's the perfect look you just did.
Oh, I got it.
Yes, we should.
Let's do that.
- Yeah.
We did a whole bunch of magic.
We dressed up in ridiculous costumes.
And sorry about that.
I just hit you with the curtain.
Eric's a lotta fun,
and I can't wait for the video to go up.
It's Saturday right now,
and Jessica is at a shoot with Colleen,
and so I have the kids solo.
So, obviously, I took them to Disneyland.
'Cause what else are we gonna do, right?
Anyway, I haven't been vlogging.
We've been having a lot of fun,
but I haven't been vlogging because
I have three kids at Disneyland,
and that's a lot to keep track of.
I probably shouldn't be doing it right now.
Look, here's one.
Here he comes.
He's comin'.
Here he comes.
He's gonna show up.
There he is.
Say hi.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Do you like Disneyland?
- Yeah.
- Yeah, you do.
What's your favorite ride?
- Parker.
- Parker.
Parker is his favorite ride.
Ah, ha, ha.
Did you go on the Jungle Cruise?
- Yeah.
- Did you like the animals?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
What was your favorite animal?
- Animals.
- Animals.
Just all the animals?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
What was your favorite joke?
I liked all the rock jokes.
'Cause sometimes people take those for granite.
(ragtime strumming)
So we're at a restaurant,
and all of the children of the restaurant
have found all the snails in all the planters.
- It's a baby.
- [Dad] It's a baby?
- A snails.
- [Dad] Snails?
- [Kid] Can he have one?
- [Dad] Yeah, he can have one.
Do you wanna hold a snail?
- So many.
- Do you wanna hold it?
- No.
(symphonic music)
- When we were doing the Miranda book,
we (mumbles) pay for snails,
and Christopher had to do a whole day, like,
for the (mumbles) put snails on a page.
- I had one snail that I made. - Look like a bunch of snails.
- Look like a ton of snails.
- And now, look at this.
- [Bailey] Jacob! Can you take 'em.
- We have to rewrite the book now.
(symphonic music)
- [Dad] Awww. Best landing ever.
So right before we started eating,
these girls came up to us and said,
"Hey, you wanna go on a helicopter ride?"
And Colleen said yes.
So now this is happening.
And Bailey and Jacob are getting buckled in.
Are you a pilot?
Are you a pilot?
You're a pilot.
This is kinda weird.
I guess the pilot sits on the opposite side.
But it feels like I am in the driver's seat
of a helicopter right now.
I have a stick.
And things.
What is going on here?
Jacob, how you feeling, buddy?
- [Mom] Smile for Mommy.
(copter motor hums)
- [Air Traffic Controller] One nine zero. Romeo tower.
We're ten northwest.
(upbeat synth and heavy bass drum)
Did you go on a helicopter?
- Yeah.
- How was it?
- Great!
- It was great!
Thank you guys so much for inviting us.
- Yeah, no problem.
- Whatever!
- [Dad] That was awesome.
Thank you guys so much for joining us today.
This last weekend was absolute insanity.
I can't believe we did all that stuff.
It was crazy.
I wanna know what is the craziest adventure
you've ever been on.
Going on that helicopter ride and seeing
those whales in the water was mind blowing.
I could not believe that we went and did that,
and had that opportunity.
Write it in the comments section down below.
What is your favorite adventure that you've ever had?
I wanna read your comments.
Thank you guys again for watching,
and we'll see you tomorrow.
- Instructions here.
You just look at the pictures, don't you?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Wouldn't it be cool if you could, like,
turn to the last page of the instructions
and just take the Legos right off the page?
- Yeah.
- Wouldn't that be cool if you could just do that?