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Can we tell where breakfast comes from just by tasting it?
Let's talk about that.
♪(intro music)♪
Good Mythical Morning.
Breakfast is widely regarded to be the most important meal of the day,
- Hm mm. - followed closely by
(silly voice) second breakfast.
What about elevenses?
What about it?
(laughs) Luncheon?
All of those are important, but when you're in America,
you pretty much just have to settle for beggs--
- (crew laughs) - (silly voice) Beggs.
- Bacon and eggs for short. - Beggs, which is my way of saying
- eggs and bacon, or bacon and eggs. - Eggs and bacon.
- Or add a little cheese. - Boring!
That's all we get is beggs.
But we're going to get out of this country,
and go around the world, and see how people fuel their day,
right off the bat.
It's time to play,
(both singing) Where in the world did these international breakfases come from?
Breakfases. Okay, this is how this is gonna work,
we're gonna be presented with a breakfast,
or as my kids, when they were younger, called them, "Breath-tasis".
And we're gonna eat those and then guess where, on Earth,
they are, and we're gonna articulate that using darts and a big old map
over here, with a cartographer.
(Link) Chase, the cartographer, is there. He might get hit.
We will not be throwing the darts at Chase,
although he is wearing a map shirt.
(Rhett) We will be throwing at this map. The way you guess is by throwing it
at the country that you think it is.
And this is like golf. Remember, we played a game
- sort of like this before. - With sauces.
The closer you are to the actual guess, the better.
And, in fact, if you land in the red, it's zero.
If you don't land in the red, or you land in the wrong country,
we measure from the little point that's marked there.
(Rhett) From the bulls-eye in each country and then we add up the total score
(Rhett) and the person with the lowest score at the end wins.
- Just like golf. - Wins a special mythical breakfast.
Let's get in with it.
♪(A cappella music)♪ - (both) Round one.
Alright, bring it in, I guess that's what you meant, Link.
Let's get in with it.
Oh. Okay.
(Link) We got some sort of a cake with...
mayonnaise, or sour cream.
I doubt it's mayonnaise.
And apples.
It's a bland looking thing.
Are those potatoes? No, that is apples.
Oh, it's so nice though.
Is that cotta-- Is that cream cheese? Is that cottage cheese?
What is that?
It's a cheese.
(Rhett) It's almost like an English muffin meets a pancake.
It's yogurt. I think it's yogurt.
It's good whatever it is.
Does it taste different on the desk?
- (laughs) You saw that? - (crew laughs)
Where do you think I am?
Well I didn't know how your periphery worked.
I was looking right at you when you did it.
Man, that's good. You going in for another bite?
Who's gonna go first? I'll go first.
Man, that's so good.
- The cheese. - It is good.
(Link) I think anything up there, like Iceland, Sweden, or Alaska
(Link) is gonna have some nastiness that this doesn't have in it.
Really? Okay, interesting.
- (Rhett) Oh. - (Link) Whoops!
(Link) It hit the white ocean.
So I'm going to have to ask you to step back, Link,
so I can get somewhat as close as you were.
I'm not telling you what I aimed for. It obviously wasn't what I hit.
I'm aiming for Iceland, because I believe that this
might be from Sweden (laughs).
And I just feel-- I have a tendency to go a little bit to the right.
- You think this is Swedish? - Yeah.
They don't have apples up there, do they? It's too cold.
(both) Oh.
(Rhett) Hopefully it's Morocco.
(all laugh)
(Stevie) This is Syrniki, which is a cottage cheese dumpling,
(Stevie) or, in this case, a pancake, it's topped with sour cream
(Stevie) and caramelized apples and pears from Russia.
- Oh! - Russia?
That was the one that we could have actually hit, Link!
Dang! Russia's so big.
Well, I think I did take-- I won that round.
You are closer to it.
Chase, how are we faring?
- Rhett, you had thirty four centimeters, - (ding sound)
- and Link, you had fifty. - (ding sound)
- (Rhett) Okay. - (Link) Oh.
