字幕表 動画を再生する
They told me that I'm a traitor to my own profession,
私は自分の職業に対する反逆者 だと言われました
that I should be fired,
have my medical license taken away,
that I should go back to my own country.
My email got hacked.
In a discussion forum for other doctors,
他の医師との ディスカッションフォーラムでは
someone took credit for "Twitter-bombing" my account.
誰かが私のアカウントに「ツイッター爆弾」を 送ったことを手柄にしていました
Now, I didn't know if this was a good or bad thing,
さて 事の善悪は分かりませんでしたが
but then came the response:
その後 返事が来ました
"Too bad it wasn't a real bomb."
「お気の毒さま 本物の爆弾ではありませんでした」
I never thought that I would do something
that would provoke this level of anger among other doctors.
こんな怒りを駆り立てるような事をしたとは 夢にも思いませんでした
Becoming a doctor was my dream.
I grew up in China,
and my earliest memories are of being rushed to the hospital
最初の思い出は 病院の救急に運ばれた事です
because I had such bad asthma that I was there nearly every week.
私はひどいぜんそくを患っていたので ほぼ毎週病院に行きました
I had this one doctor, Dr. Sam, who always took care of me.
サム先生という方に いつも診てもらっていました
She was about the same age as my mother.
その先生は 母と同じくらいの年齢でした
She had this wild, curly hair,
and she always wore these bright yellow flowery dresses.
いつも明るい黄色の 花柄の服を着ていました
She was one of those doctors who,
転んで 腕の骨を折ったりしたら
if you fell and you broke your arm,
she would ask you why you weren't laughing
だって ここがあなたの冗談骨(上腕骨)よ 分かる?」
because it's your humerus. Get it?
See, you'd groan,
ほらね 唸るでしょう
but she'd always make you feel better after having seen her.
でも先生に診てもらうと いつも気分が良くなるのです
Well, we all have that childhood hero
こんな風に 誰にでも大きくなったら
that we want to grow up to be just like, right?
こうなりたいという 子供時代のヒーローがいますよね?
Well, I wanted to be just like Dr. Sam.
私はサム先生のようになりたい と思いました
When I was eight, my parents and I moved to the U.S.,
8歳の時 私は両親と アメリカに引っ越しました
and ours became the typical immigrant narrative.
My parents cleaned hotel rooms and washed dishes and pumped gas
両親はホテルの清掃や皿洗いをしたり ガソリンスタンドで働きました
so that I could pursue my dream.
Well, eventually I learned enough English,
結局 十分英語を学び
and my parents were so happy
the day that I got into medical school and took my oath of healing and service.
癒しと奉仕の誓いを受け入れた日 両親はとても喜んでいました
But then one day, everything changed.
しかしある日 全てが変わりました
My mother called me to tell me that she wasn't feeling well,
母が電話で 体調が良くないと言ってきたのです
she had a cough that wouldn't go away, she was short of breath and tired.
咳が止まらず 息切れと 疲れを訴えました
Well, I knew that my mother was someone who never complained about anything.
どんな事にも決して 不満を言う人でないのは分かっていました
For her to tell me that something was the matter,
I knew something had to be really wrong.
And it was:
案の定 母は
We found out that she had stage IV breast cancer,
cancer that by then had spread to her lungs, her bones, and her brain.
その時までに癌は 肺、骨、そして脳に転移していました
My mother was brave, though, and she had hope.
しかし母は強く勇敢で 希望を持っていました
She went through surgery and radiation,
and was on her third round of chemotherapy
そして3クール目の 化学療法を受けている時
when she lost her address book.
She tried to look up her oncologist's phone number on the Internet
母はネットで腫瘍医の 電話番号を調べようとしました
and she found it, but she found something else too.
それは見つかりましたが 他にも見つかったものがあったのです
On several websites,
いくつかのウェブサイトで 彼が
he was listed as a highly paid speaker to a drug company,
製薬企業に高額で雇われた スポークスマンとして名前が挙がっていたのです
and in fact often spoke on behalf
実際母に処方したのと同じ 化学療法の投与計画を
of the same chemo regimen that he had prescribed her.
She called me in a panic,
and I didn't know what to believe.
私は何を信じれば良いのか 分かりませんでした
Maybe this was the right chemo regimen for her,
おそらく母にとって それが正しい処方だったのかもしれないし
but maybe it wasn't.
It made her scared and it made her doubt.
When it comes to medicine,
having that trust is a must,
and when that trust is gone, then all that's left is fear.
信頼が失われると 残るのは不安だけです
There's another side to this fear.
