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  • Hello.

  • My name is Emma, and today we have a great lesson plan for you.

  • In today's lesson we are going to practice listening.

  • Okay?

  • We're going to practice listening, and we're also going to learn some new words, we're

  • going to learn about shapes, as well as prepositions.

  • Okay?

  • So, in this video you will also get to do a listening activity and I'll explain a little

  • bit about that in a moment.

  • So first we are going to learn shapes, and these are some examples of shapes, then we

  • are going to learn about prepositions.

  • You might be wondering: "What is a preposition?"

  • Well, a preposition is a short word like: "on", "above", "below".

  • And after that we're going to do a listening activity where you're going to listen to me

  • describe shapes and prepositions.

  • For the listening activity you will need two things:

  • A piece of paper and a pencil or a pen.

  • This is an active video so you will actually be doing something while watching.

  • Okay, so let's get started on shapes.

  • So I have here some major shapes in English.

  • We have a triangle, we have a circle, square, a heart, and this one is a star.

  • In our listening activity later, you will be drawing

  • a triangle, a circle, a square, a heart, and a star.

  • Okay?

  • So these are the words we'll be using in this video.

  • We will also be using some prepositions.

  • So a preposition is a short word that shows the relationship between two things.

  • So that's confusing to a lot of students.

  • An easier way I like to think about prepositions is they can...

  • They can describe where something is.

  • Okay? So they often answer the question of: Where?

  • So, for example, I have here our triangle and our circle, and I have the preposition

  • "on".

  • So if we look at this, I could say: "There is a triangle on a circle."

  • So: "There is a triangle on a circle."

  • So we will be using the preposition "on" later in our listening activity.

  • We also have "inside".

  • "There is a triangle inside a circle."

  • Another preposition is "outside".

  • We can say: "There is a triangle outside the circle."

  • So, here, the triangle is inside, whereas here the triangle is outside.

  • So these are very common prepositions we use when describing where something is.

  • Okay, we also have "above".

  • So, "above" is a little bit different than "on".

  • If you notice the circle, the triangle is on the circle, meaning it's touching, whereas

  • when we're looking at "above" it can be touching, but it can also be just above.

  • So it can touch or it can also just be above.

  • So, for example, we have a triangle above a circle.

  • Okay, now we have "below" and "under", two more common prepositions which we usually

  • use in the same way.

  • So we have here the circle.

  • We can say: "There is a circle".

  • Or actually we can say: "There is a triangle below the circle."

  • Or: "There is a triangle under the circle."

  • Okay?

  • And now we have "to the right".

  • We can say: "There is a triangle to the right of the circle."

  • So notice how they're beside?

  • This side is to the right, whereas this side is to the left.

  • So if we look at the triangle, the triangle is beside the circle and it's also to the

  • right of the circle.

  • Now, compare this to "to the left".

  • We have a triangle and a circle, and we can say:

  • "The triangle now is to the left of the circle."

  • Okay? So these two are opposites: "to the right" and "to the left".

  • So these pictures help you understand these prepositions, which answer the question of:

  • Where?

  • So, again, we have: "on", "inside", "outside", "above", "below/under",

  • "to the right", and "to the left".

  • Okay, now, for the listening activity we are about to do, there are three more expressions

  • that you will need.

  • You will need to know: "in the center".

  • Okay?

  • So if I'm looking at this board, about here is in the center.

  • Okay?

  • So I can say: "My finger is in the center of the board."

  • I can also say about corners.

  • We have a corner, a corner, another corner, and another corner.

  • Okay?

  • So those are called corners.

  • If I'm looking at my piece of paper from earlier, we have a corner here, a corner here, a corner

  • here, and a corner here.

  • So, what I can say is...

  • If I ask you to draw something, I might tell you to draw something in the top corner, which

  • might be here.

  • Maybe I'll say: "the top right corner", "the top left corner", "the top"...

  • Or: "the bottom right corner", and "the bottom left corner".

  • Okay?

  • So these are the expressions we will be using in today's listening activity.

  • So, again, take a moment to really get to know the shapes because you will be listening

  • for them in a second, as well as the preposition.

