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www.thezeitgeistmovement.com Presents for The Venus Project
One way or another,
we will end up in a system that's not based on money
as we know it today.
Because that will be realized, in the future, by historians
as the total and pivotal cause
of the destruction of civilization as we know it.
www.thezeitgeistmovement.com Presents for The Venus Project
We're not born with prejudice,
and bigotry, and anger, and greed.
It's really generated and nurtured by the environment that we live in.
That's why we feel that unless you change your environment,
and change the experiences, we'll get the same aberrant
behavior within people, unless the environment is changed.
www.thezeitgeistmovement.com Presents for The Venus Project
People always ask, "How much will it cost to put up these new cities?"
"Do we have the resources to do it?"
That's the question.
Not, "How much does it cost?"
That's the old question, during the monetary system.
www.thezeitgeistmovement.com Presents for The Venus Project
I don't want to see humanity suffer,
I don't want to see the population
start to shrink because of our lack of energy and food.
I don't want to see these things happen,
but I know, sadly, that a good portion of it is gonna happen,
until people start to wake up and recognize
a new paradigm that's on the horizon
that we must drive forward to as fast as humanly possible.
People don't understand the tremendous advantages,
that technology, if used intelligently
if we use the same kind of intelligence
that we use in military development,
we could have solved many social problems years ago.
We don't.
Because of the separate disciplines of science.
The Venus Project
The Venus Project is not only about cities though.
If we took the same people and moved them into beautiful cities,
without a change of direction,
a change of social design, and a value system,
we'd still have wars, poverty, hunger, crime, and territorial disputes.
www.thezeitgeistmovement.com Presents for The Venus Project
So, I hate to sound condescending and negative,
I hate to throw out all this rhetoric
but, I'm fairly irritated at this point,
and I try not to be.
I just want to make it understood that the entire system
that we live in is a sham. It's a false system.
Falsivity defined by the fact that it cannot be sustained.
It's that simple.
And we propose a Resource Based Economy.
I hope everyone watching this film will go to
and understand what we're doing.
I hope everyone out there will understand that,
either we change or we die.
www.thezeitgeistmovement.com Presents for The Venus Project
It's amazing how simple their associative system is.
People say, you know, they think they had a conscience
guys who turned the gas chambers on.
They had no conscience, didn't bother them at all.
Not at all.
The guy that didn't sleep well was the humanist, troubled by all this.
See, the humanist doesn't understand
that a human being can be conditioned
to cut up people, torture them, do anything,
anything, without feeling any kind of pain at all.
In fact, waiting for the next event.
Nobody out there is to be blamed for their behavior,
is what I'm trying to say.
Wake Up! Time is Now!
Join the Movement
The Zeitgeist Movement
For The Venus Project