As a medical student, I was taking care of this 19-year-old
医学生の頃 19歳の患者を診ていました
who was biking back to his dorm
when he got struck and hit,
SUV車にぶつかり 体を強打し
run over by an SUV.
He had seven broken ribs,
shattered hip bones,
and he was bleeding inside his belly and inside his brain.
Now, imagine being his parents
who flew in from Seattle, 2,000 miles away,
シアトルから3,200キロの距離を 飛行機で駆けつけ
to find their son in a coma.
昏睡状態の息子に会いに行く事を 想像してみてください
I mean, you'd want to find out what's going on with him, right?
彼がどんな状態なのか 知りたいですよね?
They asked to attend our bedside rounds
where we discussed his condition and his plan,
回診では彼の状態と 治療の計画を話し合います
which I thought was a reasonable request,
それは思うに 筋の通った要求です
and also would give us a chance to show them
そして私たちがどれくらい 彼をケアしたのか
how much we were trying and how much we cared.
又しようとしているのか 両親に提示する機会でした
The head doctor, though, said no.
しかし主治医が「ノー」と 言ったのです
He gave all kinds of reasons.
Maybe they'll get in the nurse's way.
おそらく看護師を 邪魔する事になるでしょう
Maybe they'll stop students from asking questions.
多分学生に質問させまいと したのでしょう
He even said,
"What if they see mistakes and sue us?"
「親がもしミスを見つけて 訴訟でも起こしたらどうするんだ?」
What I saw behind every excuse was deep fear,
あらゆる弁解の裏に私が見たものは 極度の恐れでした
and what I learned was that to become a doctor,
医師になる為に 私たちは
we have to put on our white coats,
白衣を身につけ 壁を作り その裏に
put up a wall, and hide behind it.
隠れなければいけないと 分かりました
There's a hidden epidemic in medicine.
医療には 隠れた伝染病があります
Of course, patients are scared when they come to the doctor.
もちろん 医師を訪れるとき 患者は不安を感じます
Imagine you wake up with this terrible bellyache,
you go to the hospital,
you're lying in this strange place, you're on this hospital gurney,
見知らぬ場所に横になり その病院のストレッチャーで運ばれ
you're wearing this flimsy gown,
strangers are coming to poke and prod at you.
身も知らない人がやって来て あなたをつついたり刺激したりします
You don't know what's going to happen.
You don't even know if you're going to get the blanket you asked for 30 minutes ago.
30分前に頼んだ毛布を持ってきて もらえるかどうかも分からないのです
But it's not just patients who are scared;
でも不安なのは 患者だけではありません
doctors are scared too.
We're scared of patients finding out who we are
私たちは患者に 自分たちの 素性がばれるのが怖いのです
and what medicine is all about.
そして医療についての 全てを暴かれるのが
And so what do we do?
では 私たちは どうするのでしょう?
We put on our white coats and we hide behind them.
私たちは白衣を着て その後ろに隠れます
Of course, the more we hide,
もちろん 沢山隠せば隠すほど
the more people want to know what it is that we're hiding.
何を隠しているのかを 人々はもっと知りたくなります
The more fear then spirals into mistrust and poor medical care.
不安が増すと 不信と貧弱な医療へと さらに悪影響が高まります
We don't just have a fear of sickness,
we have a sickness of fear.
Can we bridge this disconnect
between what patients need and what doctors do?
Can we overcome the sickness of fear?
不安という病に打ち勝つ事は 出来るでしょうか?
Let me ask you differently:
If hiding isn't the answer, what if we did the opposite?
隠す事が答えでないなら 逆の事をしてみてはどうでしょう?
What if doctors were to become totally transparent with their patients?
仮に 医師が自分の患者に全てを さらけ出すとしたら どうなるでしょう?
Last fall, I conducted a research study to find out
昨年の秋 研究を行い 皆が医療について
what it is that people want to know about their healthcare.
何を知りたがっているのかを 調査しました
I didn't just want to study patients in a hospital,
病院にいる患者だけではなく 健常者も対象に
but everyday people.
So my two medical students, Suhavi Tucker and Laura Johns,
2人の医学生 スハビ・ターカーとローラ・ジョーンズです
literally took their research to the streets.
They went to banks, coffee shops, senior centers,
彼らは銀行、コーヒーショップ、 シニアセンター
Chinese restaurants and train stations.
What did they find?
Well, when we asked people,
"What do you want to know about your healthcare?"
「あなたは医療について 何が知りたいですか?」
people responded with what they want to know about their doctors,
皆は自分の担当医について 知りたいと答えました
because people understand health care
なぜなら 自分と担当医の間で
to be the individual interaction between them and their doctors.
