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  • Hi everyone!

  • Welcome back to Lavendaire.

  • Today I want to show you ten ways

  • to naturally detox your body.

  • I’ve been feeling pretty unhealthy lately.

  • I’ve been eating out a lot.

  • This year I definitely want to be healthier

  • and give my body the refresh it needs.

  • You know, flush out those toxins in a natural way.

  • Today’s video is actually sponsored by Thrive Market.

  • If you haven’t heard

  • about Thrive Market before, theyre amazing.

  • I was like mind-blown

  • when I discovered their concept.

  • Basically Thrive Market is an online store

  • that could be described asWhole Foods products as Costco prices”.

  • So it’s all those healthy, organic, premium products that you love

  • at a fraction of retail price which is amazing.

  • I really love what Thrive Market’s doing

  • because theyre helping make healthy living more affordable and accessible for everyone.

  • What I love about Thrive Market is: not only do you get healthy food at a discount,

  • that’s shipped to your door, you also support a low-income family or person in need.

  • With every membership that you buy Thrive donates a membership to a low-income family,

  • veteran, teacher, or student, which I think is so awesome.

  • Normally a subscription to Thrive is $60 for the year which is $5 a month,

  • but today theyre doing a special for my subscribers: theyre going to give you guys

  • a free 30-day trial and a free coconut oil!

  • You can totally use this coconut oil for anything.

  • Basically, it really is free.

  • Well ship it to you, all you have to do is pay $1.95 shipping.

  • The link is down below so click that if you want this and a free

  • 30-day membership to Thrive Market.

  • Alright, onto the video!

  • 1.

  • Drink more water

  • The first thing you should do to naturally detox your body is definitely: drink more

  • water.

  • If you think youre drinking enough, drink more.

  • Try adding some lemon to your water to help with digestion and detoxifying,

  • and get that extra boost in vitamin C. You can also try adding

  • a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to your water for another way to naturally detox.

  • Water helps flush out your system naturally.

  • Being properly hydrated can give you clearer skin

  • and improve your circulatory, respiratory, and digestive systems.

  • 2.

  • Try Oil Pulling

  • Oil pulling is a traditional way to clean & detoxify the teeth & gums.

  • It can also give you whiter teeth, better breath, & protect you from cavities

  • All you have to do is take a tablespoon of coconut oil—I’m using Thrive Market’s

  • Coconut Oil -

  • it honestly tastes so amazingand swish it in your mouth for about 20 minutes.

  • Do this in the morning before you brush your teeth.

  • The oil will trap and collect

  • bacteria & toxins from your mouth, so make sure not to swallow it!

  • Spit out the oil in the trash because it can clog your sink, then rinse your mouth with

  • warm water.

  • 3.

  • Replace your coffee with green tea

  • I know some of you are obsessed with coffee.

  • But consider switching to green tea

  • because it’s so much better for you.

  • Green tea has healthy antioxidants

  • and can give you a slight caffeine boost without making you feel so wired.

  • Having green tea in the mornings is a great way to relax and detox naturally.

  • 4.

  • Replace a meal with a healthy smoothie

  • I love to start my mornings with a hearty green smoothie.

  • Smoothies are my favorite way to get real fruits & greens into my diet.

  • The best part about smoothies is that theyre so customizable.

  • Add whatever you like

  • to give you the kind of boost you need.

  • For me, I love spinach, kale, bananas,

  • chia seed, flaxseed, and whatever fruit I have on hand.

  • Make sure to use natural ingredients to give you the vitamins & fiber you need

  • for a healthy digestive and immune system.

  • Youll also notice that

  • a healthy smoothie in the morning will give you great energy and hydration.

  • 5.

  • Take a probiotic supplement to improve your gut health

  • A popular place for toxins to gather is in your stomach, so taking probiotics will restore

  • good bacteria & balance in your gut and help get rid of the bad bacteria and toxins.

  • 60-70% of your immune system lives in your gut so by improving your gut health with probiotics,

  • youll be improving your health in general!

  • 6.

  • Eat more fiber in its natural form.

  • Our digestive tracts can hold onto toxins, preservatives from foods we eat,

  • and other leftover waste.

  • Introducing fiber to your diet helps keep things moving through your digestive tract

  • all toxins, waste, and anything else that’s built up over time, will get a much needed

  • push through

  • your body and you will feel lighter and healthier.

  • Fresh fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains are all great sources of fiber.

  • 7.

  • Get in more exercise and sweat it out

  • Exercising is not just for losing weight - it’s also important for detoxing your body too.

  • When you exercise, you sweat out toxins in your body and you also help your digestion,

  • circulation and organ functions.

  • Not to mention exercise makes you feel amazing

  • by releasing endorphins.

  • So what are you waiting for?

  • It’s time to work up a sweat and flush out those toxins!

  • 8.

  • Meditate or Do Yoga

  • Toxins come in many forms: stress being a huge one.

  • Meditating or doing yoga

  • can help you detox your body AND your mind by relieving stress.

  • Really it’s your circulatory, digestive, and lymphatic systems that help your body

  • get rid of toxins and waste.

  • Yoga has several different poses that stimulate those exact systems:

  • encouraging circulation, improving digestion, and moving fluids through your lymphatic system.

  • Deep breathing also encourages the body to eliminate carbon dioxide,

  • lactic acid, lymphatic fluid, and other wastes.

  • 9.

  • Try Dry Skin brushing

  • Because your lymphatic system is right beneath your skin,

  • dry skin brushing helps your lymph system drain toxic waste,

  • which gives you other benefits like improved immunity and circulation,

  • refreshed skin, and even reduced cellulite.

  • It also helps exfoliate dead skin and unclog pores

  • to release any toxins that been trapped in your skin.

  • I got this brush from Thrive Market but you can use any natural bristle brush

  • and brush your skin before you shower.

  • Youre supposed to be naked

  • but obviously I won’t be for this video.

  • Start by brushing your feet and move in sweeping motions toward your heart.

  • Always brush toward your heart because you want to follow the flow of your lymphatic

  • system.

  • I’ll have a link to a how-to video in the description.

  • I’ve been trying this

  • for a couple weeks so far and I absolutely love it.

  • 10.

  • Start incorporating superfoods into your diet

  • Friends, it’s time to educate yourselves on Superfoods!

  • Superfoods are foods that contain an amazing amount of nutrients & antioxidants

  • to help our bodies to fight off infections and harmful toxins.

  • I’ve linked some superfood lists below, so you can learn more.

  • Try incorporating superfoods into every meal and enjoy their health boosting benefits.

  • Stop eating food that makes you feel heavy and guilty.

  • Instead, eat foods that are natural,

  • healthy and beautiful and give your body the proper nourishment it needs to feel alive!

  • Honestly, why eat normal food when you can have superfoods?

  • Corny but you know I’m right!

  • Alright, thank you so much for watching!

  • Please comment below with your

  • favorite healthy habit because I’d love to know.

  • I’d love to get inspired.

  • And don’t forget:

  • if you want this free coconut oil, then click the link below.

  • All you have to do is pay $1.95 shipping and you get a free coconut oil,

  • plus you get a free 30-day trial to Thrive Market.

  • Thank you guys for watching.

  • I’ll see you guys next time.

  • Bye!

Hi everyone!


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自然に新年のためにあなたの体をデトックスする10の方法 (10 Ways to Naturally Detox Your Body for the New Year)

  • 94 14
    the.end.satoko に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日