Hm. Not a good start for the Linkster.
No, but this right here was a good start.
Really, really good. I'm moving to Russia, maybe,
- Very good. - but it's early in the game,
I can't make a decision yet.
♪(A cappella music)♪ - (both) Round two.
Look at this. Oh gosh.
This looks like a bowl of chili.
(Rhett) This looks like leftovers.
(Link) Is this a bowl of leftover chili?
So there's chickpeas.
That's a clint (laughs). A clint.
That's a clint.
(laughs) Hold on.
(Link) We went to high school with a guy named, Clint.
- I never knew he-- - No, let me tell you what happened.
I said hint and clue together, and that's a clint.
- (crew laughs) - Right.
I was like, I started saying a clue, and then I changed it to a hint.
- Clint always loved breakfast. - He did.
You remember good old Clint?
Oh, that's-- oh!
(Link) Now there's a hard boiled egg in the corner,
(Link) I'm gonna get a little bit of that.
This is so good, and I think I know where it's from.
I get to go first, don't I?
It's a little bit spicy. It's got some--
Got a lot of tomatoes, chick peas.
I need no more tasting to know.
- It doesn't-- -This is from Morocco.
It doesn't taste like breakfast to me.
I'm gonna touch you on the belly, unless you get out of the way on your own.
Alright, it's got chickpeas. This is from Morocco.
(Rhett) (yells) Oh!
Dang, that's close to Morocco.
Yeah. Yeah it is! I hope I'm right.
The only thing is, it's not from Morocco.
Oh. You think it's from Madagascar?
It's from Nigeria.
Okay, alright.
(Link) I think you might be right with Morocco, but you're so close to it,
I gotta try something else to assert myself.
Really? That's interesting logic.
(crew laughs)
'Cause I could be wrong.
So good though.
- (Link) Hmm. - (Rhett) Well...
Well, shoot!
- (Stevie) Okay, guys. - What is it Stevie?
(Stevie) The dish you're eating is called, Shakshuka.
(Stevie) Which is a dish of eggs poached in salsa tomatoes, chili peppers and onions,
- (Stevie) often spiced with cumin. - Hmm.
(Stevie) In it's present egg and vegetable base form, it is from Morocco.
- (yells) Yeah! Woo, woo, woo! - Aww.
I mean, I was pretty close to Morocco, except when I look at your dart,
- (Link) which is closer. - (Rhett) It's so good.
- Alright, Rhett, you had four. - (ding sound)
- Link, you had nine. - (ding sound)
- We were both close, man. - Hey, pretty good round.
Pretty good round if I do say so myself.
♪(A cappella music)♪ - (both) Round three.
- Hmm. - Oh, this is a full meal.
This is-- Good gracious.
- (Link) Look at this. - (Rhett) I'm going to have to go
- (Rhett) to work on this one. - (Link) What is this disc?
(Rhett) That's a sausage.
- It's a hard sausage. - (crew laughs)
What is this? This is like a cheese?
It's so hard.
(Link) What is this?
(Link) I think that's a fried piece of cheese.
- (Rhett) Man! - That's hardy man.
This is so good.
And we got this onion and this stove-top stuffing.
(crew laughs)
I know where they like pickled onions.
(Rhett) So that's my guess.
This cheese, I could live off this.
I can't figure out what this is, though.
But, do you need to?
It's starchy. It's like taters.
Middle Eastern taters?
(Link) Hmm.
You're up, did you get any clints from this?
These pickled onions.
That's a clint for me.
Man, so salty. They like the salt.
I don't know.
(Rhett and crew laugh)
Alright, you hit Antartica, which was not a choice,
- Went a little low. - and it was also not on the map.
I hit-- I missed the map.
New rule. If you miss the board, you get a mulligan.
Alright, now I'm-- After that, I'm just aiming for the board.
(crew laughs)
(Rhett) Saudi Arabia.
Like, seriously, aiming for the middle of the board.
(crew laughs)
What do you think it is?
Now that I've thrown, you can just say it overtly.