個人的なやり取りをする事によって 医療が理解出来るからです
When we asked, "What do you want to know about your doctors?"
「医師の何について知りたいですか?」 と尋ねると
people gave three different answers.
Some want to know that their doctor is competent
自分の担当医が 有能で医療を行う資格を持っているか
and certified to practice medicine.
Some want to be sure that their doctor is unbiased
担当医に偏見がなく 誰がお金を支払うかではなく
and is making decisions based on evidence and science,
根拠と科学に基づく決定を しているかどうかを確かめたいと
not on who pays them.
Surprisingly to us,
many people want to know something else about their doctors.
多くの人たちが担当医について 別の何かを知りたがっている事です
Jonathan, a 28-year-old law student,
says he wants to find someone who is comfortable with LGBTQ patients
and specializes in LGBT health.
LGBT専門の医師を 見つけたいと言っています
Serena, a 32-year-old accountant,
32歳の会計士 セレナは
says that it's important to her for her doctor to share her values
殊に女性の生殖に関する健康や 権利について
when it comes to reproductive choice and women's rights.
担当医が自分と価値観を共有することが 大事だと言っています
Frank, a 59-year-old hardware store owner,
ハードウェア店の店主 59歳のフランクは
doesn't even like going to the doctor
and wants to find someone who believes in prevention first,
予防が第一と信じる医師を 探してはいますが
but who is comfortable with alternative treatments.
One after another, our respondents told us
次から次へと回答者は 私たちに訴えました
that that doctor-patient relationship is a deeply intimate one —
医師と患者の関係は 深く親密なものです
that to show their doctors their bodies
and tell them their deepest secrets,
自分の深い秘密を 打ち明けるのですから
they want to first understand their doctor's values.
患者はまず 医師の価値感を 理解したいのです
Just because doctors have to see every patient
医師が あらゆる患者を 診なければならないからと言って
doesn't mean that patients have to see every doctor.
患者があらゆる医師を 訪れる必要があるという訳ではありません
People want to know about their doctors first
so that they can make an informed choice.
皆 自分の担当医の事 を まず知りたがります
As a result of this, I formed a campaign,
その結果 私はある組織活動を始めました
Who's My Doctor?
”Who's My Doctor? ” という
that calls for total transparency in medicine.
医療における全面的な透明性を 呼びかける活動です
Participating doctors voluntarily disclose
on a public website
not just information about where we went to medical school
どこの医科大を卒業したか 専門は何か
and what specialty we're in,
but also our conflicts of interest.
We go beyond the Government in the Sunshine Act
about drug company affiliations,
そこから いくら貰っているのか等
and we talk about how we're paid.
政府のサンシャイン条項を 越えるものです
Incentives matter.
If you go to your doctor because of back pain,
you might want to know he's getting paid 5,000 dollars to perform spine surgery
脊柱手術をするのにその医者が 5000ドル支払われるのか
versus 25 dollars to refer you to see a physical therapist,
理学療法士に紹介するのに 25ドル支払われているのか
or if he's getting paid the same thing no matter what he recommends.
何を勧めても同額を支払われているのか 知りたいですよね
Then, we go one step further.
We add our values when it comes to women's health,
女性やLGBTの医療 代替医療
LGBT health, alternative medicine,
予防医療 終末期医療に関して
preventive health, and end-of-life decisions.
We pledge to our patients that we are here to serve you,
私たちは患者の皆さんに 尽くす事を誓います
so you have a right to know who we are.
患者には医師がどんな人であるのか 知る権利があります
We believe that transparency can be the cure for fear.
私たちは情報を透明化することによって 不安が和らぐと信じています
I thought some doctors would sign on and others wouldn't,
医師の中には賛同する人も しない人もいると思います
but I had no idea of the huge backlash that would ensue.
大衆の大きな抵抗に 遭うとは思いません
Within one week of starting Who's My Doctor?
”Who's My Doctor?” の 開始1週間以内に
Medscape's public forum
and several online doctors' communities
いくつものオンラインでの 医師のコミュニティに
had thousands of posts about this topic.
この話題に関して 何千もの投稿が来ました
Here are a few.
From a gastroenterologist in Portland:
ポートランドに住む 消化器科医からのものです
"I devoted 12 years of my life to being a slave.
「私は12年の人生を 奴隷となって捧げてきました
I have loans and mortgages.
I depend on lunches from drug companies to serve patients."
製薬企業からの昼食でしのいで 患者さんと接しています」
Well, times may be hard for everyone,
誰にとっても厳しい時代 なのかもしれませんが
but try telling your patient
making 35,000 dollars a year to serve a family of four
that you need the free lunch.
