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  • We're focused this week on the word of salvation.

  • When Jesus was dying on the cross, he said to a thief who was crucified with him

  • You, of course, would know that the crucifixion was not an anomaly.

  • In Jesus' time it was a common form of capital punishment.

  • Jesus died the death of a common criminal beside two common criminals.

  • One of them mocked him and said, "If you were really who you say you are, you would get

  • down off that cross, and you would get us down too.

  • Save us."

  • While one mocked him, the other one, who was on his right side, recognized the distinction

  • of his divinity, or at least his innocence, and said, "We deserve this, and you don't.

  • Sir, I'm not quite sure who you are, but when you come into your kingdom, remember me."

  • Jesus said, "Today you will be with me in paradise."

  • The word of salvation.

  • I had the privilege this weekend to perform my brother's wedding ceremony.

  • I don't do a lot of weddings.

  • I'm good at them.

  • I just am typically preaching on Saturday nights.

  • Our campus pastors do such an excellent job with the wedding officiating.

  • I was kind of nervous doing his ceremony.

  • I don't want to mess up my man's wedding, because, hey, man, he has this girl here at

  • the altar, and he might not get this chance again.

  • She might change her mind, so we have to get this done.

  • It's my little brother, but he's a lot taller than me.

  • He serves in the United States Air Force.

  • He's cool.

  • He could beat me up, but I have mind game on him, so he doesn't know that.

  • He asked me to do his wedding, and his fiancée…

  • They asked me to come, and I was privileged to do it.

  • Holly said I did a good job.

  • In fact, she said exactly this.

  • She said, "You did so good officiating that wedding, I kind of wish I could marry somebody

  • else so you could do the wedding."

  • I wasn't sure how to receive that compliment.

  • I rebuked her.

  • Kind of a twisted compliment.

  • Anyway, I only bring it up because, truth be told, although I really love the opportunity

  • to do the wedding, I kind of have a problem not with weddings

  • I'm not anti-marriage.

  • Do not send me emails.

  • Send them all to Jonathan Josephs, your Ballantyne Campus pastor.

  • It's not that I'm against love.

  • I have nothing against it.

  • It's just that, can we all agree, especially those of us who have been married for more

  • than 10 years, that marriage has very little to do with the flower arrangement you choose

  • or how many layers of cake you can roll out that you're not going to eat anyway, because

  • only the top one is real, and all the other stuff is just decoration

  • It doesn't matter how many shades of magenta your bridesmaids are standing there dressed

  • in.

  • What happens in marriage happens in the middle.

  • That's my sermon today.

  • It's in the middle that a marriage is made.

  • It's in the middle that a Christian grows.

  • It's in the middle that you find out what you're made of.

  • This sermon is like a Tootsie Roll pop.

  • What you bought it for is in the middle.

  • I admire the thief, and I'm thankful that he was saved on the cross, but most of us

  • don't get to be in paradise the day we get saved.

  • The fact of the matter is we don't get raptured up to heaven the moment we make Jesus Christ

  • the Lord of our lives.

  • We are left here on this earth so we can bring heaven into our situations.

  • It's in the middle.

  • The way we typically focus on the moment

  • I believe God can save you in a moment.

  • I really do.

  • If you're here today and you're thinking you have to memorize some Bible verses or there

  • are some certain habits you have to correct in your life

  • Are you all tired of hearing me preach?

  • I've been preaching to y'all for 11 years now.

  • For 11 years, I've been saying this same message.

  • God can save you in a moment.

  • If you believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead and confess with your mouth

  • Jesus is Lord, you shall be saved.

  • I know it, because that thief did not have to enroll in a theological school.

  • He didn't have to go through a catechism class.

  • He didn't have to prove the legitimacy of his faith by giving up certain things.

  • Come as you are, but don't expect to stay that way.

  • Jesus said, "Today you will be with me in paradise."

  • Part of me thinks that would be kind of nice, if I could just be married and stay married

  • without a process.

  • I'm kind of a process preacher.

  • I really am, because one of my core beliefs is that God is in the process.

  • Don't get me wrong.

  • He can move in a moment.

  • Something can happen in your soul when the Word of God goes forth that is so strong the

  • chains are broken and you are never the same.

  • Why not today?

  • The apostle Paul said, "Today is the day of salvation."

  • He said that to the Corinthian church, backslidden.

  • He said, "Now is the time of God's favor."

