字幕表 動画を再生する
I know what you're thinking.
This looks bad.
But I assure you,
I have everything under contr-UGH!
Okay, maybe not.
Ugh, such a dirty shoe.
First things first.
I'm not your average teenager.
I never get to grow up with a family with bikes and candy.
My family was an international network of killers.
I bike with a Falcon Recon 23X,
and the closest thing I ever got to candy was...
Well, I did get a lolipop once
but that's not the point!
As long as I remember, I've been trained to become an A.S.S.,
an Agent of Secret Stuff.
For 17 years I trained alongside with one of the cruelest, boldest, most heartless killer of all the A.S.S.es,
- It's a man's name...!
- 男の名前だ......!
3 months ago, on the final day of my training,
Tracy brought me in front of a panel,
the highest ranked A.S.S.es.
I'm talking top quality A.S.S.
- Aden, for the past 17 years you have been like a son to me.
- エーデン、この17年間、あなたは私にとって息子のような存在だった。
We've been on missions around the world,
prevented various global disasters and saved countless lives.
And now, it's time for you to become an official Agent of Secret Stuff.
But, before I give you your Honorary Operative License Entitlement,
your H.O.L.E.,
you have one more assignment you must complete.
- But... Sir! With all due respect, I devoted my life to training.
- でも...(安藤) 先生!お言葉ですが 私は生涯をかけて 修行に励んできました
- You will follow orders!
- 命令に従え!
- But... But why?! I already did all the hard stuff!
- でも...でもなんで?難しいことは全部やったのに!
- We are A.S.S.es!
- 私たちはA.S.S.es!
We do not complain when things get too hard.
We push on through, and we take it.
- But you said...
- でも、あなたが言ったのは...
- Enough!
- もういい!
Please, tell Aden his assignment.
- Aden, we need you for a special assignment that only you can execute!
- アデン 君だけが実行できる特別な任務が必要なんだ!
The Society Involving Not-so-good Stuff, a.k.a. the S.I.N.S.,
"あまり良くないものに関わる社会" 別名S.I.N.S.
they have been our mortal enemies for decades.
And now, they have found a new target,
Taylor Rentrol, a high school senior.
We need an agent on the inside.
We believe that the S.I.N.S. have already infiltrated the school with assassins of their own!
Your mission is to pose as a high school student and protect Taylor from impending threats!
- But... why are they after Taylor?
- でも...なぜテイラーを狙ってるの?
- That will be revealed at a later time,
- それは後日明らかになります。
in like, 30 minutes?
We have already made preparations for your enrollment.
A spot has been made available in all of Taylor's classes.
She must not know that she is in danger!
This is a new world for you!
High school students are the most dangerous and misunderstood citizens that you will ever come across!
You must operate cautiously.
- I will not fail.
- 失敗はしません。
- Cool, peace out.
- 涼しく、平和に。
- Oh yea, come here.
- そうだ、こっちに来てくれ
Guys, I need your attention just for one second.
Shut up. We have a new student.
His name is um... Jose McDonald.
Yea, obviously.
Why don't you say Hi, Jose.
挨拶したらどうだ ホセ
Right on man, you're gonna fit in perfectly.
Why don't you take a seat in front of Bieber there?
You guys open up your Visions book to Chapter 14.
- Hey, I'm Taylor, Can I help you with something?
- 私はテイラーよ 何かご用?
- Ho-lah, I'm "Joezy".
- ホラ、俺は "Joezy "だ。
- Isn't it pronounced as "Jose"?
- ホセ」と発音するのでは?
- Is that what you want it to be?
- そうなって欲しいのかな?
So it's gonna be like our code word for "danger"?
"危険 "の合言葉のようになるのか?
- What are you talking about?...
- 何を言ってるんだ?
- You know, I'll be "Hose A", you'll be "Hose B".
- 俺はホースA、お前はホースBだ
- Are you okay?
- 大丈夫か?
- Taylor, zip it up and shut your face hole.
- テイラー、チャックを閉めて顔の穴を閉じろ
These kids are trying to learn.
- Thanks a lot.
- ありがとうございます。
- You're welcome.
- どういたしまして
- Hey Taylor, can I borrow your pencil sharpener?
