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  • They tell you that everything begins...

  • The tree begins as a seed. How do you know the seed is the beginning?

  • How do you know it's not the end product?

  • Now you don't get that in school;

  • they have to make you alike, then they can control you.

  • When war comes they make you patriotic.

  • The Venus Project Tour

  • There is no 'you'. People say "What about individuality?"

  • That's all bullshit. When you're very young, they pump crap into your head:

  • Cinderella, Christianity.

  • I want to tell you something about infants.

  • They can learn technology right away: electronics,

  • continental drift, agriculture. Kids can learn anything,

  • just as soon as they can learn 'Jack and the Beanstalk'.

  • On the way, he met a cow "Moo moo," said the cow, "Bah bah," said the sheep.

  • You fill kid's heads with that shit, and you want them to grow up sane?

  • Whatever they pump into your head,

  • then they say to you as a baby

  • "Who loves you more than anyone in the world? " "I don't know."

  • "Your mommy and daddy!"

  • "What is the greatest country in the world? " "I don't know." "This country!"

  • Creativity is taking known elements,

  • and putting them together in unique ways.

  • I'm trying to give you back your brain,

  • which they took away from you in schools and in your upbringing.

  • I'm trying to show you how the world works.

  • If you want a better world, you have to

  • get up off your ass and make it better.

  • The future is going to be very different than what it is today.

  • The Venus Project

  • is not about new cities or new architecture. It's about a way of thinking.

  • I want you to understand that man reflects his culture, his language.

  • No Chinese baby was ever born speaking Chinese

  • without being exposed to the language.

  • We found out that you can't pass on acquired things like bigotry,

  • prejudice or greed. That's all learned in your culture or your subculture.

  • The difference between a serial killer and a saint is environment.

  • That's a very hard thing to accept because that raises lots of questions.

  • We have no natural instincts.

  • All that's bullshit. It's learned.

  • It's hard to believe because I feel I make my own decisions.

  • I don't feel I've been conditioned to make them

  • because it's happened ever since I was this high;

  • I don't even know what I'm doing.

  • I asked myself years ago, I said "Gee, how are we going to change the world

  • with all these different values, different people thinking differently?"

  • I said "I don't know."

  • That's the first thing you have to learn how to say: I don't know.

  • [If] we don't know how to get to different people,

  • how we going to build a saner world?

  • I realized that the rules of the game, the way society operates,

  • didn't make sense, because there was products

  • and people wanted things, but they didn't have the money.

  • I figured it was the old rules of the game

  • that were at fault, that were aberrated,

  • so I began to work on the redesign of society.

  • Reason and logic is not the way to get to people.

  • You have to get to them in a way they understand,

  • and if you fail, come at it in another way.

  • If you demonstrate it, they know what you're talking about.

  • So, I began to say "How do you know what you think is true?

  • That maybe your own projection. You have to look at the whole picture."

  • They say "God put the fingernails on so if insects get on, you can scratch."

  • Why did He make the goddamn insects? Then He wouldn't have to make the fingernails.

  • You understand? It becomes confusing.

  • They say "I believe in nature. Nature is harmonious."

  • Every big fish is eating every smaller fish.

  • Every organ in your body is fighting constantly invading bacteria.

  • Is that what you mean by harmony?

  • There are planets that are exploding out there,

  • meteorites that hit one another and blow up. What's the purpose of that?

  • What's the purpose of floods? To drown people?

  • In other words, if you start looking for purpose,

  • you've got to look all over, take in the whole picture.

  • So, man projects his own values into nature.

  • It's hard to be decent in a money world.

  • We want to shut down all repetitious jobs, automate it,

  • free people. That's the government of the future.

  • No people, because people fucked up every time they were in government.

  • They all become corrupt. They get payed off. They go to war again.

  • You have depression. It'd never put an end to anything.

  • A machine has no ambition.

  • It doesn't want to take over. It doesn't have a gut reaction,

  • because it's the only thing that can handle a global system. Man can't.

  • It would take 10 years to change the Earth into a second Garden of Eden,

  • if you get rid of hand labor.

  • Politicians do that; they speak to win approval.

  • The scientist: If everybody believes the Earth is flat, they move right in.

  • They say "You're wrong. It's round, and this is the evidence."

  • So, don't speak to win approval.

  • When you learn to surrender your ego for sharing ideas,

  • that's the beginning of real progress.

  • They don't want you to be smarter than they are.

  • Don't forget when you run into an egotist (what they call an 'egotist')

  • they try to maintain their position of leadership.

  • When you say "I'm just a plain, old American and I love this country,

  • if you don't like it, get the fuck out!"

  • See it's easy to understand, isn't it?

  • That's why most people are simplistic, because it is easy to grasp.

  • "Do the right thing; that's all. " What's the right thing?

  • A guy said "Every time I ask you a question, I get a lecture!

  • I want an answer!"

  • There are no answers. It's very complex, every question a person asks.

  • "How come some people work really hard, and others don't work at all?"

  • "It's because he is lazy. " "Ah OK, that's clear,"

  • but if you go into the background of a person, how he gets to be that way,

  • why he avoids work,

  • you go into the nature of the factors that shape human behavior.

  • You know what I mean? That's too complicated.

  • Do you know what I mean?

They tell you that everything begins...


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ヴィーナス・プロジェクト - ジャッキー・フレスコとのツアー - 予告編 (The Venus Project - Tour with Jacque Fresco - Trailer)

  • 6 1
    王惟惟 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日