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  • Mmm It's a Orange Juice

  • What's up everyone? This is Orange Juice

  • Today I'll be talking about True Red and True Blue

  • To simplify things, in a clan match when you request for a friendly battle

  • The one requesting will be True Blue

  • And the player who accepts the match will be True Red

  • When you or another clanmate spectates a friendly battle

  • You'll be able to determine who is True Blue and who is True Red

  • When you're True Red what the game does is flip the map

  • and basically mirrors the units you place

  • so that you appear on the bottom of the screen as Player Blue

  • Even if your actually True Red in a perfect world

  • the mirrored map should reflect the card actions perfectly

  • but with X/Y Coordinate rounding errors,

  • interactions with certain units on certain tiles are not always going to be identical

  • Let's explore these discrepancies

  • When you split Barbarians in the back, specifically on the center-right tile

  • 3 Barbarians will split right and 1 Barbarian will always split left

  • This is consistent with True Red and True Blue

  • However, when you plant the Barbarians on the centre-left tile

  • True Blue will split 2 Barbarians in the left and 2 Barbarians on the right

  • Whereas True Red will split 3 Barbarians to the left and 1 on the right

  • When you're attacking with the Hog on offense

  • You can't bypass a 4-3 building plant with a Hog Rider

  • Because he has the largest sight range in the game

  • Spanning 9.5 tiles, he is easily attracted to buildings

  • However, if you can nudge him a little bit with a Pig Push

  • You can bypass a 4-3 building plant with a Hog Rider

  • Check out my Pig Push video if you havent seen it yet

  • for a more in-depth explanation on how Pig Pushing works

  • Now, when you're True Blue

  • you don't need to do a Pig Push on the left side

  • Without requiring any units to push

  • You can Hog Hop the left river as True Blue to completely bypass a 4-3 building plant

  • When a balloon is planted in the second-most outer tile of the map on the right side

  • Both of the balloons will be pulled with a defensive building with a 4-2 building plant

  • Effectively defending against most of the balloons

  • Now, when a balloon is planted on the map on the left side

  • True Red will actually bypass a 4-2 building plant

  • So True Blue fails to defend in this scenario

  • Against Elite Barbarians, whenever they're approaching you from the right lane

  • You can actually kite them with an Ice Golem to the left lane

  • This doesn't hold true when Elite Barbarians are coming at you from the left lane

  • True Blue cannot kite Elite Barbarians with an Ice Golem on the 4th tile

  • Instead True Blue has to plant the Ice Golem on the second or first tile from the river

  • to successfully kite Elite Barbarians from the left lane

  • Against Royal Giants, there's an inconsistency in both Player Red and Player Blue

  • When a Tesla is planted 3 tiles from the river and 3 tiles from the Arena Tower

  • True Blue's Royal Giant will bypass the left side

  • When you plant a Royal Giant on the right side, now True Red has the advantage

  • and can bypass the right side without activating the Tesla

  • I honestly think this interaction was the death of the Tesla

  • otherwise it would've been a reliable counter to the Royal Giant

  • because it functioned properly on both sides

  • You wouldn't have needed to react to Royal Giant with an Inferno Tower or anything else

  • During the Miner meta, when he was in every single deck

  • it was a little confusing which tiles were optimal for countering him

  • because there were inconsistencies

  • When the Elixir Collector is planted in front of the Kings Tower

  • and the Miner's planted in the corner on this tile,

  • True Red's Miner will attack the Elixir Collector

  • whereas True Blue's Miner will activate the Kings Tower instead of attacking the Elixir Collector

  • When an Elixir Collector is planted on the corner right side

  • where the Miner will attack the Elixir Collector

  • while True Blue's Miner will attack the Arena Tower

  • Leaving that Elixir Collector untouched

  • This becomes even more confusing when the Elixir Collector is planted on the left side

  • Now True Red's Miner will attack the Arena Tower

  • and True Blue's Miner will attack the Elixir Collector

  • So, in a clan match

  • the person to request for the match will be assigned as True Blue

  • and the person who accepts the match will be assigned as True Red

  • You can spectate to verify the True Colors

  • However when you spectate a friend on your Friends List

  • It is not a reliable way to determine the True Color

  • because you get Spectator Bias

  • So the game will always display your friend as Blue

  • regardless if it's their True Color or not

  • On ladder, you can determine if you're True Blue immediately based on the trophies

  • If you have more trophies than your opponent

  • Then you will be assigned as True Blue

  • The player with the lower amount of Trophies will be assigned as True Red

  • Also this is the only game mode where the intro screen for Home and Visitor

  • holds true most of the time

  • In Challenges, the player with more wins will be True Blue

  • There's no way to know right off the bat

  • if you have more wins than your opponent or not

  • and the intro screen is not accurate

  • as you'll sometimes appear as Home and you'll sometimes appear as a Visitor

  • regardless of your True Color

  • Why does this happen?

  • Andrew from Reddit makes an educated guess

  • explaining that the units are on an X/Y plane

  • the path finding AI dictates what position they'll move to next

  • The calculations in that decisions will sometimes rounding fractional numbers

  • This rounding step will result in different outcomes based on

  • what quadrant of the map you're in and where you're headed

  • True Blue sees the X/Y/Z plane as it really is

  • True Red will see the mirrored image of the True Plane

  • This allows both players to appear at the bottom when they play

  • So to recap, the True Red and the True Blue bug makes this game unplayable

  • Na, I'm just kidding

  • But they do have very slight feel differences

  • I wouldn't even consider then field advantages

  • Since both sides have different interactions

  • They're so minuscule it won't change your gameplay

  • Not unless you're consistently reaching 12 wins back to back to back

  • Chances are this minuscule discrepancies in unit interactions

  • won't influence the final outcome of the battle

  • Thanks for watching, stay tuned for more confusing OJ

Mmm It's a Orange Juice


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B2 中上級

不均一な地図のバグ - True Blue & True Red | UPDATE: FIXED ON 3/13/2017! (Uneven Map Bugs - True Blue & True Red | UPDATE: FIXED ON 3/13/2017!)

  • 28 2
    MCX~mighty combat X に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日