- テイラー 鉛筆削りを貸してくれないか?
- Yea sure, Melvin.
- そうだな、メルビン
Suspect will require a pencil sharpening tool to convert the writing stick into a weapon.
By inserting the yellow thing into the green thing, the dull thing will turn into a sharp thing.
He will then proceed to jump behind his target while she is pre-occupied,
and apply a fatal impending weapon into her jugular artery!
彼女の頸動脈に 致命的な武器を使うんだ!
- There you go.
- これでいいわ
- Give the sharpener back.
- シャープナーを返せ
- What's your problem?
- 何が問題なの?
- What do you take me for, a fresh--man?
- 俺を何だと思ってるんだ?フレッシュマンか?
Give the sharpener back.
- Jose, what are you doing?
- ホセ 何をしてる?
- Fine, Jeez.
- いいだろう。
- What was that all about Jose?
- ホセとは何だったんだ?
- Don't worry, I got you. "Hose B".
- 心配しないで、私はあなたを持っています。"ホースB"
- Alright, class, that's it.
- よし、クラス、それだけだ。
Remember, Chapter 15! Read it... or not, it's your future.
Oh by the way, pop quiz next week! You guys know the drill.
Oh, Taylor, I'll need to speak with you after class, if you have a moment.
ああ テイラー 授業の後に話があるの 時間があれば
Good work today, guys. I was kidding.
Remember these days, kids. You will miss them.
See you tomorrow!
Hey, Taylor, I want to talk to you about the... the homecoming dance.
ねえ テイラー 話があるの... ホームカミング・ダンスについて
I know it is kinda a thing that you are planning with the student council.
But we do have a lot of volunteering that is coming up, you know,
make sure you still have time to do that.
- No, definitely, it should be fine.
- いや、間違いなく、大丈夫だろう。
We are almost done planning.
- Okay alright, I trust you. You're not like the other bastards in this class.
- 分かったよ 信じてる君はこのクラスの他の野郎とは違う
You're the good one.
- Thanks, I appreciate it. Is that it?
- ありがとうございます。これでいいのか?
- Alright I'll see you later. - Bye.
- 分かったわ また後でね- じゃあね
- Don't you ever do that again.
- 二度とするなよ
- Excuse me?
- 何だって?
- I said, don't you ever do that again.
- 二度とするなと言ったんだ
Keeping Taylor in the room alone is not safe.
- Oh yea, I forgot, you are right.
- そうそう、忘れてました、あなたの言う通りです。
I didn't know what I was thinking otherwise I'll be... Who the hell are you?
- Well, I am the new kid, remember?
- 俺は新入りなんだ、覚えてるか?
You just introduced me.
- Get the hell out of my class!
- 私のクラスから出て行け!
- I am glad that we had this talk.
- このような話ができてよかったです。
- Hey there, son.
- やあ、息子よ
I am glad I found you.
I hope you enjoyed your first day of school so far.
I just wanted to give you your new locker assignment.
Actually, you are quite lucky, a new one just opened up the other day.
- Oh, hey!
- お、おい!
Wow, your locker is next to mine.
I wonder where Billy went.
- Yea, strange huh, Ha ha ha ha...
- イェー、変なハァ、ハァ、ハァ、ハァ、ハァ、ハァ、ハァ、ハァ、ハァ、ハァ、ハァ、ハァ、ハァ...。
- Well if we gonna see each other this much,
- これだけ会うことになったら
why don't we just start over?
Hi, Jose, I'm Taylor. Nice to meet you.
ホセ テイラーよよろしく
- Nice to meet you too.
- こちらこそよろしくお願いします。
- It's called a handshake, Jose.
- 握手だよ ホセ
You're so silly, it's like you've never made a friend before.
- "You will follow orders!" - "Ahhh..."
- "命令に従え!"- "ああ...
- Hey Taylor!
- ヘイ テイラー!
- Oh hey, what's up, how are you?
- おやおや、元気だったか?
- I'm good. Did you finish that paper in English?
- 私は大丈夫です。英語の論文は終わったのか?
- No, not yet, it is due soon? In two days...
- いや、まだだ、もうすぐかな?2日後には...
