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  • The keto diet, another typical fad diet? Actually, it's been around for a while now, and people


  • are getting some pretty good results from it. So what exactly is so different? Well,


  • most of these fad diets you find simply tells you to eat this certain type of food and avoid


  • those certain type of food and voila, you're on your way to losing a hundred pounds! Of

    それらの特定のタイプの食品とボイラ、あなたは're on your way to losing 100 pounds!の

  • course, a lot of them don't really work and makes very little sense. What's special about


  • the keto diet, short for ketogenic, is that it changes how your body feels, and most importantly,


  • how your body uses energy by placing you into a state known as ketosis. And this is where

    体をケトーシスと呼ばれる状態にすることで 体がエネルギーをどのように使うかを知ることができますそして、ここでは

  • all the magic happens. In ketosis, your body starts utilizing substances


  • known as ketone bodies, which are produced by the breakdown of your body fat triglycerides.


  • Quick science, first understand that your body loves glucose. If it has glucose on hand,


  • it's going to use that first for energy. Ina keto diet, the amount of carbohydrates you

    それはエネルギーのために最初に使用するつもりです。Ina keto ダイエット、炭水化物の量を

  • consume goes down, therefore, the amount of glucose goes down, too. In order to combat

    消費量が減るので ブドウ糖の量も減ります対策としては

  • this, your body uses stored glucose in the form of glycogen, but then that's going to


  • run out as well. The next step is to convert a substance known as oxaloacetate in the liver


  • into glucose. At the same time this is happening, your body is breaking down your fat into free


  • fatty acids and sending it to your liver to metabolize another important substance known


  • as acetyl CoA. Acetyl CoA is then placed into the Krebs cycle in the liver cells to produce


  • energy. But it can't do that right now. Remember that oxaloacetate that was being broken down


  • into glucose? Well, oxaloacetate is also needed for the Krebs cycle to function. Now your

    ブドウ糖に変換されますか?オキサロ酢酸もまた必要です クレブスサイクルが機能するために今、あなたの

  • liver has all of these acetyl CoA lying around so it decides to break it down into two substances


  • called acetoacetate and beta-hydroxybutyrate, which are known as ketone bodies. It sends


  • them into the bloodstream where other body cells pick them up, convert the ketone bodies


  • back into acetyl-CoA, into Krebs cycle, and energy is produced! This is also really good


  • news for your brain, since even though your brain loves glucose, too, it can function


  • on ketone bodies as well. In fact, ketone bodies provide more energy per gram for the


  • brain versus glucose, so win-win for your mental capacity!


  • Now so far, everything sounds good. Your body no longer relies heavily on carbohydrates,


  • it burns a lot of fat, and your brain functions pretty well. But of course, there's always


  • a catch, a number of catches in this case. Studies show that power output decreases in

    a catch、この場合のキャッチ数。で出力が低下することが研究で示されています。

  • cases where maximum intensity is required. This makes sense because the breakdown of


  • glucose via glycolysis, plays a crucial role in providing immediate energy for your body.


  • With no glucose and glycogen in your body, intense workouts become a lot harder. And


  • the lack of glycogen also affects muscle growth, since there is a strong positive connection


  • between glycogen availability and protein synthesis. Take the glycogen away, and the

    グリコーゲンの利用可能性と タンパク質合成の間にあるグリコーゲンを奪って

  • process slows down. Oh, and there's the keto flu, something that


  • happens when your body starts transitioning off of carbs and rely more heavily on ketone


  • bodies. The "keto flu," which isn't an actual flu, contains symptoms such as headaches,

    の体。The "keto flu, " which isn't't a actual flu, contains symptoms as such as headaches.

  • fatigue, coughing, nausea, and even upset stomach. The positive note, though, is that


  • it passes quite quickly and won't come back again unless you come out of ketosis.


  • The keto diet is also very food restrictive. A conventional diet has you eating roughly


  • 20% fat, 30% protein, and 60% carbs. The keto diet, on the other hand, shifts you all the


  • way to 70% fat, 25% protein, and 5% carbs, or below 30 grams. That's a huge change that


  • some people just cannot do. Cutting out so many carbs is easier said than done. This

    できない人もいます多くの炭水化物をカットするのは 言うは易く行うは難しですこれは

  • is a huge battle itself, and a lot of times, a losing battle.


  • But even with the drawbacks, people still advocate for it. And the reason that's the


  • case can be summed up from this study in 2004 from the Annals of Internal Medicine: "a low-carbohydrate


  • diet (such as a keto diet), had better participant retention" compared to a low-fat diet. That


  • is saying, even with all the drawbacks, individuals on a keto diet find it much easier to stick

    は、すべての欠点があっても言っている, ケートダイエットの個人は、それがはるかに簡単に固執することを見つける

  • to the diet more so than a conventional diet. This is because, with so much more fat and


  • protein-dense foods, your satiety, or fullness level, goes up much faster. A 200 calorie


  • chicken breast or 200 calories worth of green leafy vegetables, will make you feel more


  • full than say a 200 calorie, carb-heavy pasta. But even if this is the case, a calorie is

    200 カロリーの炭水化物の多いパスタよりも満腹感があります。しかし、たとえそうだとしても、カロリーは

  • still a calorie. Yes, protein and fat calories will make you feel more full, but it won't

    それでもカロリーです。はい、タンパク質と脂肪のカロリーは、あなたがより多くの満腹感を感じるようになりますが、それは won't

  • help you lose weight if you're still eating more calories than you burn.


  • So is the keto diet worth it? Well, it all comes down to, "It depends." If you're someone

    だから、ケートダイエットはそれだけの価値がありますか?まあ、それはすべてがダウンして、"It depends."If you're someone

  • that struggles a lot with feeling full whenever you go on a weight loss diet, then yes, the


  • keto diet might help you battle those feeding frenzies. Just remember those drawbacks that


  • will occur, and at the end of the day, it still comes down to calories in versus calories


  • out. What's your take on the keto diet? Shared


  • your comments below! Thanks for watching and please subscribe for more future health and


  • fitness videos!


The keto diet, another typical fad diet? Actually, it's been around for a while now, and people


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