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  • Yo I want a burrito dude! A sushi burrito?That's not

  • what I was thinking but yeah I could do that

  • too. I just had sushi like yesterday. It was at this buffet called taki. Delicious.

  • Get the fuck out of

  • Youre taking quite a bit of damage there boss.

  • I ain�t scurred!

  • I got stunned!

  • Ohhh son get outta here. Son get the fuck outta here. Right now, bitch!

  • Oh shit Derek Derek Derek! Oh God! Oh no were both gonna die. Wait what did you...oh nevermind.

  • Dude...Worth!

  • God fucking Galio. I have stun up we can get that. The vayne. You ready?

  • Uhhh

  • You good? I have flash too!

  • No I don�t think we should!

  • Alright Alright

  • Once I hit three unless she walks close enough for you to stun without flashing because I

  • don�t want to be near Galio when it happens. Basically.

  • Shit I didn�t mean to do that.

  • Get the fuck outta here Galio. That�s what I thought Galio. Galio!

  • Nice job!

  • Oh shit dude what are you doing?

  • Oh my God! I freaking got knocked back in the turret. Nice, don�t attack wait for

  • his shield.

  • Damn.

  • I meant to flash Irelia.

  • Whoah. Oh the dodge though! The flash dodge. Thanks bb.

  • Where�s Vayne dude? I wanna kill her?

  • I�m going in baby.

  • Nice dude!

  • That�s how I do.

  • Oh my *laughs* you baited me dude! Oh my God Derek. Ohhh. What? How did he mess that up?

  • You know youre going down bitch!

  • *laughing*

  • Oh Shit! Fucking hell!

  • Ahh Shit. Alright. Oh what? What the? I�m so confused. Kinda weird. Yo let�s fuck

  • this bitch up!

  • Got em!

  • The Zed�s coming.

  • I don�t care.

  • You should. Well, unless he�s not gonna attack you. Okay, he�s a bitch ass Zed.

  • He doesn�t know how to play.

  • Oh God right here! I got stun.

  • Oh God I missed it!

  • Whoa. Whoa God. Oh he got you with. Oh...Oh...Nice!

  • Get the fuck outta my house bitch!

  • Oh Shit. When did that happen?

  • Go bear go!

  • Holy Christ dude. That�s so irritating.

  • He�s fighting your bear.

  • I know.

  • I think Hecarim

  • Slows for days.

  • What�s he doing? I don�t think you can kill him either. Okay nevermind he didn�t

  • stun right away for some reason.

  • Come at me girl.

  • What�s up girls?

  • Oh no.

  • Get her. I can kill her easily

  • There�s like four of them.

  • Holy fucking hell.

  • Just kidding! Syke bitches. Sike bitches!

  • Nice job.

  • They thought I was scared just cause I used a fifteen second. Dude I�m going for the

  • end.

  • Ahh Damnit.

  • Damn that was a fight dude!

  • What? Why did it put me there?

  • Oh my god. Look how low it is.

  • GG bitches GG!

Yo I want a burrito dude! A sushi burrito?That's not


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B2 中上級

URFが2016年に復活!- アニー URFゲームプレイモンタージュ リーグ・オブ・レジェンド (URF is Back 2016! - Annie URF Gameplay Montage League of Legends)

  • 59 1
    mark に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日