Suspect from across the hall examines his target, his eyes indicate he is aiming for the most exposed and vital area, her chest.
ホールの向こうの容疑者は ターゲットを調べています 彼の目は最も露出の多い重要な場所 彼女の胸を狙っていることを示しています
Only 3 steps away from pumping her with barrages of bullet punches straight to her ribcages that will no doubt stop her heart forever for life!
- What are you looking at?!
- 何を見ているんだ!
- Bye Jose!
- さようならホセ!
- Bye!
- さようなら!
- I said, what were you looking at?
- 何を見てたの?
- Chill out, Man, I'm just checking out Taylor's rack, she is looking especially hot today.
- 冷静になって テイラーのラックをチェックしてる 彼女は今日は特にホットだな
- Her rack?
- 彼女のラック?
- Yea, man, her knockers.
- 彼女のノッカーズだ
- So you were trying to knock her!
- 彼女を倒そうとしたのか!
- No, man, I am talking about her boobs!
- いや、オッパイの話だよ!
- You know, these things?
- こういうのって
- Oh, okay then, as long as you were not looking at that ribcage.
- 胸郭を見ていない限りはね
You stay the hell away from that ribcage!
- Bryson! New guy!
- ブライソン!新入り!
- I'm gonna destroy you!
- 破壊してやる!
Your face is gonna be so ugly when I am done with your face, cause... it's kinda handsome right now.
- I wasn't ready! I want a rematch!
- 準備ができていなかった!再戦だ!
Target is greatly outnumbered by opposition, each of them possesses some sort of netted-stick weapon.
Surrounded and unaware, she is vulnerable to attacks from all directions!
- Jose? Where did you come from?
- ホセ?どこから来た?
- You almost took a shuttlecock to the face.
- 危うく顔面を殴られそうになった。
- But how did you...?
- でも、どうやって...?
- What are you doing?! Come on! Let me go!
- 何をしているんだ?何してるんだ?放して!
How did I even get here?! Let me go! Come on!
- How did you do that?
- どうやってやったの?
- He's like... incredibly fast and strong.
- 彼は...信じられないほど速くて強いんだ
- He's like a mystical creature that is fast and strong.
- 神秘的な生き物のような速さと強さを持っています。
- I know, right? He's like a... a unicorn!
- そうだよね?彼はまるで...ユニコーンだ!
- But a human... a "humacorn".
- しかし、人間...「ヒューマコーン」。
- Stop it guys, he's just different.
- みんなやめてくれ、彼は違うだけだ。
- He's a freak.
- 彼は変人です。
- I don't know, I think he is kinda cute the way he takes everything so seriously.
- 何事にも真面目に取り組んでいる姿がなんだか可愛いですね。
- It's kinda creepy... don't you think?
- なんか気持ち悪い...そう思わない?
- He's harmless, he's like a little puppy that just wants all your attention.
- 彼は無害で、あなたの注意を引きたいだけの小さな子犬のようなものです。
- A "humacoruppy"!
- フマコルッピー」に!
- You girls are ridiculous. Let's go.
- お前らは馬鹿げている行きましょう
- I think Taylor has a crush.
- テイラーは片思いしてると思う
"High school students are the most dangerous and misunderstood citizens that you will ever come across!"
- What happened?
- 何があったの?
- Slippery floors...
- 滑りやすい床...
- What?
- 何だと?
- Probably didn't see the "Piso Mojado" sign...
- おそらく「ピソ・モハド」の看板を見なかったのだろう...
- What?
- 何だと?
- Yea, let's just...
- そうだな...
- But what about my...
- でも私の...
- Uhh... yea, so I hope you have a good first day at school.
- あー...そうだね、学校での初日が良いものになるといいね。
- You're still alive, so it's a great day.
- まだ生きていたんだから、今日はいい日だ。
- Okay, I'll see you later.
- じゃあ、また後でね。
Oh, are you coming this way too?
- Hey, so I was talking to Mr. Anderson about the event coming right after homecoming.
- アンダーソンさんと話してたんですがホームカミングの後にイベントがあるんですが
I am gonna need a lot of help planing that event. I don't know how...
- No...!
- いや...
