字幕表 動画を再生する
Let's play some ...
Should we do some Pikachu fizz?
let's do some pikachu fizz dude.
I wanna buy static shiv and everything
Oh, don't you dare.
See ya!
Where you at? Where you at?
See ya!
I have to ... I'm gonna, I'm gonna tell you something that i should have probably told you guys a long time ago.
I may not be able to stream tomorrow. I may not be here tomorrow for telling you this
but uhh...
I have... I have to... I'm sorry, the people deserve to know
how many letters are in the word "RIOT"?
"RIOT" "R" "I" "O" "T"
four, right, four? alright.
Now subtract one right
Subtract one
You get three
You have three letters in the word "Riot"
You subtract one
And if you look very closely here
This is a triangle, three sides
It's Illuminati
I just... I had to come out with it I'm sorry
Pikachu, thundershock!
Come on bro that was my kill
Pikachu thanks you for... What is this garbage champion?
Yo, can someone...assist me?
Can someone assist me?
Trump wall!
Noo! Trump please let me in
See ya
Double Thundershock!
Quick attack
Let's get them
Let's get them!
Pikachu, Thunderbolt! Thundershock!
Oh my gosh, we just killed them all
Come on, Quick attack
Quick attack!
Ohh Noo!
Ohh dang it, if I got shielded there man
Link the song?
You just google... just google "porn" alright
And you will find the song alright
That is what you will find
Goodnight! Sleeptight!
Get him dude
Quick Attack! Iron Tail!
Thunderbolt Pikachu!
And another one
Yo, check this out check this out, Mom get the Teetours
Mom please get the Teetours for this one
Burn! (Buuurn!)
You can't mess with Pikachu
Alright, real talk. Is Pikachu...
What gender is Pikachu?
And don't, don't be one of those people "Oh Pikachu has no gender"
No no no no no, What what is...
Come on let's be honest, What is Pikachu?
We need to, we need to figure this out
Ash Ketchums Pikachu
What gender is it?
Is it a He?
I see more He's than She's
Has a tail?
What does that have to do with gender?
you trying, what are you trying to imply here?
Oh my!
Pikachu, Quick Attack! Hyper Beam!
Hyper Beam them!
Oh so tilted, I'm so tilted
Beyond...Oh im tilted to the next century
Tilted for the entire 2016
Excuse me?
Wait... What?
Did you just block off your own team?
Oh we got it, we got the dragon
Got him!
The slam dunk
Oh maybe Gunblade would have been better?
Argh I think Gunblade would have been beter
We got him team!
Nice champion rito!
It all makes sense
To me to me buddy, To me
That is not to me, that is to him
Thundershock save him!
Oh we saved him! Goodjob actually, Well done
Kill her!
Got another one Pikachu!
Noo you have to save your friends!
Not even close!
It's okay, let's go back to the Pokécenter and heal
We are good now
Goodjob Pikachu, Goodjob!
All in the days work for a Pokémon
5/7 for that one
Look at that though
Damage 27k, S+
We'll take it dude, we'll take it