  • Not when you get your act together.

  • Not when people approve of you.

  • Now is the hour.

  • Today is the day.

  • The privilege of my life is seeing someone in a moment make a decision to follow Christ,

  • in a moment for the weight to be lifted, for the chains to be broken.

  • In a moment.

  • What about the middle?

  • I know he could save me in a moment, and I know that when I die, in a moment, in the

  • twinkling of an eye

  • "To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord."

  • I'm going to heaven when I die, and I'm glad about it, and I don't have to fry and burn.

  • I know all that, and I'm really glad about it.

  • One thing the thief and I did not have in common

  • We both deserved the cross Jesus died on, but I didn't get to go to paradise the moment

  • I trusted Christ with my life.

  • This message is not about paradise; this message is about process.

  • This message is not about flower girls; this message is about the fight for faith in the

  • middle.

  • I want to present it to you in a way that hopefully can help you understand why it is

  • that sometimes, even though you got saved, you don't feel saved, and what to do in the

  • middle.

  • Touch your neighbor and say, "I need to know what to do in the middle."

  • When I die I'm dead.

  • I'm gone.

  • I'm in heaven.

  • I'm there.

  • But here and now I need God

  • The thing about me is I got saved, but I still need some saving.

  • Maybe you don't, but I still

  • Look real good at the person next to you and see if they look like they still need saving.

  • See if they look like there are still some times in their lives that they still need

  • saving.

  • It's a seven-mile journey, and the miracle is in the middle.

  • Did you notice that?

  • We've been studying from this Emmaus Road, where Jesus just shows up beside these two

  • disciples.

  • Jesus just shows up right in the middle of their conversation.

  • It's a man named Cleopas and, some scholars suggest, perhaps his wife.

  • He and his companion were not expecting the presence of Christ to show up, but he showed

  • up in the middle of their disappointment.

  • He showed up in the middle of their disillusionment.

  • He showed up in the middle of their "We thought so."

  • He showed up in the middle of the "What now?"

  • He showed up in the middle.

  • God will meet you in the middle.

  • It's in the middle.

  • They walk, the Bible says, seven miles from Jerusalem to Emmaus, and when they got there

  • Check this out in Luke 24:28.

  • When they approached the village that, in their mind, was their destination, the village

  • called Emmaus

  • "When they got to the place they thought they were going, Jesus continued on…"

  • I love the next two words.

  • "…as if he were going farther."

  • Like he's a man on a mission.

  • He has people to see and things to do and only 39 and a half days before he is ascended

  • to the right hand of God the Father Almighty, from whence he shall come to judge the quick

  • and the dead.

  • So he acts as if he were going farther.

  • Sometimes it feels as if God is leaving you.

  • I would suggest that some of the moments when it feels as if he's walking away from you,

  • he is creating a desire within you, so that if you draw near to him, he will draw near

  • to you.

  • God is trying to set your faith free from the need to feel it to have it.

  • The next time the Devil tries to tell you God has left you, that God has abandoned you,

  • look him right in the eye and say, with your hand on your hip in your best "white girl"

  • teenager voice, "As if.

  • As if he would leave me.

  • He said he would never leave me, never forsake me, never abandon me.

  • He won't stop what he started.

  • I am his and he is mine, and he's with me in the middle."

  • "As if he were going farther."

  • They asked him to come in and stay with them.

  • Now professional pointer.

  • Be careful when you ask Jesus to come in, because if he comes in, he's going to take

  • over.

  • God is not going to settle for a shout-out.

  • He's not going to make himself a cot in the foyer of your heart.

  • He's coming in the kitchen.

  • I feel God on that, and I don't know why.

  • Touch somebody and say, "He's coming in your kitchen."

  • He wants to get into the ingredients.

  • Watch what Jesus does.

  • This is verse 30.

  • He walks in, sits down at the table, and takes their bread.

  • Remember, it's Cleo's house, but Jesus reaches right across the table, takes Cleo's bread,

  • and just starts doing stuff.

  • See, I need you to know that God is not going to come into your life and stay on standby

  • so that when you kind of, sort of need him and maybe can fit him into your schedule

  • "Maybe I can get a little Jesus juice when my boyfriend isn't calling me back."

  • When he comes into your life

  • I feel the Spirit of God.

  • It is all up in me right now.

  • God said, "I'm taking over.

  • Today is the day of salvation.

  • I'm taking over your thoughts.

