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Hello World! This is a FAQ video.
Okay. So what's our first question?
"Are you American?"
No, but technically we are American.
Well...yeah partly, because Canada is part of America....the Americas...North America.
So, yes. We are American but we're Canadian, as well.
"Where is the Mom? I want to see her. I found her!"
Right, lots of people are asking
"Where's Mommy? Where's the Mommy?"
Where is the Mommy?
Well, we're not gonna show her in the videos
because she doesn't want anybody to see her
so yeah, shes not trying to go in the videos.
Yeah, but sometimes she's kind of hidden in the videos
not her face but you might see parts of her body
In the Shikinejima video, you know the hat
and there's an eye.
Yeah, it covered her face.
"Is he the Dad?"
Am I the Dad?
Well, I'm not your father.
I'm her father.
I'm your father!!
I like that shirt.
Zip it back up.
Next question!
"What's your background?"
What's your background?
I think people want to know...
...where...what are you made up of?
Like what countries or what ethnicities?
Do you know?
I know but you should answer.
Okay, so what are you?
Like you know parts of yourself, right?
Yeah. I'm half Japanese and half Canadian.
Right, and then people say "Well, Canadian...
...but what's your REAL background? Like where?"
Do you know where my parents are born?
Your Grandpa and Grandma?
Oh, my Grandpa is born in China.
No...no, no, he was born in Guyana.
And my mom was born in Belize.
So that's Central and South America.
But we're not, I'm not Central or South American, either.
I'm half Chinese...
like a quarter Scottish, eighth English, eighth Spanish
and there might be some other things mixed in there but that's generally it.
So, she...is half of that.
"Why does Aiko speak Japanese or English so well?"
Well, because we....
Because I'm living in Japan
for like two or three years, right now
and then, I was living in Canada for seven years.
And...I just did it
When you were born, Aiko,
your Mommy only talked Japanese to you.
She pretended she didn't know any English.
And then I only talked English to you.
And then...
I don't know about that.
but lucky just normally talks Japanese.
Yep, so she can speak both
and she went to Japanese school when she was in Canada, as well, so that helped her.
"Does the Camera Man speak Japanese?"
Um...well...um...it does.
It does?!?!
I'm a 'he', I'm a person, you know.
Okay, okay, okay...
I'm not a robot
Uh, the camera man does speak Japanese but...
Sukoshi, Sukoshi.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, a little bit.
A little bit.
And he's learning Japanese.
"Why, why Aiko, do people take a bath when they're already clean?"
Lots of people want to know this.
What do you mean?
Well, in your bathroom video
you showered off and then you took a bath
and people want to know why would you take a bath
when you're already clean?
Well...when you're clean...after that
I...I really don't know the reason but
for me, it just goes...like...
Kimochi~!, good.
And 'Kimochi' means what?
You don't know?
Like a good feeling, right?
It's relaxing...it's relaxing.
You know what's really gross?
Is going to a hot tub with all the chlorine
and your bathing suit on...that's gross.
You know what IS relaxing?
Is showering off, being all super clean,
and then going into a nice clean bath or onsen.
Don't you think?
Yeah, yeah.
And you don't have any clothes on, so it's actually more comfy, I think.
Or just feels nicer.
Okay, "So gross...I'd never use the same water as someone else"
The same bathwater.
Well....I don't know about other houses
but we just use it because Mama...
Mommy says...
"It's lots of money, so we don't want it"
That's what she says.
Well, yeah, you don't want to refill the bathtub each time
But no, we're clean.
We're completely soaped and rinsed and very clean
before we get in to the bath. So the bath, you relax in.
Look...this, this one thing. The second thing, I just said.
Money, Money.
Money, Money.
No, but this is money in Japanese.
What's this symbol?
Isn't that 'OK'?
What's 'OK' then?
Why are you looking there?
Look over here.
Oh, okay. 'OK'.
What does that say Aiko?
What, What? Where, Where?
The last one, over here.
"Eat with your mouth closed."
Eat with your mouth...
Eat with your mouth closed.
That's not really a question. That's a statement.
I just talk when I'm eating
But I don't usually do that
I usually talk, I go like this.
Everybody does this when they talk...or...
Oh, when you're eating, you kind of like, cover your mouth?
Mhmm, yeah...
I mean, I've seen myself on footage where I'm also chomping
while I'm eating, so I think she gets the habit from me.
But...it's actually hard, you know, when you're on camera
you're being filmed, and you're trying to talk about something
you're trying to present something, you have all these things to think about so,
you don't remember to close your mouth.
So, it's okay. It's alright.
But do Japanese people normally eat with their mouth open?
No, I don't think so.
But, sometimes when they talk, they do this.
Yeah, yeah.
I think that's good for 'Frequently Asked Questions, right now."
People can always ask us some more questions
and maybe we can do another video answering them.
Okay, so how do we say goodbye now?
See you next time. Bye!!
Wait, there's no like question for them.
No, that was the question, right?
The question is, "Do you have any questions?"
Do you have any more questions?