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  • - Now don't let this title confuse you, okay?

  • 'Cause when I say three, I mean three out of 700.

  • (horse galloping)

  • What up, everyone?

  • It's your girl, Superwoman.

  • (fun upbeat music)

  • And I had a very blessed and privileged

  • childhood with wonderful parents.

  • Alright, now that that's out of the way.

  • Yo, straight up, that ish screwed the F up.

  • I mean, in the end, aren't we all

  • messed in our own special way?

  • - [Television Echo] In our own special way?

  • - Pfft, not me.

  • - Here are three ways my childhood turned me into a weirdo.

  • Number one, expiration dates.

  • Here's the thing, right.

  • Growing up, and even to be honest, currently right now,

  • my parents simply do not believe in expiration dates.

  • My parents believe that if you wash

  • your hair on Thursday, it's bad luck.

  • My parents also believe that if you're leaving a house but

  • someone sneezes, that's a sign that you should not leave.

  • But tiny dates on food that prevent you from getting sick?

  • Hell nah, don't be ridiculous.

  • Why am I so close to the camera?

  • I'm like all up in your face.

  • I'm like, hello!

  • This is my video!

  • Just back it up, Lilly, back it up.

  • I just zoom out.

  • I just like, I don't wanna F up the

  • video though, you know what I mean?

  • Ugh, anyways.

  • Frig, okay listen, just go to the skit.

  • Do the swipe thing.

  • (playful music)

  • (loud smacking)

  • (grunts)

  • - Okay, mom, what are you doing?

  • - I'm putting Ovaltine powder in milk.

  • - Why does it sound like you're building a house?

  • (loud breath)

  • - It's just little bit hard.

  • - Okay, that's probably because it's expired.

  • - Huh, expired?

  • No.

  • - No, when air hitting the powder, it get little bit hard.

  • - Okay, the air isn't Medusa, mom.

  • Let me check the date.

  • - Huh, it's bloody brand new.

  • - Okay, this says it expired in 2015.

  • - What?

  • No, 15 is month.

  • - No, it says June, 2015.

  • That's more than a year.

  • - Oi, nothing happen in just one year, okay?

  • - It's expired.

  • - No.

  • - Yes, it is.

  • - No.

  • - Okay, this is not my opinion.

  • Okay, this is a fact.

  • (loud banging)

  • - These things just estimation, okay?

  • Suggestion.

  • - Look, this perfect now.

  • - And because of this, as an adult, I now too don't believe

  • in expiration dates and I don't take them that seriously.

  • To be honest, it's more of like a pride thing.

  • Where I'm just like, yo, who the F

  • is this bread to tell me what to do?

  • Like hold on, hold on, let me get this straight.

  • Shhh, shhh, shhh.

  • Okay, I bring you into my home, I refrigerate you,

  • and you're gonna give me orders?

  • Don't make me cut you.

  • You see what I did there with the bread and the cutting?

  • 'Cause that's what you do anyways.

  • (laughs)

  • This is why I'm in the comedy section of YouTube.

  • Go ahead and subscribe.

  • Number two, sex.

  • Or lack thereof.

  • Now it's no secret that in Indian culture,

  • the subject of sex is a little bit taboo.

  • And to be honest, it shouldn't be because

  • there is so many Indians in the world,

  • and clearly, we're comin' from somewhere.

  • You know what I'm sayin', you know what I'm sayin'?

  • (mumbles)

  • But because of that, growing up, I never got the talk.

  • As a kid, everything I knew about sex

  • came from school and rap music videos.

  • So I was like, okay, boys have cooties.

  • Also, girls eat a lot of lollipops?

  • Okay!

  • My ear just popped, goddamn.

  • And to be honest, even right now, if you ask me

  • for like an accurate description of what happens

  • during sex or like childbirth or like booby milk,

  • I wouldn't be able to tell you.

  • True story.

  • When I was in grade school, I overheard some kids and they

  • said the words "jerking off," and I was like, what the F?

  • For the next whole year, I legitimately

  • thought that boys could jerk off their penis.

  • Meaning they could like take it off, detach it

  • from their body with a jerk-like motion.

  • I swear to you, I'm not making this up.

  • I actually thought.

  • Oh my God, I was a moron.

  • 'Cause that's not true, right?

  • What?

  • I mean, I still haven't had the talk, I don't know.

  • Hold on, let me check Google.

  • I was right, that's not how that works.

  • I legitimately thought this was a thing.

  • I thought men were walking around with their penises

  • in their briefcases and I had so many questions.

  • I'm like, what if it pees in there?

  • Also, like how do you keep it alive if it's not...

  • Do you have to like water it?

