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- Go hard, oh.
- I burnt my hand.
(lively music)
- Yay.
- [Jamie] Hey, oh.
- [Kendra] Good morning.
- Good morning.
- [Kendra] I woke up to giggles from this crew.
- Good morning.
- [Kendra] Did I step right on your hand>
- Yeah.
- [Kendra] I'm sorry dude.
Okay, I'm gonna go make breakfast.
You all have fun.
So I woke up at six am, like 6:00 to giggling,
just the sound of happy giggles,
and I was like, mmm, I'm so tired.
But at least they were happy noises.
And the good news is Caleb does not have a fever anymore.
So hopefully that was just a fluke.
I never understand that.
Anyway, I'm gonna make breakfast cake,
which is one of our family favorites,
cut up some cantaloupe,
and listen to happy chaos.
And the countdown begins.
Let's see, it's seven o'clock now
and Jeremy, we are picking him up
from the airport at five o'clock tonight,
which means, if my math is correct,
10 more hours until my love is home.
- A slight correct.
- A slight correct.
- How did you turn it into this?
- Remember we baked it in the oven?
I'm feeling grateful that our van has eight seats
because we all loaded up in here,
and we are headed to a park this morning,
because it's not super hot yet.
Look, every seat is full.
- Hi.
- [Kendra] Allie's up front.
(lively electronic music)
- Well I'm at the airport,
getting ready to leave VidCon,
and excited to be home to see the kids.
Kendra has been regularly sending pictures of the kids
and we FaceTime.
It's just exciting to get home.
(mellow guitar music)
- Hi.
(sped up voice) Whoa, that looked exciting.
Oh that is big.
You are a big girl.
You're almost there.
Go ahead Miss Laura.
Do you see the girls?
Do you see 'em?
They're smiling at you.
Playing with dirt.
- No, we're making dough.
- [Kendra] Oh, you're making dough?
These two are playing tag.
You better run Cubby.
- Oh this is so high.
- [Kendra] We got him up there.
Do you want me to give you a push buddy?
You just want to hang?
So swing your body.
Swing your body dude.
(sweet music)
Isaac is teaching Laura how to pump on the swing.
You're so close.
Sometimes when I'm going places with all my kids,
it's overwhelming to me,
especially trying to leave places.
It can be a time when kids throw tantrums,
and it just, oh, it can be really hard
and embarrassing sometimes.
Anyway, I learned a long time ago,
maybe Isaac was about four years old,
to teach the kids what to say
when it was time to leave somewhere,
that they knew how to cope with it.
And so now I give them a warning,
like okay you've got three minutes, you've got one minute,
and then I say alright, it's time to go,
what do we say?
And they just spit back out this rehearsed thing
that we teach them to do,
and they say, thank you Mom for letting us
come, what can I do to help our family leave?
And it's so nice, because I give them all a job,
and I find my kids respond better to a job
than to just getting in the car and being done playing.
So Caleb is pushing Janae back up to the car
right now, and Laura's job was to hold Allie's hand
and walk her to the car.
Isaac might open the door.
Somebody might unlock the car,
just little jobs.
And then they all climb in,
and I mean, it doesn't always work,
there are sometimes fits and tantrums,
but it works a lot better,
and it makes me feel like it's not me against them.
It makes me feel like we're all part of a you know, a team.
It's time for us to drop off Luke and Allie,
and have lunch and nap time.
- So I found a place to plug in,
which is always a hard thing to do at the airport.
I'm very excited.
(upbeat music)
- [Kendra] Does Janae like basketball?
Janae what do you think?
You reading with big brother?
Which one are you reading, Elise?
- This.
- [Kendra] The Really Rotten Princess.
Show 'em the other one you were just looking at.
- I'm gonna go learn how to ride horses soon.
- [Kendra] T minus four hours until we go get Dad,
only four more hours.
(jazzy upbeat music)
So Janae has been obsessed with eating her fist,
and she tries to shove the whole thing in there.
It's so cute.
She says I'm gonna eat it all.
- I can eat my whole hand.
- [Kendra] You can eat your whole hand?
I don't think you can fit your whole hand in there.
- Back in the day, I could almost put my fist
in my mouth.
I think Jeremy might be able to.
We're gonna have to see when we see him tonight.
That hurts and I can't do it.
Okay turn it around.
Oh yeah, you got a lot of it in there.
Alright, can you fit your fist in your mouth?
Let us know.
I just realized that I filmed that whole section
with something in my teeth,
I just got it out.
But I hate it when I do that.
You noticed and you didn't tell me?
- Yeah.
Lame, you got to tell me those things.
(uptempo electronic music)
It's only two hours until we leave
to go pick up Jeremy from the airport.
So I have a movie on for the big kids,
Janae is napping,
and I'm gonna try to get my make-up on,
and put on clothes and look nice for my man.