- Ah..! Oh my god!
- ああ...!何てこった!
Get out of my room!
- Don't throw things... No!
- 物を投げるな...(吉森) ダメだ!
- Get away from me! Ah...!
- あっち行け!ああ...
- Alright, I am not gonna hurt you.
- わかったわ 傷つけたりしないわよ
You just need to... just calm down, Okay?
ただ...落ち着くんだ いいな?
- Okay...
- そうか...
- Are you trying to get yourself killed?
- 自分が殺されるのを狙っているのか?
Did you know what you just almost did but didn't do because I didn't let you do what you wanted to do?
- Yes?
- 何か?
- No! You don't!
- 勘弁してくれ!駄目だ!
Do you know what this is?
This is Little Miss Double Rainbow Girly Cookies and you almost eat them all the way.
You don't even know who has handled this or who could have poisoned this.
- What?
- 何だと?
- Look, I've been trying to stay undercover but you are making this too damn difficult.
- 潜入捜査をしてたんだが 君のせいで大変な事になってる
First, first you handed over a pencil sharpener to someone with a pencil.
Do you wanna get stab in the neck?
And then, you almost took a shuttle cock to your face. Do you know how much that hurts?
Have you ever have a shuttle cock to your face before? No, you haven't. It hurts, I know.
Now you are eating cookies, you're eating cookies! Do you wanna get poisoned?...And fat?
Your carelessness is driving me insane!
- I am driving you insane?
- 私が発狂させてるの?
My friends are right.. you are a freak...
I know exactly what you are...
- Oh you do, alright then say it, say it out loud.
- ああ、そうだな、そうだな、ならば、声を大にして言ってくれ。
- Unicorn...
- ユニコーン...
- What? Unicorns don't even exist, in North America, probably.
- 何だと?ユニコーンなんて存在しないよ、北米にはね。
- Then who... What are you?
- じゃあ誰が...あなたは何者なの?
- Alright look, I am gonna be completely honest with you.
- 正直に言うと...
I'm not really a Mexican. My name is not Jose, it's Aiden.
俺はメキシコ人じゃない俺の名前はホセじゃない エイデンだ
And I'm an A.S.S.
- Yea, you are.
- そうだな
- No, you don't understand. Look, I am in the final stages of becoming an Agent of Secret Stuff.
- いいえ、あなたは分かっていない。いいか、俺は最終段階にいるんだ、秘密のエージェントになるための。
And my last mission was to come here and protect you.
- Protect me? From who?
- 私を守る?誰から?
- The S.I.N.S.!
- S.I.N.S.!?
- Is this all just to get me to go to church?
- 私を教会に行かせるため?
- Oh my god... You're stupid.
- 何てこった...お前はバカだな。
Alright, okay, here, here is the whole story.
Back in WWII, a group of fleeing Nazi special agents formed a society of assassins to secretly revenge the Axis of power. This group is called the Society Involving No-so-good Stuff.
第二次世界大戦に戻ります ナチスの特殊工作員から逃亡したグループが 密かに権力の枢軸に復讐するために 暗殺者の協会を結成しましたこのグループは、「ダメなものを巻き込む会」と呼ばれています。
One of the assassins only known as X when he could no longer support such a war in the world... fled the S.I.N.S. and started his own group of killers to battle all the S.I.N.S. plans.
They were known as the Agent of Secret Stuff. That's me.
The battle between A.S.S. and S.I.N.S. still continues today,
and you are the S.I.N.S.'s latest target, to which I am assigned to prevent you from being killed.
- But why me?
- でも、なぜ私が?
- I have no idea why, but I never question my orders.
- なぜかはわからないが、自分の命令に疑問を抱くことはない。
"But why? I already did all the hard stuff."
- Wow...
- うわぁ...
You are seriously out of your mind. Can you leave?
- But Taylor, you are in danger.
- でもテイラー あなたは危険な状態なの
- Stop! No I am not!
- やめろ!
I am a normal girl that goes to a normal high school and nothing is going to happen.
The more you say that, the more it freaks me out, so please just stay out of my life!
- But I am trying to..
- しかし、私はしようとしている...
- No! just leave! Please just go!
- 出て行ってくれ!お願いだから行ってくれ!