I would be willing to bet all of the money I've ever seen,
(Rhett) that it's either Iceland, Sweden or Alaska.
But this is kind of American.
It is, isn't it?
This could be like an Alaskan, but the cheese and the pickled onions.
- Nope, Sweden. Sweden. - Just throw your dart, brother.
- (Link) Oh! - (Rhett) Or Morocco (laughs).
I have a Morocco magnet, man!
I got a fricken Moroccan magnet on my darts.
What do we have here, Stevie?
- (Stevie) This is called, los tres golpes. - Golpes?
- (Stevie) Or, the three hits. - Three hits.
(Stevie) It consists of mangu, which is boiled plantains,
(Stevie) the stuff that you thought was starchy;
(Stevie) queso frito, which is the fried cheese;
- Fried cheese. - (Stevie) fried salami, and fried eggs,
(Stevie) from the Dominican Republic.
- Exactly. - Ohh!
You were so wrong. I beat you on this one.
Chase, how to we stand?
You didn't beat me (laughs).
On no, I didn't. You're green.
Link, you had thirty nine,
and Rhett was twenty five centimeters.
I've been to the Dominican Republic and they didn't give me this.
Plantains. I didn't know this was plantains.
- That's what-- - That would have been a dead giveaway.
- Would have helped. - Dead giveaway.
I don't think it tastes like a-- I can smell it now.
- I'm still losing. - You're digging a hole here, Link.
- Yeah. - Even though I'm horribly wrong.
♪(A cappella music)♪ - (both) Round four.
This one is definitely going to be from a cold culture,
(Rhett) 'cause it's a soup.
- Eugh! - (laughs)
This is, like, gelatinous.
It's grits, with--
- (Link) Is it grits? - (Rhett) There's a jalapeno,
(Rhett) and there was a poached egg in there.
(Rhett) What-- Is that a sausage?
This is so spicy.
It's hitting me too.
I hit a part. I hit a part, it's a spicy part.
(strained) Oh, man. Clint didn't want this.
I'd be willing to bet all the money I've ever seen.
- (crew laughs) - Yeah, keep betting that money.
In spite of yourself, you're whooping me, handily.
Um, this feel Argentinian.
- (Link) Alright. - (Rhett) Because it's got jalapenos
in it, and egg. This is--
- Gotta make a choice, McLaughlin. - I really feel like this is a--
I gotta make a choice here.
This also could be Nepalese.
(Rhett) They have Jalapenos over there?
It feels like something you would eat at the foot of a mountain.
(Link) Oh, man! See, I thought this was Thailand.
'Cause Thai food, they'll throw a little spicey in something.
They will, and they'll do a little donut-ish thing.
(Link) Man! I was gonna go for Thailand, but I'm losing so poorly
- that I've gotta go-- - Argentina?
- I've gotta go opposite you. - (Rhett) Okay.
Were you tricking me when you said Argentina?
I may have been tricking you the whole time, man.
- 'Cause you don't know. - (Rhett) Exactly.
(Rhett) Just throw it.
(Link) Uh. Hit kinda high.
Okay, what have we got, Stevie?
(Stevie) This is a thick rice porridge called, jok.
- Joke? - (Stevie) Jok.
(Stevie) It's made from broken rice boiled in water, broth,
(Stevie) and then enriched with mince pork balls, sliced chicken
(Stevie) or poached shrimp, - Pork balls.
(Stevie) and often raw egg, lightly cooked in a hot porridge.
I'm bad. I'm bad off, man.
(Stevie) From Thailand.
- (laughs) - Dang it!
I'm getting good-- Lucky today.
You're acing the test in spite of yourself, man.
Okay, what have we got right now, Chase?
- Alright, Rhett, you had seven centimeters. - (ding sound)
(Rhett) That's pretty close.
And Link, you had forty eight. - (ding sound)
Argentinians need to look into this, man.
They would love this, down there in Argentina.
They would love it.
♪(A cappella music)♪ - (both) Round five.
Seventy to one forty six!
