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  • hi there my name is Emma thank you for clicking

  • today's lesson is on vocabulary for the Olympics

  • so the Olympics happen every four years the summer olympics happen every four

  • years and the winter olympics happen every two years

  • so the things that happen quite regularly and as a result this

  • vocabulary is is pretty important to know if you want to talk about the

  • Olympics

  • so let's get started so first of all the first vocabulary we're going to learn

  • today are the people of the olympics

  • so the first word i have here and all of these are announced the first word i

  • have here is athletic meet

  • so who are the athletes the athletes are the people who play the sports or who

  • enter the tournament's so for example David Beckham

  • he is an example of an athlete

  • Michael Jordan Luis Suarez yuming there are hundreds of athletes

  • I could give examples of so these are the athletes

  • the next word is coach who are the coaches they're almost like the bosses

  • of the athletes so there

  • if there's a team the coaches the person who decides who's playing and who's

  • going to sit out the coach decides how the team will win or how the athlete

  • will win the sport

  • so the coach often tries to motivate athletes to do better and their main

  • goal is to help the team when through strategies and game plan

  • next we have the trainer so the trainer is a little different than the coach

  • they work with the athlete to get them into top physical shape

  • so the athletes are nice strong able to run long distances able to compete well

  • so the trainer focuses on the athlete's body and getting it up to speed

  • next we have the word referee also known as the rep so the referee or the Rev is

  • the the person who usually has a whistle and they make sure that the athletes

  • follow the rules if the athlete doesn't follow the rules they blow their whistle

  • and usually give some sort of penalty

  • so this is the referee the next word we have judge

  • now a lot of people think judge in sports well a judge is a person who

  • usually gives marks and in certain events

  • so you don't find a judge in all events but you do find judges and figure

  • skating boxing and these types of these types of events where they usually hold

  • up a sign and with points on it

  • so 10 points for example finally we have the word spectator

  • so who are the spectators the spectators are the people who watch the event

  • so if you've ever gone to a soccer game of baseball game to the Olympics maybe

  • and you watched people play a sport you are the spectator

  • so usually during the Olympics there are thousands and thousands of spectators

  • people watching sports

  • actually i'm going to add one more word here

  • fan so fans are there are usually tip of spectator their people who really love a

  • certain team or a certain player

  • so are you fans of any athletes are any of you at their huge david beckham fans

  • or big Michael Jordan band

  • yuming let me know if you're a fan of any athletes

  • ok so next we are going to look at places and things of the olympics

  • so here are some of the places of the olympics and you will hear them

  • constantly talked about in the news if you're you're reading up on the Olympics

  • these are really good words to know so these are all nouns as well and so is to

  • keep that in mind

  • so the first word we have is the venue so venue

  • what's a venue it's a very simple word which means a place where an event is

  • held

  • so we don't just use it for sports

  • we also use it for concerts for any type of event we talk about the venue where

  • the event is going to take place

  • so there are different types of venues at the Olympics so venue is almost like

  • the umbrella term the rest of the words are underneath venue so they're all

  • types of venues

  • so the first word we have is stadium so a stadium is a circular building or an

  • oval shaped building that has a lot of seats usually thousands of seeds and

  • this is where you sit and you watch different sports take place or or

  • concerts

  • so in general not that great of a draw a little

  • just tried to

  • so you notice it's oval shaped and inside the stadium there would be

  • thousands of seeds and of course the closer you are to the floor

  • the better there are some seats near the top these aren't really that good to

  • have you can't really see anything

  • sometimes we actually call this the nose lead section

  • ok I'm so stadiums are often without roofs so often times you can see this

  • the sky when you're in a stadium now an arena is very similar to the stadium

  • often the word arena and stadium are used interchangeably

  • so you can say stadium or arena they usually mean the same thing

  • although sometimes some people say that an arena has a roof and so it's

  • completely indoors where as a stadium is outdoors

  • although again this depends usually they are used interchangeably

  • so again you could use stadium or an arena to describe this type of building

  • the next word we have is swimming pool a lot of you probably know this word

  • already

  • it's a venue for the Olympics a lot of sports are water sports and they take

  • place at the swimming pool

  • finally we have the word track

  • so what is a track well it's also this shape and people either run on the track

  • so they run around other sports take place there too

  • I with horses for example we have the racetrack where the horses run around

  • the track or sometimes we have car racing on a track

  • so all of these use the same word track alright so now let's look at some

  • objects of the olympics

  • ok so first of all we have

  • the torch this is almost the the it's the symbol of the olympics

  • so what is a torch I can't I don't know if you can tell what this is but this is