  • I'm taking over your imagination.

  • I'm taking over your desires."

  • Salvation is total surrender.

  • This is how I used to preach when I was 23, man.

  • This is how I used to preach to people who thought God could be a part of their life.

  • If God gets in your life, he's going to get all up in the middle of it.

  • God is going to change who you have listed in the contacts of your iPhone.

  • God is going to change who you "friend" on Facebook.

  • God is going to change what you do at 11:30 on Friday night.

  • God isn't just going to wait for you to get to church on Sunday morning and bless you

  • with a goose bump.

  • "Is it okay?"

  • Jesus doesn't ask any permission.

  • He sits down at Cleo's kitchen table, takes Cleo's bread, blesses Cleo's bread, breaks

  • the bread, and gives the bread, and when he gives the bread that he broke, which is also

  • the bread he blessed, which is also the bread he took

  • When he takes over your life, he blesses your life.

  • The same hands that blessed your life are the same hands that must be trusted when your

  • life is broken.

  • I mean, when your heart is in a million pieces.

  • I need to preach this, because sometimes we think when we get saved everything is going

  • to be sanitized and everything is going to be safe.

  • See, this is the kind of preaching that will help you.

  • When life is doing its best to tear you apart, you can know beyond the shadow of a doubt

  • Somebody shout, "I'm still saved!"

  • I'm saved when I'm happy; I'm saved when I'm sad.

  • I'm saved when they're with me; I'm saved when they walk away.

  • I'm saved when I'm up; I'm saved when I'm down.

  • I'm saved when I'm blessed; I'm saved when I'm broken.

  • I'm saved in the palace; I'm saved in the pit.

  • God is with me in the middle.

  • There are three things I want to give you about the middle.

  • I was saved.

  • It happened.

  • I will be saved.

  • I'm going to be with him forever.

  • But I need him to be with me in the middle.

  • This is not a moment-to-moment contractual arrangement with God.

  • We kind of think his grace will save you, and his grace will get you to heaven, but

  • you're on your own in between.

  • I want to declare that the same grace that will get you there (wherever your there is)

  • is with you here.

  • If you will believe the words coming out of this country preacher's mouth today

  • God is in the process, and the gift is in the middle.

  • They sat down to eat with Jesus, but they didn't even do what they sat down to do, because

  • while he was breaking the bread, the process of the way he broke the bread revealed his

  • presence to them.

  • God is in the process, and the gift is in the middle.

  • "Today you will be with me in paradise."

  • What an awesome promise to that thief, but I have a better one for you.

  • That's pretty good.

  • Right?

  • I mean, come on.

  • You're a dying thief, and you're trying to slip in before the door closes.

  • You're trying to get on Noah's ark, and it's already halfway out in the water.

  • With your drowning, dying breath, you half-heartedly make a request, just in case it works.

  • That guy got in.

  • "Today you will be with me in paradise."

  • But God has made you a better promise, for he says to each one of us today, not, "Today

  • you will be with me in paradise," but "Today I will be with you in the process."

  • To me that's even better, that I have not only his statement but I have his Spirit.

  • I am sealed with a guarantee that he is with me not just when I raise my hand, not just

  • when I went down in the baptismal waters

  • That was awesome.

  • Your wedding was beautiful, and we all appreciate so much the catering service, but we're not

  • waiting

  • Please.

  • Like God left you on earth to wait to go to heaven.

  • Have you noticed so much of what we talk about in terms of salvation has to do with us getting

  • out of here?

  • Like Christianity is God's cosmic evacuation plan.

  • But what about the middle?

  • See, the gift is in the middle.

  • Can I show you something Peter said one time?

  • Peter knew something about the middle, because one time he was in the middle of the sea,

  • in the middle of the storm.

  • All of a sudden, in the middle of the sea, in the middle of the storm, here comes somebody

  • walking toward him, and he's not quite sure, but he thinks it might just be Jesus.

  • So he cries out in the middle of the sea, in the middle of the storm, "If it's you,

  • tell me to come."

  • He gets out of the boat, and he does pretty well, and by the time he gets where he's going,

  • God reaches down and grabs him.

  • That's a picture of the grace to get started and the grace that will be there at the end,

  • but what about the middle?

  • He was walking on water above what could have killed him, and all of a sudden, the wind

  • and the waves on the right and the left cause him to lose his focus on the man in the middle,

  • and he sinks.

