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  • When I was 29 I told myself the next

  • acting job I get no matter what it pays

  • I will from now on for better or worse

  • be a working actor

  • so I quit my position at the professional examination services

  • and now I didn't have either the

  • internet or a cell phone or a job

  • but something good happened

  • I got a low-paying theater job in a play

  • called imperfect love which led to a

  • film called 13 moons with the same writer

  • which led to other roles which led to other roles

  • and I've worked as an actor ever since

  • I didn't know that would happen

  • at 29 walking away from data processing

  • I was terrified

  • ten years in a place without heat

  • six years at a job I felt stuck in

  • maybe I was afraid of change

  • are you?

  • my parents didn't have much money

  • but they struggled to send me to the best schools

  • and one of the most important things they did for me

  • is that once I graduated I was on my own

  • financially it was my turn

  • but this made me very hungry

  • literally

  • I couldn't be lazy now I'm totally lazy

  • but back then I couldn't be

  • and so at 29 in a very long last

  • I was in the company of the actors and writers

  • and directors I'd sought out that first year

  • that first day after school

  • I was I am by their sides

  • Raise the rest of your life

  • to meet you

  • Don't search for defining moments

  • because they will never come

  • The moments that define you have already happened

  • and they will already happen again

  • sorry it sucks after graduation

  • it really does

  • I mean I don't know at least it did for me

  • but that's the only thing I know

  • you you just get a bit derailed

  • but soon something starts to happen

  • trust me

  • a rhythm sets in

  • just try not to wait until like me

  • you're 29 before you find it

  • and if you are that's fine too

  • some of us never find it

  • but you will

  • I promise you

  • what did Beckett say

  • ever tried ever failed

  • no matter

  • try again

  • fail again

  • fail better

When I was 29 I told myself the next


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

モチベーション:フェイルベター(ピーター・ディンクレイジ (Motivation: Fail Better (Peter Dinklage))

  • 403 34
    Leonard Lee に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日