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  • San Francisco is a spectacular, fun city on the central coast of California

    サンフランシスコはカリフォルニア州の セントラルコーストに位置する華やかな楽しい街

  • about 350 miles from L.A..

    L.A. からは約 560 km です

  • It's bursting with a youthful energy that will guarantee


  • you have an amazing and unforgettable adventure.


  • On the northern end of the San Francisco peninsula,


  • the city invites you to explore hip neighborhoods, elegant buildings,


  • beautiful parks and gardens, and enjoy a liberal, relaxed atmosphere.

    美しい公園や庭園を散策し 自由で肩肘張らない雰囲気を楽しみましょう

  • And there's no end of things to see.


  • Union Square, in the heart of downtown, is San Francisco's finest shopping region.

    ユニオン スクエアがあるダウンタウンの中心地は 市内随一のショッピング エリアです

  • The neighborhood is famous for wide streets,

    このエリアは 広い通り、ケーブルカー

  • clanging cable cars and some amazing shopping.


  • And don't forget about the Square itself, which is a great place to sit back,

    ユニオン スクエア自体もお忘れなく 広場ではリラックスしてくつろぎ

  • relax and do some serious people-watching.


  • Just a few minutes north, San Francisco's Chinatown is 8 blocks of bustling activity

    すぐ北には活気あふれるチャイナ タウンが 8 ブロックにわたり広がります

  • with storefronts and alleyways selling all manner of strange and exotic goods.


  • One of the largest Chinese communities in the US, San Francisco's Chinatown


  • is filled with exotic sights and sounds and a little bit of eastern mystique.

    エキゾチックな光景や響きがあふれ 東洋の神秘的な雰囲気も感じられます

  • Less than a mile to the east, the Embarcadero is a busy waterfront roadway


  • that runs right around the port area,


  • with some of San Francisco's most famous landmarks,

    マーケット ストリート、ベイブリッジ、フェリー ビルディングなど

  • including Market Street, the Bay Bridge and the San Francisco Ferry Building.


  • Fisherman's Wharf is at the northern end of the Embarcadero

    フィッシャーマンズ ワーフはエンバーカデロの北端の湾沿いにあり

  • and has a great assortment of shops, bars and restaurants, and is right on the bay.


  • Here you can grab a relaxed meal and a cool drink


  • and be entertained by colorful street performers,


  • or just enjoy the views along the waterfront.


  • A short stroll away is Pier 39 which has some of the best views of San Francisco Bay,

    歩いてすぐのピア 39 には サンフランシスコ湾屈指の絶景が広がります

  • and a resident sea lion community that has been basking in the sun at the Pier

    20 年以上前から住み着いているアシカが

  • for more than 20 years.


  • The island fortress of Alcatraz sits ominously in the bay

    沖に浮かぶのは不気味な監獄島 アルカトラズ島

  • and is now a popular attraction, with tours departing from Fisherman's Wharf

    現在は フィッシャーマンズ ワーフから毎日複数のツアーが出発する

  • several times a day.


  • Up until 1963, The Rock was home to America's hardest prisoners

    「ザ ロック」と呼ばれたこの島は 1963 年まで 最も凶悪な犯罪者を収容する刑務所で

  • but where there was once only concrete, steel and barbed wire,


  • there are now gardens and wildflowers.


  • If you listen carefully, the eerie passages and cramped cells still echo

    耳を澄ませば 気味の悪い通路や狭い独房から

  • with footsteps from the past.


  • Not far from downtown is the Haight-Ashbury district where Victorian-styled buildings

    ダウンタウンからほど近いハイト – アッシュベリー地区には ビクトリア調の建物が並びます

  • echo with memories of the hippy days of the 60s.

    ここは今なお 60 年代ヒッピー時代の名残をとどめるエリア

  • There are still many pockets of counterculture where the Summer of Love lives on,

    今もサマー オブ ラブが息づく カウンター カルチャーの袋小路が数多く残り

  • and cafés, smoke shops and music stores still sell peace and love.


  • Halfway between Fisherman's Wharf and the Golden Gate Bridge is the Palace of Fine Arts.

    フィッシャーマンズ ワーフとゴールデン ゲート ブリッジの 間に建つのはパレス オブ ファイン アーツです

  • A survivor from the 1915 Panama-Pacific Expo, and built in the Beaux-Arts style,

    このボザール様式の建築物は 1915 年サンフランシスコ万博の史跡

  • it's covered in greenery and surrounded by a peaceful lagoon.

    豊かな緑に覆われ 静かな沼に囲まれています

  • It's a perfect place for a quiet afternoon stroll.


  • At more than a thousand acres, Golden Gate Park stretches almost halfway across

    400 ヘクタールを超す面積のゴールデン ゲート パークは

  • the peninsula and contains the Conservatory of Flowers

    半島のほぼ半分を占め 花の温室や

  • and the tranquil Japanese Tea Garden.

    落ち着いたジャパニーズ ティー ガーデンがあります

  • The park is the perfect place to enjoy the outdoors,


  • or just relax and recharge in some peaceful surroundings.


  • The Golden Gate Bridge sits majestically over the mouth of the bay,

    ゴールデン ゲート ブリッジは 湾の入口に堂々とそびえ立ち

  • and invites millions of visitors to the city each year.


  • Almost 2 miles long and 750 feet high,

    全長およそ 3 km 高さ 230 m

  • the Golden Gate Bridge connects San Francisco to the nearby Marin Headlands.

    サンフランシスコとマリンヘッド ランズを結びます

  • The pedestrian walkway spanning the length of the bridge is a superb way


  • to see sweeping views across the bay and out over the Pacific Ocean.


  • Baker Beach is located just to the west of the Golden Gate Bridge

    ベーカー ビーチはゴールデン ゲート ブリッジの西側にあります

  • and has spectacular views across the mouth of the bay to the distant Marin Headlands.

    湾の入口から遠くのマリンヘッド ランズまで臨む 美しい景色が広がります

  • It enjoys a reputation as San Francisco's best sandy beach,


  • but the views alone are worth the trip.


  • Just north of San Francisco in Marin County,


  • the ancient redwoods of Muir Woods National Monument tower up to 260 feet high

    レッドウッドが生い茂るミューア ウッズ国定公園が広がります

  • with some dating back almost 800 years.

    中には高さ 80m 樹齢 800 年を誇る巨木も

  • Local rangers can provide guided tours along pathways that loop through the forest,


  • or visitors can enjoy the hush sounds of nature


  • and explore one of America's natural treasures at their own pace.


  • On the eastern side of Marin County is the charming bayside hamlet of Sausalito.

    マリン郡の東側にあるのは おしゃれな海辺の街 サウサリート

  • In its early days it was a small artist colony,


  • but now it's a relaxed bayside community filled with cafés and art galleries.

    今はカフェやアート ギャラリーが軒を連ねる 上品でくつろげる海辺の街です

  • A short stroll down any street will bring you


  • to some of the most beautiful views across the bay.


  • And over there, in the distance,


  • beckoning like a siren's song is dazzling San Francisco -

    誘惑の歌声のごとく まばゆいサンフランシスコの街が手招きしています

  • tempting you back for another taste.


  • A temptation you'll find hard to resist


San Francisco is a spectacular, fun city on the central coast of California

サンフランシスコはカリフォルニア州の セントラルコーストに位置する華やかな楽しい街


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