  • Peter said sometimes you are so focused on what's behind you and so focused and concerned

  • and anxious about what's ahead of you, you are missing the presence of God.

  • He is not the "Great I Was," and he is not the "Great I Will Be."

  • He is the Great I Am, and his presence is not just for heaven one day.

  • The kingdom of God is at hand.

  • He's here in the middle.

  • A little later in his life, Peter was writing to a persecuted church that was going through

  • a fiery trial.

  • They were in the middle of it.

  • He said to them in 1 Peter 1:9, "You are receiving…"

  • I've been studying this all week.

  • I hope y'all like this as much as I did.

  • Sometimes it's tough, because I've been thinking about it all week, and you have a real job

  • and real bills.

  • I'm just getting up here trying to tell you this stuff, and I don't know if you see it.

  • He said, "You are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls."

  • What's he saying?

  • One day it will be complete and there will be no need, but you don't have to wait until

  • "one day when."

  • Children show us how to do this better.

  • Adults are so goal focused.

  • We think things have to be a certain way before we can enjoy God's presence, before we can

  • enjoy what God has given us, so we set certain destinations in our minds.

  • "When it gets like that, then I'll be complete."

  • God wants to teach you how to get it in the middle.

  • I believe this is life changing.

  • I was riding my bike

  • I don't do this much.

  • Just on vacation.

  • I'm scared to ride my bike on the road the way some of y'all drive with Elevation Church

  • stickers on your car.

  • You scare me to death.

  • We were on family vacation.

  • We had rented bicycles, and we were riding to a restaurant.

  • It started raining outside.

  • I started going through all this negative cycle of emotions about the rain.

  • I knew it was going to rain, I told Holly it was going to rain, she said it wasn't going

  • to rain, and now it's raining and we're too far to turn around and go back home, so now

  • we have to ride in the rain.

  • All of a sudden I see Elijah.

  • He pulls around me and shouts at the top of his lungs, "Epic!"

  • He saw a mud puddle, and for him the mud puddle looked like the perfect thing to aim at, riding

  • in the rain.

  • To me it was annoying.

  • To him it was epic.

  • I was already steering to go around it, and he was going right

  • When I thought about that picture, I thought about some of you going to work this week,

  • and I saw you not aiming around the thing that you

  • They don't want me to preach like this, because we just want to talk about heaven and the

  • streets of gold and when we get there one day, when I'm flying around with wings and

  • Aunt Thelma and I are drinking hot tea on the sapphire

  • No, it's here and now.

  • It's in the Monday and the mundane.

  • It's in the mud.

  • It's in the dirty.

  • God is a gardener.

  • He likes to get down in the mud, down in the dirt, down in the disappointment.

  • God is in the middle.

  • The gift is in the middle.

  • I see you riding your bike.

  • I see you pedaling through the puddle this week.

  • "I'm not going around it.

  • Grace will get me through it.

  • It's in the middle."

  • Let me illustrate this.

  • This is point number two.

  • I'm closing.

  • If you need to leave, if you have something to do, leave right now, because I'm in the

  • middle.

  • When I get to the end it's going to be worth it, but this is the middle of my message.

  • I was thinking about an illustration.

  • Some of you will remember that I preached this illustration.

  • I was preaching on confidence, and I talked about how far I feel like I have to go.

  • Come here.

  • He said my point before I could say it, so I figured he should help me with this illustration.

  • This is perfect.

  • You don't know how perfect this is.

  • Not only is the gift in the middle, but the goal is in the middle.

  • God knew you needed to help me with this.

  • So we were talking in that sermon illustration about how sometimes you have to look back

  • and see how far God has already brought you.

  • Salvation means I am not what I once was.

  • How many can say that?

  • "I am not what I once was."

  • But at the same time you raise your right hand, how many of you could lift your left

  • hand and say, "But I'm not

  • what I want to be"?

  • We talked about living in the gap.

  • What I expect when I hear about salvation

  • Like in a wedding ceremony they say, "And the two will become one flesh."

  • Notice they will become, but it's not going to happen there at the ceremony.

  • It's going to happen in the kitchen when we're trying to decide who does the dishes.

  • They won't help me preach.

  • They just want to go to heaven.

  • "When we all get to heaven…"

  • Awesome, but in the meantime, here I am.

  • I'm not living in paradise; I'm living in the process.

  • Here I am in the middle.

