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Mmm it's-a Orange Juice
What's up everyone, this is yarn from Orange Juice
Sparky can be difficult to counter head on
And if left alone she can decimate your towers
In this video, we'll be showing you a few ways with how to counter Sparky combos
First and foremost, zap is the obvious choice
For 2 elixir it can stun Sparky forcing her to recharge for 5 seconds
Alone the Mini PEKKA takes 3 shots to kill Sparky
If you pair the Mini PEKKA with Zap, it can take out Sparky in 2 hits
Zap paired with a building and a heavy hitter can usually take care of most Giant Sparky combos
Freeze will also reset Sparky's charge attack as well as freeze her
This gives you ample time to engage in combat
Freeze + Valkyrie is a deadly combo for a lot of situations
Poison deals similar damage to Fireball
And also slows down units by 20%
This means, under the influence of Poison, it takes Sparky 6 seconds to charge up
More importantly, poison can take care of any small units they planted with their Sparky
Ice Wizard is more similar to Poison than it is to Freeze
He slow down units by 35%
When frozen by the Ice Wizard, Sparky's charge attack will take almost a full 7 seconds to charge up
The absolute best and underrated way to counter Sparky is with a Rocket
When she's planted behind the tower, you can deal a lot of damage to their Arena Tower as well as the Sparky
When Sparky is planted in the front and she's supported by units like Barbarians, that's a huge positive elixir trade
If Sparky is by herself
The best way to disarm Sparky is by surrounding her with small units
Her attack takes a full 5 seconds to charge up
When you surround the Sparky, she won't be able to take care of all the small units in 1 shot
Skeletons, Goblins and Guards are great units to use to surround Sparky
Guards are one of the best units to surround Sparky with since they can absorb her blast with their shield
Because of this, Dark Prince is great against Sparky as well
Barbarians are also a great unit to surround Sparky with since they can set you up for a counter push
Sparky can't attack air so Minions are great at melting her
When Sparky is supported with Barbarians and Giant
You won't be able to surround the Sparky with small units
You can use Minion Horde if they don't have splash units or arrows in rotation
If they do have splash units, or arrows to counter your Minions
You'll have to make sure you have other ways of dealing with Sparky
I recommend watching our How to Counter Giant video if you haven't watched it yet
This video will help you with building placement and shows you how to deal with supporting units
A Giant is almost always paired up with Sparky
A simple Zap will disarm Sparky long enough for the Inferno to melt her away
And act as a punching bag to absorb her blast
Against the Royal Giant Sparky combo, you can plant the Inferno tower earlier, because Sparky will push the Royal Giant into range
If you plant your Inferno Tower early, be prepared to deal with small units such as Minion Horde, since they can easily distract your Inferno Tower
Furnace, Goblin Hut, and Tombstone are relatively low cost spawners that can distract Sparky blasts and allow you to build up elixir for a defense
You can also use the Spawner buildings and pull the Giant with a 4-2 plant
If a Splash unit is supporting Sparky, you won't be able to surround or use Minions
But you can still use small units to absorb the Sparky blast, and cycle your deck
Skeletons and Ice Spirits are great for this because they only cost 1 elixir
If Sparky isn't fully charged
The Ice Spirit will freeze Sparky
This will disarm her for a total of 7 seconds
Make sure you plant them far enough from the splash unit, but close enough that the Sparky will target them
Ice Spirit is a very reliable card to do this with
As it can survive 3 shots from an Ice Wizard, and 1 shot from a Princess
A Giant is a great unit to tank n' spank
He can survive 2 blasts from a Sparky
When there's a Wizard supporting Sparky, this allows you to plant any high DPS cards to take out the Wizard followed by Sparky
Make sure you don't plant your tanking too close to your crown tower, or else the Sparky blast will splash onto your tower as well
You can also use your own Sparky to take out your opponents incoming Giant Sparky combo
Your Sparky will blast the incoming Giant's, splashing onto their Sparky in the back
If you need to counter push the other lane
You can position the Giant one tile on the other side
Another great tank against Sparky is the Giant Skeleton
He can attack Sparky, and tank 1 blast from her
Then once he falls, his bomb will explode in 3 seconds
Which is faster than Sparky's charge time
The Giant Skeleton's bomb can take out the Sparky and all the nearby support units
If you know they have a Sparky, you can pressure the other lane, and force your opponent to spend elixir
Sometimes you can even predict if they have a Sparky deck
If they run a heavy zap bait deck, there's a high likely hood of Sparky appearing on the map
It's potentially a red flag if they send in a Goblin Barrel in alone
Goblin Barrel and Sparky is really deadly because it forces you to Zap one of the two
Whichever you choose to Zap, it won't matter
They'll devastate your tower
My favorite card combo is Zap and The Log
The Log takes care of all of the small units and allows me to reserve my Zap for Sparky
Fire Spirit also works well agains the Goblin Barrel if you don't have The Log
If you pressure the opposite lane with units
This forces your opponent to expend elixir in the other lane to counter it
Or risk losing a tower to this light push
Now they won't have Barbarians to protect Sparky in the other lane
Good card combos to do this should be low cost, but devastating if left ignored
If you pressure the other lane heavily, be prepared to push hard
And have inexpensive solutions to counter the unsupported Sparky
Alternatively, if you have the right cards, you can take on a Sparky combo head on
I hope you can take the basics of from this video and apply them to your deck
Thanks for watching, stay tuned, for more quality OJ