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  • yo yo yo welcome counting for beginners family

  • we're on 33:3 add another three welcome back man welcome back thanks for having

  • me thanks for clicking on another one you want to see this ugly mug alright

  • welcome back this one is today today CPA strength oh

  • I'm sorry Who am I I am CPA strength I am a

  • strongest CPA in Florida I'm a licensed CPA in the state of Florida I'm doing

  • big bang's over here baby BIGBANG's you know what I'm saying today

  • is accounting for beginners 33 CPA strengths what are you going to be doing

  • in this I'm going to be doing with adjusting entries I'm going to be doing

  • more adjusting entries I'm adjust the entries of Gentry's entries of adjusting

  • x' and our first first adjusting entry we did depreciation then the last one we

  • did prepaid expenses 33 what adjusted entry when I do today we're going to do

  • on an earn revenue let's bring it back from one time this kind of goes along

  • with the other one prepaid and expenses the other the other one we gave our

  • money out we gave our chippers out to people we

  • were going to get the work later so it was an asset but that was before I

  • was preparing Spence's now we're on an unearned revenue and now we get money

  • first and we have to do the work later so it's liability let's go through it up

  • video over let's Hardware unearned revenue just close to the depression

  • those kidding that was lost I never I never pet in my hand

  • anyway some quick housekeeping now you already know this you have been writing

  • this on your paper every day dc8 learner debit credit asset or expense liability

  • equity revenue in the normal pause balances okay now we're doing unearned

  • revenue today you don't know what unearned revenue is just think about it

  • revenue that means you work you do work for somebody okay and you get paid for

  • it that would be some revenue unearned revenue on usually there's nothing no

  • it's just revenue so I guess it's you have to know that it's you if if it if

  • it's not specified it is earned revenue it's just revenue usually just revenue

  • revenue revenue but then you're going to see something you didn't do you didn't

  • do the work you got the money you didn't earn it unearned revenue so that's what

  • this is unearned revenue here's what happened on 1010 one on October first

  • you mow you mow lawns for a living and that's what you do so you got you know

  • put your hat on you got to figure out who you are per question you know on

  • this question it's you you're lent your landscaper you're going around you get

  • your meeting with a new client you say yeah I do I do all this for I do a 100 a

  • month I cut I come once a month I do everything I trim I cut grass I do this

  • I do that 100 a month you know and your your client or whatever says that sounds

  • great listen I'm a really busy guy and I just want to pay for a year up front I'm

  • going to pay you here's $1,200 for a year okay don't bill

  • me for a year now I say oh I know I don't usually account for that I usually

  • just go month by month so just give me a hundred and keep the 1,100 he'll know my

  • number one rule is give me that money I'll worry about it later so basically

  • yeah I just got a $1,200 check I'm pretty happy I'm like you

  • I don't like I don't know how to account for this I just watch a CPA strength

  • video and I'll figure out how to account for this okay get that money dawg get

  • that get them chippers up first I'll never pass up a buck I'll never pass up

  • a penny I don't care if it's heads up or tails down get my money on ten one song

  • a new client says I'm just going to pay for the whole year right now gives you

  • $1,200 cash now that's going to be your debit think about it we've gone over

  • this at nauseam you've got money you're getting money cash is an asset normal

  • balance going up that via debit cash $1,200 what did you get the cash for

  • what did you get the cash to mow lawns that's my normal operations is how I get

  • how my business makes money and I didn't mow the lawns yet though he just fronted

  • me all the money I haven't mowed a lawn yet he just fronted me all the money so

  • I didn't earn it yet our nuran revenue our revenue is going to be your credit

  • of twelve hundred dollars even if you didn't really know this yarding you know

  • cash is gonna be your debit fill our dollars so our in revenue of $12 is

  • gonna be your credit under revenue is most most liabilities or the accounts

  • payable wages payable taxes payable payable payable payable but if you think

  • about it I run revenue is liability because you still you owe you owe

  • somebody you're liable for work that was our journal entry and we got these

  • chippers so think about it so so our so on the books here we have X on the books

  • here we've got 1200 cash 1200 under rubber if this is the only journal entry

  • you've ever made alright I did not do any work yet so we have to add we're

  • adjusting for the end of the year we're on the end of the year in a year twelve

  • thirty two years twelve oh my god it is it is the end of the year really 1231

  • yeah I swear to you I wouldn't lie to you it is let's figure out per month how

  • much this is now we're going to right now we're

  • to do now we're trying to make our adjusted entry here without the cash

  • what do we get paid we got paid $1,200 for 12 months it's 100 ollars per month

  • all right now how many months is it from here 10 1 all right I'm going to do my

  • hands because this is the easiest for me all right so 10 one to ten thirty one to

  • eleven thirty one to twelve thirty one three months we have three months that's

  • going to be $300 yeah I'm just getting me I'm feeling bold I'm just going to

  • put watch this three months we got to our adjusting journal entry of three

  • ones here 100 110 one to twelve thirty one years three months come on it's

  • three months I use what a little blue debit 300 hours you know they have to

  • equal I'm gonna credit it for $300 this is our adjusted entry we don't have cash

  • sadly enough so what are we gonna do I don't know

  • no I dunno I'm saying for you you might not know now what's what's this

  • associate we have to do with we're so shooting our adjusting entry here with

  • unearned revenue we have Lucia our revenue on the books you're like did we

  • earn any of that revenue yeah three hundred dollars for three months we

  • earned it okay so now we have earned revenue or just regular revenue where

  • would that go on a journal entry because that's what we're doing we're making

  • another journal entry for this adjusting entry our rec room we turn it into

  • revenue revenue as a credit so that would be that's give your credit three

  • dollar revenue you're not going to mess with this cash account because you still

  • what we're doing this entry there's no cash involved so you still just have

  • 1200 dollars cash

  • but now earning revenue was $12 we've used $300 of this of the earner revenue

  • and made it earned now now you would want to take off on

  • a revenue or you would want to lower it or in revenue

  • I know is a liability it's one of the it's one of the only liabilities been

  • payable so I want a lower earner in revenue because I've used some of it

  • with revenue so it's going to be going down so if it's going down it's gonna be

  • a debit alright folks there's the journal entry debit for your

  • dollars are in a revenue credit $3 revenue that's the adjusting entry for

  • unearned revenue basically are going to revenue think about it you've got the

  • chippers but you didn't Ernie that's why it's unearned anyways thank you very

  • much thanks for being here CPA strengths loves these I actually do this first

  • thing in the morning wake up at 5 o'clock get to my office by 6 and do

  • these videos and I love them but then I added it down and stuff and and it's

  • like I'm really on my flow doing these so hit a like share subscribe get these

  • out to more people for good because everyone should know accounting alright

  • everyone everyone loves money everyone needs money please

yo yo yo welcome counting for beginners family


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

初心者のための会計#33 / 勘定科目の調整 / 仕訳 / 未収収益 (Accounting for Beginners #33 / Adjusting Entries / Journal Entries / Unearned Revenue)

  • 47 7
    陳虹如 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日