  • I was just so confused.

  • Also, what if they forgot it somewhere, where they're

  • just like, oh let me just jerk off my penis,

  • leave it over here, and then they forgot it.

  • Is there like a find my penis functionality?

  • (sighs)

  • Yeah, but you know what, I found comfort in

  • the fact that I wasn't the only idiot in my class.

  • Yeah, my fellow brown friend,

  • she was equally as confused as me.

  • She thought that masturbate was a synonym for master plan.

  • Yeah, listening to her organize anything was a lot of fun.

  • Number three, respecting my elders.

  • Now I'm all about respecting elders in the sense

  • that if I was on a bus and an elderly woman came

  • onto the bus, I would get up and give her my seat.

  • However, I don't believe that we should respect

  • everything someone says just because they're older.

  • Because let's be real, being older doesn't

  • make you a good person or a smart person.

  • Growing up though, I had no choice because I was taught

  • that age defines how much respect you should receive.

  • So if you were older, you got more respect.

  • And after age, it was sex.

  • So if you were like 50 years old and a man

  • whose penis was not in his briefcase, you're golden.

  • (playful music)

  • - So, how you are, Lilly?

  • - I'm good.

  • (crunching)

  • - What grade you are now?

  • - I finished school six years ago.

  • - Huh, grade six?

  • - Yup.

  • - Good, good.

  • You know, Preety?

  • - Lilly.

  • - Oi, shhh.

  • Don't be rude, okay?

  • - Huh?

  • (laughs)

  • You know, Preety, my grandson,

  • he always on computer using the Facebook.

  • - Cool.

  • - You know, first I was little bit mad,

  • but then I thought, look how many people

  • using the Facebook because of him.

  • - I don't get it.

  • (laughs)

  • - He made the Facebook.

  • - He made the Facebook?

  • - He made the Facebook.

  • - Your grandson?

  • - Yes, he wrote the book.

  • (laughs)

  • - No, he didn't.

  • - Yes, yes, he did.

  • And he also made the Snapshot.

  • - Snapchat, and no, and no.

  • - Yes, sorry, sorry, Chatshot and the Facebook.

  • - No, no, he invented neither of those.

  • - Lilly, show some respect, okay?

  • - What, but what she's saying is wrong.

  • - Whatever Auntie say is correct, okay?

  • - Okay.

  • Congrats.

  • (crunching)

  • - Thank you. (laughs)

  • You know, everybody in his

  • home school class saying he genius.

  • - Wow.

  • Wow, huh?

  • - Awww.

  • Dave, Dave, come here, come here.

  • - Okay.

  • - Sweetheart, tell everybody how

  • you make the Facebook, come on.

  • (crunching)

  • - I put in an email address and a password.

  • (clapping)

  • - Amazing, bloody amazing.

  • Lil, you should try like this sometime, huh?

  • - I'll try.

  • - Good job, son.

  • You making us all very proud.

  • - Thank you.

  • (laughs)

  • - Genius!

  • - Mm yeah, nice to meet ya, Mark Zuckerberg.

  • (laughs)

  • - Who?

  • (crunching)

  • (dramatic boom)

  • (fun upbeat music)

  • - Hey!

  • I hope you enjoyed this video.

  • If you did, give it a thumbs up.

  • And I actually mean that, like actually give it

  • a thumbs up if you like it because I wanna know

  • if this was a good video or a bad video or I should

  • make more videos like this or just delete my channel.

  • I wanna know, give it a thumbs up.

  • Also, if you wanna check out my vlogs,

  • they're right over there.

  • That is my second channel and I do it on a daily basis.

  • So check that out.

  • My last video is right over there.

  • Just go ahead and click like.

  • Other than that, if you wanna pre-order my book, the one

  • that was featured in this video for a little quick second.

  • That promo, 'do.

  • You can do so by clicking the link in the description.

  • There's also an I in the corner of your screen.

  • If you click that, it'll take you to my pre-order page.

  • Just go check it out.

  • Go check it out and if you don't like it, close it.

  • That simple.

  • Other than that, you can subscribe 'cause I make new videos

  • every Monday and Thursday, and I'd love for you to be here.

  • I hope you had a great day.

  • One love, Superwoman.

  • That is a wrap, and zoop!

  • - No, you know what bloody happened.

  • Let me tell you, okay?

  • You just moved to LA and you become too modern, okay?

  • Expiry date, huh?

  • Get out of here, go drink your latte, huh?

- Now don't let this title confuse you, okay?


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

3つの方法 私の子供時代は私をねじ込んだ (3 Ways My Childhood Screwed Me Up)

  • 275 24
    Amy.Lin に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日