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  • Hi everyone from AC News!

  • Let's see the today's trailer,

  • cinema news is coming up!

  • The Warner Bros has bought the rights on Don Winslow's novel, Satori, and

  • Leonardo Di Caprio has been please to accept

  • the part of the lead role male Nicolas Hei,

  • a western brought up in Japan and trained in martial arts.

  • The film has a complex story that brings together spy governmental agencies,

  • the Coarse mob and the art of asian fight.

  • Robert Downey Jn. And his wife, susan Downey,

  • are working on the project of re-inventing

  • Perry Mason into a franchise remake.

  • As the most part of Erle Stanley Gardner's novels

  • the movie set will be in 1930's LA.

  • The producers are still looking for a screenwriter to tackle the material.

  • That's all for today,

  • see you soon with AC News!

Hi everyone from AC News!


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B2 中上級

ミッション・インポッシブル4 ゴースト・プロトコル - Trailer 2 (Mission Impossible 4 Ghost Protocol - Trailer 2)

  • 132 5
    loveefef66 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日