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Hi guys! Andy here and welcome to an absolute beginners fingerstyle guitar lesson
where I'm showing you my top three fingerpicking songs for absolute beginners
We're going to be covering the principles of fingerstyle playing so if
you're brand new to this or you're wanting a refresher of all the basics this is
the perfect place to start! Of course if you like this lesson please subscribe
and check out my playlist my finger picking style songs on my YouTube
channel so the absolute easiest fingerstyle song has to be a song called
nothing else matters by Metallica now if you're not a Melvin don't worry you'll
probably ahead of this song and I'm pretty sure it's the best song to start
off with the principles of fingerstyle guitar plane so a quick low-down is what
happens in the interim this song is as follows
and that's it so we don't actually need a cold hand down for this it's just
includes your right hand and legend has it that he actually wrote this song
while he was on the phone and he just played in mind this is fairly easy but
the principles of fingerstyle playing the Wii assigned a finger on your phone
to certain strains and they stay on those strengths Sassine to those rings
throughout maybe an entire song and in this case the thumb is assigned to the
thick a string and fingers 123 go underneath the thinnest three strains
and this is very common throughout anything the staff song that this will
be the case
the reason being that the song plays the root note of our cohort so even though
we don't actually have a cold down this is a minor chords and if you think about
it these two strings so that would be only minor code but if we just played
the ones that we've got nothing to say
doesn't include these two strings so we don't need a court and down but we are
playing at court and we start off without them and then we play fingers
2003 on strings 32 and then going forward the thumb may move between any
one of these thicker strings but the fingers tend to stay assigned to the
thinnest three strings or the next 10 so we start with us and what we want to do
is keep all your on your wrist is still as possible keep it nice and relax but
still feel some into your hand and don't let it go back onto the string but
having waiting so the strength but when we hit it next and then we have these
three fingers waiting here but they want to live just above the strength and we
reached write each finger one at a time
and then
accuracy we probably need to an Keo handsome what is very common for people
to a pinky here and to do it like this
starting from the phone
it can be just as comments arrest your wrists on the guitar here this is a bit
more of a pop or rock style fingerstyle plane so whichever is more comfortable
for you many of you this
that is the starting principles of all fingerstyle guitar playing shown in that
one easy peace now the rest of that song does go much more complex but you can
find the tab for that some and all the lessons will be covering this video no
future lessons by clicking the link in the description to my website will have
the full rights of all types of the songs this second song that I've chosen
as a song from my biggest goals ain't no sunshine in the course you don't have to
do the things start to do this song but I wanted to cover the finger style in
this lesson to solve demo it more fully in the song ain't no sunshine by bill
with us we plan a my knuckles like this on the open string because that's the
root note of this and then assigned fingers one two and three straight up
from the bottom of the Finnish strings we're gonna come up one string so its
own two three and four we hit the thumbs first press down on him on a cold and
stromal the fingers together
nice at this point we should really be conscious that you can try and play with
your fingernails rather than the fleshy part of your fingers though the third
that to the tip and to launch the nails that better kind of in a cloth and we
plot no fingers and if we just keep out partying going into joining with me
we can get used to this
that's a starting point that only needs to happens once we change to the E minor
cold and goes to stream six but I think you stay static on the street and we
only do one here
before we changed to achieve coat but we only need your middle finger to change
because we're only playing those strings were not playing the middle finger moose
so altogether that should sound like this
even a slight rockingham and all the time your thumb and fingers are just
putting into your hand and all the forearm and wrist a little finger if you
rested her little finger all that stands still and we look inwards one finger at
a time and your thumb just put into words everything else should stay still
as possible
you can do it without resting your wrist or without your pinky that's even better
allows us to stay much loose and classical style
one last time really slow with this song
needing that song that happens twice and then we have an easy minor or a whole
bar and a D minor for all this in just the same one
now for that D minor with the troof know here we've had to move our fingers down
to the finished ring so that we've got all the strings from the D minor ringing
now so in context
that would happen again
and then is the body of a minor
to see more of how to play the song that I've discovered there ain't no sunshine
check out the video in the link in description or on the video some less so
you can check out that full guitar lesson for free trade zone out and cover
my final fingerstyle recommendation the song I recommend for all beginners to
have a god this is a personal favorite mind this is a song called something
from nothing from the last Foo Fighters album was originally electric guitar so
many goes very heavy and Dave Grohl did an acoustic version both songs use
fingerstyle in the introduction so to compare and contrast the electric to
acoustic this is a great song to cover and the intro sounds like this
so we have the same finger style pattern or a very similar one as it no sunshine
book this time instead of using codes we're just changing the route know which
is a massive principal especially for high-level get too often when cause
change the code would have a different name but the only note that has changed
is the root no this happens in loads of really high level songs and this one's
so easy because we're just changing the route which you can do with one finger
and the other strings are just hanging out 12 cover and to play we need to
start with your first or middle finger doesn't really doesn't really matter at
this time let's start without first fingerless seventh fret on the A string
that's the third dog on mine from the from the open string and we'd be here we
play in the snow and it's just without first two fingers move between the thumb
and the G and the B string string to string three
with the little finger
we can rest on the wrists
I cannot rest all around here
and to begin the Sun the root note alternator after four times through this
2008 into the thickest he knows both of these high off to a lower up to then
goes to the lower on
do that twice
I'm not the singing would begin we begin a descending pattern down the fret your
first finger moves down the threat boat after four blocks of the throne
down again
that's when we get to the third friends
we only do it twice we move to the second change strain second
the D straight to recap we went
and then to the open thing is needed
so to recap we descended down from 76 happens twice then changes stream down a
street into second fret again if an opening 123 just and 2nd fret that was
twice per second downstream one quick demo of them will have a go together
and that's the person in charge of something from nothing by the Foo
Fighters fantastic song really super easy to do to learn the rest of us on
both the electric and acoustic versions you want to click the link in
description so either of those videos and the tab for all of this lesson has
been on the website and eat a taco and our UK links in the description if you
want to see the full sample each one of those songs embedded on my side for easy
you've got everything that you need to follow up from this lesson but even if
you don't follow up with the whole song you've got the principles that table
would follow any acoustic guitar fingerstyle song that you want to learn
so hokey and one of those future videos please subscribe if you haven't already
and I'll see eleven guys take care bye for now
hi guys my name is Andy and in this lesson I'm gonna be showing you the
easiest three chords to play on your guitar and then demonstrate in 10 songs
that you can play using only these three chords
E Major and the A major and we were changing between them
in this fashion with the first finger being used as an anchor point to go between
those two chords