From an orthopedic surgeon in Charlotte:
シャーロットの 整形外科医からのものです
"I find it an invasion of my privacy to disclose where my income comes from.
「収入の出所を明かにするのは プライバシーの侵害だと思います
My patients don't disclose their incomes to me."
患者は自分たちの収入を 明らかにはしませんよね」
But your patients' sources of income don't affect your health.
でも患者の収入源は 医師の健康には影響しないでしょう
From a psychiatrist in New York City:
ニューヨークシティーの 精神科医からのものです
"Pretty soon we will have to disclose whether we prefer cats to dogs,
what model of car we drive,
車のモデルやトイレットペーパーは どれを使っているか
and what toilet paper we use."
Well, how you feel about Toyotas or Cottonelle
won't affect your patients' health,
but your views on a woman's right to choose
しかし 女性の選択権
and preventive medicine and end-of-life decisions just might.
予防医学 終末期医療に関する価値観は 大きく影響します
And my favorite, from a Kansas City cardiologist:
気にいったのは カンザスシティの循環器科医です
"More government-mandated stuff?
Dr. Wen needs to move back to her own country."
ウェン先生は 祖国に帰らなきゃならないだろう」
Well, two pieces of good news.
さて 2つの良い知らせがあります
First of all, this is meant to be voluntary and not mandatory,
まず1つ目はこれが 強制ではなく 任意であるという事
and second of all, I'm American and I'm already here.
2つ目は私がアメリカ人で 既にここにいるという事です
(Laughter) (Applause)
Within a month, my employers were getting calls
一か月のうちに 勤務先の病院に
asking for me to be fired.
I received mail at my undisclosed home address
with threats to contact the medical board to sanction me.
医療監査委員会に訴えて 制裁措置をとると脅迫されました
My friends and family urged me to quit this campaign.
友人や家族はこの活動を止めるように 私を説得しました
After the bomb threat, I was done.
爆弾の脅迫の後 活動を中止しました
But then I heard from patients.
しかし 私は患者たちから聞いたのです
Over social media, a TweetChat,
ソーシャルメディア ツイートチャットを通して
which I'd learned what that was by then,
その時までに 430万人の目に触れ
generated 4.3 million impressions,
and thousands of people wrote to encourage me to continue.
They wrote with things like,
"If doctors are doing something they're that ashamed of,
「医師が 恥じるような事をしているのなら
they shouldn't be doing it."
それは してはならないはずだ」
"Elected officials have to disclose campaign contributions.
「選挙で選ばれた政治家が活動寄付金を 明らかにするのは当然だし
Lawyers have to disclose conflicts of interests.
Why shouldn't doctors?"
And finally, many people wrote and said,
結局 大勢が書いたり言ったりしていました
"Let us patients decide
what's important when we're choosing a doctor."
In our initial trial,
over 300 doctors have taken the total transparency pledge.
300人を超える医師が 完全な情報の透明化の誓約を行いました
What a crazy new idea, right?
なんて途方もなく新しい アイディアなんでしょうね?
But actually, this is not that new of a concept at all.
しかし実際 これは そんな新しい概念では全くありません
Remember Dr. Sam, my doctor in China,
中国の私のヒーロー サム先生を思い出してください
with the goofy jokes and the wild hair?
Well, she was my doctor,
そう 彼女は私の先生でしたが
but she was also our neighbor
who lived in the building across the street.
I went to the same school as her daughter.
私は彼女のお嬢さんと 同じ学校に通っていました
My parents and I trusted her
because we knew who she was and what she stood for,
なぜなら彼女がどんな人で 何を考えているのか知っていたからです
and she had no need to hide from us.
先生が私たちから隠れる必要は 何もありませんでした
Just one generation ago, this was the norm in the U.S. as well.
わずか1世代前 これは アメリカでも普通の事でした
You knew that your family doctor was the father of two teenage boys,
皆知っていましたよね ホームドクターが 2人の10代の男の子の父親で
that he quit smoking a few years ago,
数年前 煙草をやめ
that he says he's a regular churchgoer,
教会には必ずきちんと行っている と言っているけれど
but you see him twice a year: once at Easter
年に2回しか 教会で彼に会う事はなく 一回はイースター
and once when his mother-in-law comes to town.
もう一回は お義母さんが 街に出てきた時だという事だと
You knew what he was about,
and he had no need to hide from you.
But the sickness of fear has taken over,
and patients suffer the consequences.
患者はその結果 苦しみます
I know this firsthand.
私は 直に
My mother fought her cancer for eight years.
