字幕表 動画を再生する
The Polish capital of Warsaw lies in the central-eastern part of Poland.
ポーランド中東部にある 首都ワルシャワ
It stands on the Vistula River on the site of a 14th century stronghold and trading center.
ビスワ川が流れ 歴史的な城壁と旧市街があります
Warsaw has for centuries been a center of refinement and knowledge.
数世紀にわたり 教養と知識が集まるワルシャワ
It’s strategic position has also made it one of the most invaded countries in Europe.
戦略上の要所であることから 数々の侵略を受け続けてきました
This is a city that resonates with a powerful spirit of reinvention,
街には不屈の精神が 溢れています
a spirit that has been forged from a history
that has pushed it to the brink of destruction time and time again.
度重なる危機から 培われたものです
Today’s Warsaw has been largely shaped by two of history’s most defining events,
街に大きな傷跡を残した 歴史上の大事件が 2 つあります
World War Two,
and the closing of the Iron Curtain.
But Warsaw is a survivor,
and from the ashes of war and the shackles of Communism,
戦後の廃墟や 共産主義の束縛も乗り越え
the city has risen again.
Tributes to this heroic history are dotted throughout the city,
街には壮絶な歴史の 爪跡があります
but there is a youthful rebirth here too. With a burgeoning fashion scene,
同時に躍進するファッション界、 華やかなモール、斬新なアートなど
stylish shopping malls and edgy art installations,
生まれ変わった姿も 見られるこの街
Warsaw has opened its arms to the world.
The true heart of Warsaw is its Old Town
a stunning tribute to the city’s will to survive and rebuild.
悲劇を乗り越えた人々の意思が 強く感じられます
This is where, in the dying days of the second world war,
ここは勇敢な市民が ワルシャワ蜂起を起こした場所
brave locals launched the Warsaw Uprising,
one of the most heroic resistance actions ever seen against the Nazis.
ナチに対する 屈指の抵抗運動です
In retaliation,
the Nazis almost completely destroyed the city.
街を 壊滅状態にしました
The opulent Royal Castle,
in Castle Square which served as the seat of power
何世紀にもわたり 王座が置かれました
for Polish Kings for many centuries was one of the countless buildings
しかし この美しい王宮も ナチスにより爆破されます
that were systematically destroyed,
many by dynamite.
Before the detonations, however,
and at enormous personal risk,
museum staff and civilians managed to save a number of the castle’s treasures.
王宮の貴重な品々を 爆破前に持ち出したのです
After the war,
much of the Old Town was painstakingly rebuilt
using 18th century paintings as a reference.
参考にされたのは 18 世紀の絵画
In front of the castle is King Sigismund’s Column.
王宮前にそびえる ジグムント王の像
Badly damaged but restored, at the end of the war,
ひどい損傷を受けましたが 戦後に修復されました
this is another symbol of the city’s resurrection.
One of the few statues not destroyed by the German army,
破壊を免れたものも 奇跡的にあります
is the nearby Syrena or mermaid statue.
The symbol and protector of Warsaw,
the mermaid has been on the city’s coat of arms for centuries.
街を見守る人魚は 市の紋章にも描かれています
The Old Town is also home to some of Warsaw’s beautiful cathedrals.
点在する荘厳な聖堂も 旧市街の見どころです
Visit St Johns Cathedral and St Anne’s Church,
whose interior miraculously survived the war.
From the tower at the top of the stone stairs,
the Warsaw skyline spreads out before you.
On the northern side of the Old Town Square is the Warsaw Museum,
広場の北には ワルシャワ博物館があります
a keeping place of the city’s dramatic stories.
Visit the beautiful Warsaw University
which served as military barracks for the German army.
かつてドイツ軍に 接収されたこの大学
During the occupation, education was mostly outlawed,
占領下では 教育がほぼ禁止されていました
but an underground “secret university” emerged.
しかし "秘密の大学" が 地下に設けられます
More than 3,000 students continued their lessons throughout the occupation
3000 名ほどの学生が 自主的に学問を続けました
in homes around the city,
but many paid the ultimate price.
その後 命を落としています
Their fate was shared by millions of Poles during the Second World War
第二次世界大戦では 数百万人が命を落としました
and Warsaw has a number of powerful monuments honouring the nation’s loss.