- I'm sorry, I never meant to upset you. I don't know what it is like to be a normal kid.
- ごめんね、怒らせるつもりはなかったんだ。普通の子供の気持ちがわからない。
Ever since I was young, I was taught to never trust people, and to kill them instead.
- That's really sad.
- それは本当に悲しいことです。
- I've already failed my mission anyways... So, I'll stay out of your life.
- 私はすでに任務に失敗している...だから、私はあなたの人生に関わらないわ。
- Wait, Aiden. I am sorry.
- 待って エイデンすまない
I know you meant well, but there is really no reason to be worried for me.
Look, I think you are a cool guy and I'd rather just learn to have fun and instead of being scared of secret agents and stuff.
Do you trust me?
- No, didn't you hear everything I just said?
- いや、今言ったこと全部聞いてなかったのか?
- You know what, never mind, just come with me.
- 気にしないで、私と一緒に来てください。
- Did you hear, Scott asked me to the dance?
- スコットがダンスに誘ったの聞いた?
- Oh my god! That's so cute!
- うわあああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ
I feel like I've been waiting for this dance forever!
- Okay so DJ's set, the photographer's set, good job on the ticket sales, girls, I think we are ready for tonight!
- DJのセット、カメラマンのセット、チケット販売のお疲れ様でした、今夜の準備はできていると思います!
- But there is one thing that isn't set.
- しかし、一つだけ決まっていないことがあります。
- What, what did I miss?!
- 何を見逃した?
- A date!
- デート!
- Guys...
- みんな...
- Maybe Aiden can help you out with that...
- エイデンが助けてくれるかも...
- So... um... that dance sounds pretty interesting.
- それで...そのダンスは面白そうだな
- Yea, it's been a lot of work to plan.
- ええ、計画を立てるのは大変だったわ。
- You don't have anyone to go with?
- 一緒に行く人いないの?
- No, not yet, I guess I've just been too busy.
- いや、まだだ、忙しかったからかな。
- Right, I see.
- そうなんですね。
Okay... Bye!
(美咲)うん...(吉森) じゃあね!
- Hi Taylor!
- ハイ・テイラー!
- Oh, Hey Melvin!
- ああ、ヘイ・メルビン!
- Well, the dance is tonight. God, you know the dance is tonight,
- ダンスは今夜だダンスは今夜だ
You're planning it...
Anyways, I just want to ask you, you would go to the dance with me?
- Oh that is so sweet! But I don't know if I can because I have to...
- ああ、それはとても優しいですね!でも、私にできるかどうかはわからないけど...
- But you don't even have a date yet!
- でも、まだデートもしてないじゃないですか!?
- Yea, but I am planning it...
- ええ、でも計画しています...
Stop it... Stop it!
What are you doing?
- He was gonna attack you! with this!
- これを使って攻撃しようとしたんだ!
- Are you crazy, this a flower!
- 気が狂ったのか、これは花だ!
- I swear there was a blade, right here!
- ここに刃があったんだ!
- Have you not taught you anything? You still don't trust me!
- 何も教えてくれなかったのか?まだ私を信用していないのか!
You know, I thought you changed.
But you are still in your stupid crazy world.
Now you are just hurting innocent people.
- But I swear...
- でも、誓って...
- No just stop it... Just stay away... Just leave me alone.
- やめてくれ...離れて...一人にしてくれ
I tried, Aiden. I really did.
努力したんだ エイデン本当にやったんだ
You know what Melvin, I will go to the dance with you.
Great...going Aiden.
いいぞ エイデン
Maybe Taylor was right, I don't belong here.
たぶんテイラーが正しかった 私はここの住人じゃない
This whole mission is just stupid.
This is what it takes to get my A.S.S.H.O.L.E.? Maybe I don't even want it!
He is escaping to secret warehouse. Turn left.
Melvin getting away, hurry the hell up, dude.
メルヴィンが逃げたぞ 急げよ
- Where are they?
- どこにいるの?
- What?
- 何だと?
- Tell me where the training wheels are!
- トレーニングホイールはどこにあるのか教えて!
- What are you talking about, man, I go to high school, I don't use training wheels.