  • I look back, and it's awesome, because I'm not what I was.

  • "If any man is in Christ, he is a new creation.

  • The old has gone, the new has come."

  • I am not what I was.

  • I found out that if I will walk with God, he will change me and conform me to the image

  • of Christ.

  • My expectation is that as I move toward God's purpose for my life, as I get closer and closer

  • to God, this gap will shrink.

  • Guess what?

  • Let me show you something.

  • The Bible says that when they recognized Jesus in the process

  • When he broke the bread and gave the bread, watch what happened next.

  • The moment they recognized him, he disappeared from their sight.

  • This is what happens, and this is going to explain a lot of why you don't feel like a

  • good Christian, why you don't feel like you're growing.

  • Don't get me wrong.

  • Salvation is a gift, but it is a gift you must grow into.

  • My expectation is that as I walk with God and make decisions to follow him and make

  • decisions to eliminate certain things from my life that are causing me to drain energy

  • and focus that could be applied toward my purpose, this gap behind me will get bigger

  • and the gap in front of me will get smaller.

  • But guess what God does?

  • When you take a step, when you make a move, God moves too.

  • You're going to love this.

  • In my mind, the goal was that this gap goes away.

  • Here's what God knows.

  • If you think that you have arrived, arrogance is sure to follow, so God is going to make

  • sure that as you grow, the gap stays.

  • So you look back and say, "Oh, look.

  • I'm moving forward," but you look forward, and it doesn't feel like you've gone anywhere.

  • I want to let you know you're right where you need to be.

  • See, you need grace for both gaps.

  • The same grace that created this gap between where I was and where I am is the grace I

  • need to keep moving forward.

  • God says to everyone who's in the middle of something right now, in the middle of change,

  • in the middle of process, in the middle of becoming, in the middle of the storm, in the

  • middle of the fire, "Keep stepping.

  • Stay in the middle.

  • Stay in faith.

  • Stay in courage.

  • Stay blessed.

  • Stay in my hand.

  • Stay in the storm.

  • I'm with you in the fire."

  • God is in the middle.

  • I'm in the middle.

  • I need both gaps.

  • I need a gap that makes me grateful and a gap that makes me grow.

  • I don't know why we think the first gap is the grace of God and the second gap is anything

  • but.

  • The same grace that did that will do this.

  • He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it.

  • So the disciples get where they're going to Emmaus, and God says, "Oh, you thought that

  • was the final stop?

  • No, it's just the middle."

  • Oh man, if you could see your life like God sees your life you wouldn't give up in the

  • middle.

  • The good stuff happens in the middle.

  • I love Netflix because I can pause it.

  • Sometimes, if the tension is really high in a show, I'll pause it not to stop it, but

  • I want to see where we're at on the time line.

  • Here's what I know.

  • If there's unresolved conflict in the show, I want to know, "Wait a minute.

  • How much time is left?"

  • If we're still in the middle

  • Your dream is not over.

  • Your purpose is not finished.

  • This is not the end.

  • It's just the middle.

  • We know what the disciples didn't know.

  • We know the cross isn't the end.

  • We know the grave isn't his final destination.

  • It's just the middle.

  • The gift is in the middle.

  • The goal is in the middle.

  • I press toward the mark, forgetting what is behind.

  • I will not quit in the middle.

  • Encourage somebody next to you.

  • "It's just the middle."

  • This is just the middle.

  • This is not the end.

  • It's just the middle.

  • I think it is significant that when they reached Emmaus and Jesus revealed his presence through

  • the scars he suffered for their salvation, he disappeared so that they would turn around.

  • When they got to the place they thought they were going, they found out, "Surprise."

  • Look at verse 32.

  • They got up and started talking to each other.

  • They said to each other, "Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us

  • in the middle on the road as we went?"

  • That's where you get it.

  • That's where you grow.

  • That's where he shows up: in the middle.

  • In the middle of the night, when it's just you and "Pastor Pillow" and nobody left to

  • text.

  • You will hear his voice in the middle.

  • Whoever this is for, whatever you're in the middle of, I want you to look at the cross

  • again.

  • The Bible says that what they thought was the end, Emmaus, where they intended to stay

  • in disappointment and eat some bread and go to bed

  • Once they saw who was with them all along and realized what had been happening along

  • the road that seemed to them trivial in something as mundane as a seven-mile walk, they turned

  • around.

  • "They got up and returned at once to Jerusalem."

