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Detail the difference between how we make decisions now
as opposed to how decisions are arrived at
in a Resource-Based Economy - Well, the decision making system now
is mainly based upon different industries
which feel that they have a good product
so they advertise and convince people to buy that product.
Whereas in the future, in a saner system
we would design products not to wear out and break down
to last as long as possible
so that the responsibility of the service sector
would not be overloaded.
The longer materials last
the less burdensome to society.
Therefore, our major concern is not profit
it's the well-being of human beings throughout the world.
To the degree that we neglect people
we hurt our own future. For example
if we or the United States controlled
most of the Earth's resources
we would produce anxiety in other countries
for fear of running out of resources:
arable land, water, etc. And therefore, they might invade
this country to try to get the necessary resources for survival.
I don't think it's wise for a nation to defend itself
or try to make sustainability available
only in the area that they live
because they would produce hatred and envy
and try to control the resources of other countries
so that we can enslave people or put them on minimum wage
and get whatever we want produced
for the self-centered reason of our nation.
And we seek national advantage
rather than global advantage.
As long as we seek national advantage
it may work for a while. It may enhance the lifestyles
or increase the productivity of goods and services
but that's not of long duration. This is the only thing I worry about.
Sustainability for separate nations is OK in the short run
but in the long run it produces negative retroaction.
So this is how we really work if you want to know.
The best way to understand it
was assuming that we found a planet similar to the Earth
with lots of resources, unspoiled waters
non-contaminated air;
and brought a group of people together and ask:
"What is it that people really need?"
And then you list all the things that people really need.
The next question is: "Can that planet
provide for those needs?"
And if it cannot, you have to base your needs
on what the planet can provide.
If the population is too large
the planet cannot provide for that enlarged population.
Therefore, the size of the population
would be built and based upon the carrying capacity
of that regional division or the planet's capacity
to produce sustainable materials.
Therefore, we cannot invite
billions of people to live on the new planet
if the planet cannot sustain them.
So when I say "Decisions have to be arrived at"
first you have to study the carrying capacity of a planet
what it's capable of supporting. Then you design your cities
and population densities so that they correspond
to the carrying capacity of the environment.
That's what I mean when I say "People do not make decisions
they arrive at them." And how do you decide
how much oxygen to carry on a submarine?
Well, that depends on the amount of people in a submarine
and how long you wish to be submerged. That determines that.
How do you know how much water to carry on the submarine?
How do you know how much food to carry?
How do you know how much electrical power?
It depends on the performance you want of that submarine.
Then you put in the proper electrical power
for operating the submarine.
You have to put in enough food and refrigeration equipment
to feed the crew. If you don't provide for that
the technology may work, but the crew won't.
You have to not make decisions, you have to arrive at them.
-That is a small portion of a talk about arriving at decisions.
It's by survey and Scientific Method.
And he covers some other things in there about population, laws
negative retroactions of separate nations and national advantage
and so forth. All of that lecture is posted
in audio format; and to get that link for that and other posts
be sure to sign up for the Twitter account which is /frescotweets
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