母が8年間 癌と戦った姿を見てきました
She was a planner,
and she thought a lot about how she wanted to live
どのように生きたいか どのように死にたいかについて
and how she wanted to die.
Not only did she sign advance directives,
she wrote a 12-page document about how she had suffered enough,
12ページにわたる文書を作っていました どれほど病で苦しんだか
how it was time for her to go.
One day, when I was a resident physician,
I got a call to say that she was in the intensive care unit.
母が集中治療室に入ったという 電話を受けました
By the time I got there, she was about to be intubated
病院に駆けつけるまでに 母は挿管され
and put on a breathing machine.
"But this is not what she wants," I said, "and we have documents."
「これは母の望む事ではありません」 私は言いました 「文書があります」
The ICU doctor looked at me in the eye,
pointed at my then 16-year-old sister, and said,
"Do you remember when you were that age?
「君がこの子ぐらいの頃の事を 覚えてる?」
How would you have liked to grow up without your mother?"
「お母さんなしで生きられたらと 願ったよね?」
Her oncologist was there too, and said,
"This is your mother.
Can you really face yourself for the rest of your life
もしお母さんの為に 全てが出来なかったことを
if you don't do everything for her?"
死ぬまで自分自身と 本当に向き合えるかい?」
I knew my mother so well.
I understood what her directives meant so well,
彼女の指示の意味も とてもよく理解出来ました
but I was a physician.
That was the single hardest decision I ever made,
それはこれまで私が下した中で 最も難しい決断でした
to let her die in peace,
and I carry those words of those doctors with me
every single day.
We can bridge the disconnect
between what doctors do and what patients need.
患者の要求の間の断絶に 橋を架けることが出来るのです
We can get there, because we've been there before,
そこまで 辿り着くことが出来ます 以前来たことのある道だからです
and we know that transparency gets us to that trust.
透明化が信頼に結びつくのは 分かっています
Research has shown us that openness also helps doctors,
研究によると情報をオープンにする事は 医師にとっての手助けにもなり
that having open medical records,
being willing to talk about medical errors,
will increase patient trust,
improve health outcomes,
and reduce malpractice.
That openness, that trust,
この公開 この信頼は
is only going to be more important
伝染病から日常行動が原因となる 疾患モデルへと変化する時代にあって
as we move from the infectious to the behavioral model of disease.
Bacteria may not care so much about trust and intimacy,
バクテリアは信頼や親密さと それほど関係ないかもしれません
but for people to tackle the hard lifestyle choices,
ライフスタイルの困難な選択に 人々が取り組む時や
to address issues like smoking cessation,
blood-pressure management and diabetes control,
well, that requires us to establish trust.
そういったものは 医師の信頼を要します
Here's what other transparent doctors have said.
これは 透明化を果たした医師たちが 言った言葉です
Brandon Combs, an internist in Denver:
デンバーの内科医 ブランドン・コームです
"This has brought me closer to my patients.
「情報を透明化する事で 患者さんとの距離が縮まりました
The type of relationship I've developed —
これは 今まで築いてきた関係の模範です
that's why I entered medicine."
Aaron Stupple, an internist in Denver:
デンバーの内科医 アロン・スタップルです
"I tell my patients that I am totally open with them.
「自分は患者さんに 何も隠し事をしないと言います
I don't hide anything from them.
This is me. Now tell me about you.
これが私です さあ あなたの事を教えてください
We're in this together."
May Nguyen, a family physician in Houston:
ヒューストンの ファミリードクター メイ・グエンです
"My colleagues are astounded by what I'm doing.
「同僚は私がしている事に 仰天しています
They ask me how I could be so brave.
どうやってそんなに勇敢になったのと 尋ねてきます
I said, I'm not being brave,
it's my job."
それが自分の仕事なのよ』 です」
I leave you today with a final thought.
今日 最後の考えをお話しましょう
Being totally transparent is scary.
You feel naked, exposed and vulnerable,
裸にされ 暴露され 批判を受けやすくなると感じるでしょう
but that vulnerability, that humility,
しかし傷つきやすさ 謙虚さは
it can be an extraordinary benefit to the practice of medicine.
医療業務にとって驚くべき利点と なりうるのです
When doctors are willing to step off our pedestals,
take off our white coats,
and show our patients who we are and what medicine is all about,
患者に自分をあらわにし 医療のすべてについて語る
that's when we begin to overcome the sickness of fear.
その時不安という病を 私たちは克服し始めるのです
That's when we establish trust.
その時 信頼は確立するのです
That's when we change the paradigm of medicine
from one of secrecy and hiding
to one that is fully open and engaged
完全にオープンで 患者に従事するものへと
for our patients.
Thank you.