I'm so excited he's almost home.
I know it's cheesy to say,
because he's only been gone for a couple of days,
but I really miss him.
I'm just looking forward to talking to him
and being with him tonight.
(sweet mellow music)
Alright, well I'm ready,
Now I just have to get the kids ready
and get in the car.
Unfortunately when I was curling my hair,
I burnt my hand.
Like I bumped my entire hand against the curling iron.
How stupid is that?
I ran cold water over it right away
and put some oils on it,
so anyway, it's hurting though.
So Elise just saw me getting ready
and she said, why are you getting ready,
and I said because we're gonna go get your dad,
and she said why do you need to get ready to go get Dad,
and I said, because,
and she goes, oh, he's your love.
And I go, yep, he's my love,
and she goes, ooh, I'm a love expert,
I'm like really?
So apparently we have a love expert on our hands,
Elise, she knows all things romance.
Are you a little expert?
- Yeah.
(atmospheric trance music)
- After we get Daddy,
we're gonna go to Red Robin and then get some ice cream.
- So I'm like the first person off the plane.
I think that's our van coming.
I can see them.
- Dad!
- [Jeremy] Hey hey, oh.
- He just woke up.
- I missed you.
So we're going to Red Robin to celebrate.
- I'm like him.
- [Jeremy] Are you just like the bird, the Red Robin?
- I'm like the bird.
- [Jeremy] You're like the bird?
- So the weather is so amazing tonight
that we're actually sitting outside,
which is really great with the kids.
- Laura, what do you want?
- Macaroni and cheese.
- [Jeremy] Wants mac and cheese.
What do you want to drink?
- Root beer.
- [Jeremy] Root beer.
- Root beer and fries.
- [Kendra] Isaac decided to do Fanta orange.
- A lot better than root beer.
- [Kendra] The big kids got their own tray of fries.
So by bottomless fries
- We were like we want a lot of fries
and they took us seriously
- [Kendra] Well, I'm embarrassed by how much
of these are gone.
- We haven't even gotten our food yet.
- Thank you.
- So I didn't have the camera on hand,
but this little girl, is not even four months old,
and she's pulling up onto her knees.
- [Jeremy] She's already rolling back and forward.
She's a little athlete.
- This is crazy.
- [Jeremy] The baby Olympics.
- Okay.
- [Jeremy] Show 'em your skills.
No pressure.
Oh those legs are moving.
- She like lifted up, it was crazy.
- [Jeremy] She's starting to move those little legs.
- Do you see how she's pushing around on her feet?
- Jeremy] Yeah.
- Okay, that's enough.
You need a little break?
- [Jeremy] It's like running a mile, Mom.
Her little cheering crowd over here.
- Janae, go Janae!
Go Janae!
- Go Janae!
- Go, yay!
- [Jeremy] She likes her little fan club.
They kind of scare her.
She can like fit her whole fist in her mouth.
- We discussed that earlier today.
We found that she can put more of her fist
in her mouth than any of the rest of us.
- [Jeremy] Come to Daddy.
- [Kendra] No no, don't encourage it, no.
- This is what Dad's are for.
Try to walk to me, oh.
She's like pushing off those legs.
- [Kendra] What?
This is craziness.
Jeremy can you put your fist in your mouth?
- That's the thumb.
- He can't fit his fist in the mouth,
but his thumb.
Way to go, babe, we're so proud of you.
Reunited with his littlest love.
I'm just waiting for you to get spit up on.
- Oh yeah, she did just get fed right?
- [Kendra] She did.
That's a loaded weapon you got there.
Well maybe I just don't remember correctly, but
- J House out!
- Are we done?
- J House out.
- Well Laura called it.
Nevermind, I'll chat with you guys tomorrow.
- Good night, J House out.
No no, I need one more thing.
So today, I get to sleep in underwear.
- [Kendra] This is exciting.
We're so proud of you.
- 'Cause I get to sleep in underwear.
- So maybe I just don't remember my other babies
at that age,
but I don't remember them getting up on their knees
like that or pushing off with their feet.
I feel like she's doing all this way too soon
and it's making my heart hurt,
because she's my little baby.
- Maybe she's growing up too fast.
- [Kendra] Do you think so?
- Have another one.
- [Kendra] Is that the solution?
- Yeah, just have two more kids and then you'll be fine.
- No, have 11 more kids.
- [Kendra] 11 more kids?
- Yes.
- [Kendra] That would be craziness at this house.
- Then we would have 17 kids.
- What do you babe, 11 more kids?
- Bring it on.
- [Caleb] Goodnight, J House out.
- [Kendra] Which part of your body hurts?
Your throat?
The count is up to 10 kids at my house.
- So this is the kind of stuff that happens at VidCon.