- 何言ってんだよ、俺は高校に行ってるんだよ、練習用の車輪なんて使ってないぞ。
- Aiden!
- エイデン!
- What...
- 何を...
- It's too late Aiden!
- 手遅れだ エイデン!
- No...!
- いや...
- No, it's not!
- 違うわよ!
- Oh, okay.
- ああ、そうか。
- But it's a trap.
- しかし、それは罠だ。
- No...!
- いや...
- No it's not, don't listen to her.
- そんなことはない、彼女の言うことを聞くな。
- Oh, okay.
- ああ、そうか。
- No listen to me, it's a trap. Right there!
- いや、聞いてくれ、それは罠だ。そこだ!
- A trap?
- 罠?
- I destroyed your trap, Melvin, it's over!
- 罠を破壊してやったぞ、メルヴィン、もう終わりだ!
- Oh is it? I beg to differ. If anything, it's the exact opposite of over...
- そうなのか?それは違うなどちらかと言えば、それは真逆の...
It's "under"...
Anyway, see we've already won.
Now that we have Taylor, we S.I.N.S. have everything to overthrow you,
stinky A.S.S.es.
- Wait... Taylor... Wait, what?
- 待って...テイラー...待って 何?
- You don't know about her?
- 彼女のことを知らないのか?
- Well... I know some things...
- まあ...いくつか知っていることがある...
I know that she can only read from left to right, that she's really good at hitting shuttle cocks with a netted-stick,
that she's really smart, funny and cute, that she's my best friend, my only friend.
- Aw... Aden...
- おやおや...アデン...
- Aw... Aden... I mean... But I was thinking along the line of... She's the future of all the A.S.S.es.
- おや...アデン...その...でも、私が考えていたのは...彼女は全てのA.S.S.E.
- She is?
- 彼女が?
- I am?
- 私が?
- Jeez, don't they teach anything over there?
- 向こうでは何も教えてくれないのか?
You are one dumb ass!
- Nobody calls me dumb!
- 誰も俺のことを馬鹿とは言わない!
- Aiden.. No!
- エイデン...勘弁してくれ!
- Mouse trap...
- ネズミの罠...
Good night, Aiden.
おやすみ エイデン
That's cute, Taylor.
Real cute. Now get back in your...
Fix your chair, and get back in it!
- How could you do this Melvin. We've been friends for years!
- よくもこんなことができたな メルビン何年も前からの友人だ!
- Every year I've been trying to kill you.
- 毎年、私はあなたを殺そうとしてきました。
- Because of people like you that Aiden can't live a normal life.
- あなたのような人のせいで エイデンは普通の生活ができない
You made me miss my own homecoming dance.
- Ha, don't you mean home-no-one's-coming dance?
- ははは、ホームノーワンのダンスのことじゃないの?
1-0 Melvin!
1-0 メルビン!
Anyways, me and the kids have been talking about how your little dance and how we are not gonna go cause we are pretty sure that it's gonna suck!
- What the hell, Taylor.
- 何なんだ テイラー
- I thought you wanna dance, Melvin.
- 踊りたいんだろ メルビン
- Aiden, are you okay?
- エイデン 大丈夫?
- No! It hurts real bad.
- ダメだ!痛いんだよ
- Thanks for coming after me.
- 追いかけてきてくれてありがとう
- Can I tell you something?
- 話してもいいですか?
- What?
- 何だと?
- I told you so. - Shut up.
- 言っただろ- 黙れ
- Ruining the moment!
- 瞬間を台無しにする!
- Death chop!
- デスチョップ!
- Tracy? What are you doing here?
- トレイシー?ここで何してるの?
- I was informed you were in danger.
- 君が危険だと聞いた
- By who?
- 誰が?
- By me.
- 私が
- Who are you?
- あなたは誰?
- I am your...
- 私はあなたの...
- My father?
- 私の父?
- What? No... How is that even possible, I am like the same age as you, that's disgusting.
- 何だよ?私はあなたと同い年なのよ 気持ち悪いわ
I am your step-step-brother-in-law.
You know what, don't worry about it. Your dad was really promiscuous, forget it, long story.