数々のモニュメントが 犠牲者を称えています
The POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews
ポーランド ユダヤ人歴史博物館は
is built on the site that was once the infamous Warsaw ghetto.
かつてのゲットーに 建てられました
Here, more than 400,000 men, women and children
子供を含め 40 万人以上が
were incarcerated in just less than one and a half square miles.
4 k㎡ 未満のこの区域に 収容されました
Nearby, the Warsaw Uprising Monument and the Warsaw Rising Museum
ワルシャワ蜂起記念碑と博物館にも 足を運びましょう
pay tribute to one of the bravest chapters of the city’s long history.
その果敢な抵抗を 歴史に刻む存在です
The Palace of Culture and Science,
is a remnant from a slightly later era;
it was a gift to the Polish people from Stalin at the height of the Cold War.
建設を指示したのは ソ連の指導者スターリンです
Travel a little further back in time with a stroll along the Royal Route.
ロイヤル ルートを散策すれば 歴史を感じられるでしょう
This path was once used by Polish Kings traveling from the Old Town to the Wilanów Palace.
これは国王が使った 旧市街からヴィラヌフ宮殿へと続く道
Today it is a popular tourist walk, studded with historical sites.
今では多くの史跡を 見られる観光スポットです
As you head along Nowy Swiat Street,
you’ll pass the monument to Polish astronomer,
Nicolaus Copernicus, who on his deathbed in 1543,
revolutionised science with his theory that the earth orbits the sun.
死の床で地動説を唱え 世間を驚かせました
A little closer to the river is the Copernicus Science Centre
ビスワ川近くにあるのは コペルニクス科学センター
whose mission is to inspire people to observe, experiment and challenge conventional wisdom.
通念を疑うことの大切さを 人々に説いています
In the Holy Cross Church,
lies a very personal reminder of another of Warsaw’s famous sons,
街が誇る作曲家である ショパンの心臓が収められています
composer and pianist, Fryderyk Chopin.
This musical genius so loved the city of his birth that he requested
彼は故郷を こよなく愛していました
his heart be returned to Warsaw when he died.
そのため 心臓の帰郷を望んだのです
You can see where it now resides here.
During the summer months,
Chopin’s music floats through Lazienki Park,
the largest park in Warsaw.
Lazienki Palace started life as a bathhouse but in the 18th century,
ワジェンキ宮殿は 当初は浴場でした
the last Polish King converted it into his summer residence.
しかしポーランド最後の王が 別荘として整備します
The last stop on the Royal Route is Wilanow Palace.
ロイヤル ルートの終着地は ヴィラヌフ宮殿
With its luxurious artworks and formal garden,
it is an outstanding testament to Poland’s early wealth and magnificence.
建国初期の栄華が 感じられることでしょう
But even as Warsaw honours its past,
this city of rebirth is creating new stories.
Since the fall of the Iron Curtain,
Poland’s economy has boomed.
That economic success is reflected in the luxury malls that have sprung up,
ズウォテ タラスィや ヴィットカックなど
such as Zlote Tarasy
and the VITKAC department store.
Other areas in Warsaw are also being transformed.
A number of former industrial areas are now serving up cutting edge spaces and hip restaurants.
かつての工業地帯の多くは 流行を生むエリアに姿を変えています
Visit Praga, on the right bank of the Vistula River to discover venues like the Soho Factory.
ビスワ東岸のプラガには SOHO ファクトリーなどがあります
Once an ammunition factory,
it is now home to a range of stylish shops and museums such as the Neon Museum.
お洒落なお店や ネオン博物館があります
This exhibition is dedicated to preserving the iconic signs from Warsaw’s Soviet era,
この博物館の展示品は ソ連占領時代のネオン看板
many of which were produced by some of Poland’s most famous artists.
多くは国内の著名芸術家が 制作したものです
These reclaimed urban areas are perhaps the perfect reflection of Warsaw today.
これらの再開発地域は 今日のワルシャワの映し鏡といえます
Just like the people of Warsaw,
these young and innovative areas are creating new life and beauty amidst the remnants
苦難の歴史を忘れることなく 新たな時代を創造しているのです
of an often tragic history.
Warsaw today shines like a beacon to the the world.
It reminds us that, no matter how dark a city’s past,
the spirit of hope will always triumph in the end.