Okay, but you know what, Link?
(Rhett) I believe that there's enough room on that map to accommodate a win,
(Rhett) if I'm horrible wrong, and you're horribly right,
in the last round.
Uh oh.
Speaking of horrible, whatever's squiggled on top of this,
is not going to be to my liking, I bet.
- (Link) It looks like a worm. - Why's it on everything?
- Hmm. - (Rhett) This is gonna be
- (Rhett) some sort of fish paste. - It's stinky fish.
I don't even have to taste this to know it's from Iceland or Sweden.
Well you better.
- (Link) Hold on. There's an egg. - I bet all the money I've ever seen.
Eat it on the egg.
Why aren't you doing it?
I'm just gonna watch you do it.
(Link) Alright.
(crew laughs)
Who you waving at? Clint?
Hey Clint!
I need Clint to come and be a surrogate taster.
(Link) Oh my gosh.
Man, you making be scared.
Try that. Try that on for size.
- (crew laughs) - (coughs)
(Rhett) Oh come on, man. Take a trip to Iceland with me.
- (gags) - (crew laughs)
It tastes like it's good for you.
(Rhett) It tastes like you got some of those fish--
Fish oil pills, and then you decide to chew them instead of swallow them.
- (pained sounds) - That's what it tastes like.
Who's going first on this round? Me?
I think you need to since I'm losing so poorly.
Okay, Link, as I have stated, I would bet all the money I've ever seen,
that this is from Iceland or Sweden.
(Rhett) But, you know what? It could also be from Madagascar.
I think it is, Rhett. I think you're right.
I think you're on to something.
(Link) What's around Madagascar?
- Water. - Every side.
And what do those fish make? Squiggly pink lines on stuff.
Listen, I think it's Iceland or Sweden.
(Rhett) But, you know what? It might be Madagascar.
Do you want Madagascar? Or do you want me to take Madagascar?
I'm gonna be the bigger man, I think you should take Madagascar.
(Link) Oh! So close to that wrong answer.
Thanks for helping me out here.
Okay, alright, let's see what you got, Link.
- Man. - 'Cause if you hit Sweden right
(Rhett) in the middle of that bulls-eye, you'll get zero, man.
Right in the middle.
Alright, I'm going for Iceland.
(both) Oh!
(Rhett) Pretty nice.
Can I make up the difference?
(Stevie) Okay, guys. This is creamy, smoked cod caviar spread
(Stevie) known as Kalles spread on eggs and toast--
Eww! It's caviar? I just burped a little bit.
(Stevie) From Sweden.
- Sweden! I got all the money I've ever seen back.
(Link) It's not Iceland.
Chase, what's our result this round?
- Alright, Link, you had nine, - (ding sound)
- and, Rhett, you had thirty one. - (ding sound)
So, over all, that means you still win, Rhett.
So congratulations.
I win a special breakfast?
You win the special mythical breakfast.
Listen, I'll share a little bit of the breakfast with you,
because of my totally ridiculous bet, where I lost all the money I've ever seen
about this-- That one thing being from the icy countries.
You can have some of my breakfast.
Thanks for liking, commenting, and subscribing.
You know what time it is.
- I'm Greg. - And I'm Jen.
And we're from Dayton, Ohio.
And we're in the Blue Lagoon in Iceland.
And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality.
When you eat breakfast, you should accompany it with a drink,
in a Good Mythical Mug, available at RhettandLink.com/store.
Also, make sure you watch this week's episode of Good Mythical Crew
tomorrow morning, where you can see a competition for the breakfast
(Rhett) that was made, that we're about to eat
in Good Mythical More.
Click through for that.
(Rhett) Hit men hired to kill each other.
What's your guy look like?
Well he's kinda tall. What's your guy look like?
He's got glasses.
What else about your guy?
He's got on a plaid shirt today, I heard.
Your guy's got a beard, and--
He's wearing a badge, he's some sort of a--
Your guy? Or... your guy?
- My guy. - Yeah.
[Captioned by Jack GMM Captioning Team]