  • You thought this series Seven-Mile Miracle was about the first seven miles, and you thought

  • salvation was just about God getting you out.

  • But the second seven miles is when you turn back around and stop running from what God

  • saved you out of and start running toward what God saved you for.

  • They got up at once, in a moment, and returned to Jerusalem.

  • This may be the strongest message on salvation God has ever given me.

  • When I looked at the cross where he died and realized he died on a hill called Golgotha,

  • which is the "place of the skull" in Aramaic, and on one side of him was one thief, and

  • on one side of him was another, and the cross that brought our salvation was right there

  • in the middle

  • I realized the way he died is symbolic of the way that I now live.

  • "I am crucified with Christ.

  • Nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me, and the life that I now live…"

  • I now live.

  • It is here, now.

  • If you're looking for the grace of God, don't look to your deathbed, and don't look to your

  • past.

  • He is the Great I Am.

  • If you're looking for the grace of God, put your eyes on that middle cross between two

  • thieves.

  • On your left you'll see your past, on your right you'll see your future, but don't look

  • at your past.

  • You're not going that way.

  • Don't even worry about your future.

  • God is already there.

  • If you're looking for the grace of God, it's in the middle.

  • I need somebody to praise God right here, right now, for his grace in the middle!

  • He is with me in the middle.

  • Maybe it's not about God getting me out.

  • Maybe the reason he died is because he wanted to get in.

  • Your faith is hanging between two thieves.

  • What was is gone.

  • What will be is unknown.

  • If you're looking for the grace of God, if you're looking for the glory of God, the glory

  • is in the middle.

  • I know it's in the middle, because when Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego got thrown into the

  • fire, God didn't get them out of the fire, but late at night, when the flames were at

  • their highest, seven times hotter than they normally were, because they would not bow

  • before the Babylonian king, the Scripture says a fourth man went into the furnace with

  • the three who were thrown in.

  • God didn't get them out; he got in the middle with them.

  • If you know this message is for your soul, just raise your hand.

  • I want the same grace that got me out of my sin to lead me into everything God saved me

  • for.

  • I want to learn to see his power not just in my perfection.

  • Even the thought that I'm going to reach that on this earth is ridiculous.

  • I want God's presence in the process.

  • When he took it, he blessed it, broke it, and gave it.

  • It's in the middle.

  • Commonmiddle.

  • Mundanemiddle.

  • The miracle is in the middle.

  • Not when you get out but while you are in it.

  • I know you're still struggling with the addiction, and I know even your wife doesn't know, because

  • you're scared to tell her.

  • God is with you in the middle.

  • Not just when you've been five years clean.

  • God is with you in the pigpen.

  • He is with you in the middle.

  • The same grace that stayed with you in the pigpen is going to break you out.

  • Don't you dare quit.

  • This is just the middle.

  • This is just the middle.

  • God is with you in the middle.

  • His presence is here.

  • John said, "I looked and saw a throne."

  • This is a beautiful picture, because he said the throne was sitting in the middle of praise.

  • I want us to do something right now.

  • This may be a little uncomfortable for you, but the reason you've been feeling stressed

  • out and worn out, and the reason you've been trying to do what Jesus did not do on the

  • cross, which is save himself, the reason you've been trying, the reason you've been so strained,

  • and the reason you've been so drained is that you've been trying to save yourself, and you've

  • been at the center.

  • If you are looking for the peace of God, if you are looking for the power of God, if you

  • are looking for the presence of God, it's in the middle.

  • For him to be in the middle, you can't stay there.

  • So lift your hands and say, "Glory and praise, power and strength…"

  • This is what they're singing in heaven around the throne.

  • "Worthy is the Lamb of God."

  • We're singing it now.

  • Salvation belongs to our God.

  • To the Lamb who sits on the throne, be power, dominion, majesty, forever and ever.

  • Put him at the center.

  • "For it is by grace you have been saved through faith, not of yourselves; it is the gift of

  • God."

  • If you're in the middle of a storm right now, I need you to lift your hands and call on

  • him.

  • His glory will show up in the middle of your storm, in the middle of your struggle.

  • Come on, he's in the midst of his people.

  • He inhabits the praises of his people.

  • Enthrone him now!

We're focused this week on the word of salvation.


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真ん中にあるのは、スティーブン・ファーティック牧師 (It's In the Middle | Pastor Steven Furtick)

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    Ping Huang に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日