  • supposed to be fire and this is supposed to be like a stick

  • so the torch is the object that Olympians hold

  • usually you the torch is taken through many different countries throughout the

  • year

  • people run with the torch from one country to another country to another

  • country

  • so here's an example of what it would look like the next word we have is the

  • metal now this is the goal of the all the Olympians they want to win a medal

  • what color do the metals come in at the best one is gold so you can be a gold

  • medalist and that's what we call somebody who wins the metal a medalist

  • if you come in second you would be a silver medalist and you would win the

  • silver metal and for third place

  • it's bronze the bronze is the third place and you would be a bronze medalist

  • if you want a third place

  • next we have the word podium so the podium is this thing these little people

  • are standing on

  • so these imagine them as Olympians I know they're kind of skinny for

  • Olympians but and so usually the person who wins the gold would be at the top of

  • this part of the podium silver or second place is here and third places here so

  • this whole thing with the three levels is the podium so after somebody wins an

  • event they get to go on the podium

  • smile for the cameras wave to everyone and get awarded with a metal

  • now let's look at some of the common sports at the Olympics

  • ok so let's get started on some of the common sports at the Olympics

  • the first one we have here is weight lifting

  • so what is weight lifting well i have here what are called barbells

  • it's when both men and women they lift very heavy weights and whoever lift the

  • heaviest amount of weights wins the competition

  • that's weightlifting usually the people in weightlifting they have these huge

  • muscles

  • the second sport

  • we're going to talk about wrestling now I i don't know if you can really

  • understand this picture - well I tried

  • this is a mat and on this mat there are two people who are wrestling which means

  • it's a form of fighting and the point of wrestling is to try to get your opponent

  • on the ground whether i think their shoulders are supposed to touch the

  • ground

  • so it's a form of fighting that you often see in the Olympics

  • ok and in the Olympics

  • it's different from WWE wrestling a head is it is very different so this is

  • olympic wrestling

  • the third one is archery bow archery

  • here we have the bow and here we have the arrow

  • so that's where you shoot an arrow from a bow that archery our next sport of

  • boxing

  • so here i have a boxing glove so this is a type of fighting where people box

  • after that gymnastics so i've drawn here there are there are different forms of

  • gymnastics

  • there are many different types of gymnastics

  • here's an example we have this beam and we have somebody who's doing a cartwheel

  • or a flip on this being so it a here we also have the a

  • the bars where this person is probably going to do some flips up to here

  • more flips and then they land. These are just two examples of gymnastics

  • there are many different types hurdles

  • so hurdles are when somebody runs and there's an obstacle in the way it

  • usually looks like this and somebody has to jump over it run a little more jump

  • Jump, run, jump,run, jump

  • we also use the word hurdles not only when we're talking about the Olympics

  • but we use it as a synonym for obstacles

  • so for example i faced many hurdles in my life

  • so this is a way this is not only Olympic vocabulary

  • the next part is full so this is actually my favorite Olympic sport

  • just because I i I've seen people do it it's just it's such an interesting one

  • for me or you have a long stick and you run with the stick you shove a stick

  • into the ground and you flip over a very high bar

  • so if i can choose any Olympic sport to compete and it would be pulled

  • next we have relay

  • so this is where you have a team of runners and each one has something

  • called a baton

  • so its bigger than this but they hold it behind her back

  • sorry they hold it behind the bag was sort of awkward to do and somebody comes

  • running

  • I hand some the baton and then they run with a baton and then they run it to the

  • next person who runs with a baton so it's a type of race where you have

  • multiple people in the race on your team

  • finally we have the discus throw the discus this is a circular shaped object

  • and its its throne

  • so it's very heavy object that's that's thrown so of course there are many more

  • olympic sports on this list this is just some of the common summer olympic sports

  • we have an events so i hope that you found this video interesting and

  • hopefully you have learned some vocabulary from it

  • I hope you're watching the upcoming Olympics so if you would like to

  • practice some of those big vocabulary and i invite you to come visit our site

  • at we have a quiz there where you can definitely see if you've

  • got him in a full understanding of these words so until next time take care

hi there my name is Emma thank you for clicking


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B1 中級

英語を学ぶ - 語彙 - オリンピック (Learn English - Vocabulary - The Olympics)

  • 407 58
    curry に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日