心配しなくていいよ君のお父さんは本当に乱暴だったんだ 忘れてくれ 長い話だ
- He's been watching over you, Aiden. We all have.
- 彼は君を見守っていたみんなで
- Then you know that I failed. Taylor was in great danger and I couldn't even protect her.
- 失敗したことを知ってるだろうテイラーは非常に危険だった 彼女を守ることさえできなかった
- On the contrary, you have succeeded.
- それどころか、成功しています。
Not only have you discovered the S.I.N.S. agent within the high school but you have brought out Taylor's full potential,
enriching what she's destined to become.
- I did? Okay, cool.
- 私が?オーケー、かっこいい。
- Me? what does that mean?
- どういう意味だ?
- Taylor...
- テイラー...
- Where are all these people coming from?
- この人たちはどこから来てるの?
- Have you ever wondered why your parents are black?
- なぜ親がブラックなのか疑問に思ったことはありませんか?
- I was adopted...
- 養子に出されて...
- And why you speak 10 languages?
- そして、なぜ10ヶ国語を話すのか?
- "Je ne sais pas?"
- "知らないの?"
- Straight A student and very good at first person shooters.
- ストレートAの学生で、一人称視点のシューティングゲームが得意。
And now you have defeated a S.I.N.S. agent with no training ever!
- Because I'm...awesome?
- 私が...すごいから?
- Well, I could have done that too... If I wanted...
- まあ、それもできたんですけどね...その気になれば...
- It is in your blood, Taylor...
- それはあなたの血なのよ テイラー...
to be an amazing A.S.S.!
You are the daughter of Agent X, the founder of all the A.S.S.es.
君はエージェントXの娘で 全A. S. S. E.
Taylor, you are my daughter.
テイラー あなたは私の娘よ
- But you are so old...
- それにしても年寄りだなぁ...。
- But your mama was so young...
- でも、ママが若かったから...。
- Aiden, I am...
- エイデン 私は...
- My father?
- 私の父?
- No.. no, Aiden, no one here is your freaking father!
- エイデン ここの誰もお前の父親じゃない!
I mean he abandoned you at birth.
He is not coming back.
- Aiden, I am very proud to present you with the H.O.L.E.
- エイデン 誇りに思うよ H. O. L. E.
You are now an official Agent of Secret Stuff.
My A.S.S.H.O.L.E.
- Congratulations, kid.
- おめでとう
- So now what.
- それで今はどうした?
- And now... you are part of our world.
- そして今...あなたは私たちの世界の一部です。
The S.I.N.S. will be following you and Aiden more intensely than ever before...
S.I.N.S.は今まで以上に あなたとエイデンを尾行します...
- The dance is ending right now!
- 踊りは今、終わりを迎えています!
- Oh yea, speaking of the dance, I was wondering if I can
- そうそう、ダンスといえば
- Aiden you wanna come to the homecoming dance with me?
- エイデン 一緒にダンスに行かない?
- Yea sure, I got nothing better to do...
- そうだな、他にやることがないんだ...
- Let's go.
- 行くぞ
We're too late... we missed it.
- Sorry we missed your dance.
- 踊れなくてごめんね
Being a secret agent is really hard.
- It's okay, it's not your fault.
- いいんですよ、あなたのせいじゃないんですから。
Will you move to the musical notes with me?
- So Aiden, you have all the gagdets.
- エイデンはギャグデットを全部持ってるんだな
You can fight, you are brave, you are smart, and now you have your H.O.L.E
But you know you still have one thing missing if you want to be a secret agent.
- Wait, what? That's impossible, what could I be missing?
- 待って、何?ありえない、何が足りないんだ?
- Well, everyone knows the real secret agent always gets the girl in the end.
- 誰もが知っている本当の諜報員は最後には必ず女を手に入れる
- I've honestly never heard that before. That sounds ridiculous.
- 正直言って初めて聞いたわバカみたいだな
But.. um... Maybe... maybe you can help me with that.
- Bush!
- ブッシュ!
- Somebody's there.
- 誰かいる
- I'll go left. - I'll go right.
- 左に行く- 右に行く
- Ready? One, two...
- 準備はいいか?1、2...
- Wait! There's one more thing...
- 待って もう一つ...