  • Prepositions.

  • You might want to watch this part a couple of times until you're comfortable with these

  • words, and then do our following listening activity.

  • Okay?

  • Once you have become comfortable with these words, take out your piece of paper and your

  • pen or pencil, and we will begin listening.

  • Okay, so you need a piece of paper.

  • This is my piece of paper.

  • Okay?

  • So you will have your piece of paper and your pencil ready to go.

  • I am going to say a sentence, and you are going to draw what I say.

  • So, I will be talking about shapes and prepositions, and you need to draw what you hear.

  • Okay?

  • So, for example, if I say: "There is a circle in the center of the page.

  • There is a circle in the center of the page."

  • What do you do?

  • You take your pencil and you draw a circle in the center of the page.

  • Okay?

  • I'll give one more example and then we will get started.

  • Now, imagine if next I say:

  • "There is a square under the circle.

  • There is a square under the circle."

  • What would you do?

  • Well, you take your pencil and you would draw a square.

  • And it's okay if you're not a good artist.

  • Maybe your square kind of looks, you know, not so nice, but that's okay.

  • This is a listening activity, not an art activity.

  • Okay, so let's get started.

  • So I want you to continue.

  • I will say some more instructions, and you draw what you hear.

  • Okay?

  • So, inside the square there is a star.

  • Inside the square there is a star.

  • I'm going to keep going.

  • I'm not going to draw.

  • At the very end I will show you my picture, and we will compare to see if it is the same

  • or different.

  • Okay?

  • So keep drawing my instructions.

  • So one more time: Inside the square there is a star.

  • Okay.

  • The next instruction, I want you to look at the circle.

  • Above the circle there is a triangle.

  • Above the circle there is a triangle.

  • To the left of the triangle there is a circle.

  • Okay? So you should be drawing some more.

  • To the left of the triangle there is a circle.

  • All right, next instructions.

  • In the top right corner of the paper there is a square.

  • In the top right corner of the paper there is a square.

  • Okay?

  • I'll give you a couple of seconds to draw that.

  • So there is a square in the top right corner.

  • All right.

  • Next instructions: Inside the square there is a heart.

  • Inside the square there is a heart.

  • All right.

  • So not too many more instructions to go.

  • The next instructions are: In the bottom left corner of the paper there is a triangle.

  • In the bottom left corner of the paper there is a triangle.

  • Okay?

  • So the next instructions: There is a square on the triangle.

  • There is a square on the triangle.

  • Okay.

  • So those were the instructions for today.

  • Now I am going to show you what your picture should look like.

  • This is a great way to see how well you understood what I was saying.

  • And before I show you what it looks like, I also wanted to tell you this is a great

  • game you can play with your friends, or maybe if you are an English teacher, you can play

  • it with your class.

  • It's a great way to check listening and to practice listening.

  • So now let's look at what the picture should look like.

  • Ta-da.

  • So this is what your paper should look like.

  • You should have a circle in the center, you should have a square here.

  • There should be a star inside the square.

  • There should be a triangle above the circle.

  • To the left of the triangle there should be a circle.

  • In the top right corner there should be a square,

  • and inside the square there should be a heart.

  • And finally, in the bottom left corner

  • there should be a triangle with a square on top of it.

  • So your picture should look like this if you followed the instructions correctly.

  • If you made some mistakes, that's okay.

  • You can watch the video again and practice, and try until you get the same picture.

  • So, I would like you to come to our website at, and I'd like you to comment

  • on how useful you found this video.

  • This is different than a lot of our videos, so it would be really nice to hear if you

  • like this listening resource.

  • I'd also like to invite you to, and there you can actually try our quiz on

  • the words you've learned in this video to make sure you really understand, you know,

  • the different shapes and prepositions.

  • You can also subscribe to my channel.

  • There, you can find a lot of resources on conversation, pronunciation, grammar, listening,

  • reading, and many more topics.

  • So thank you very much for watching, I appreciate it.

  • And until next time, take care.



ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

英語のリスニング練習。ボキャブラリーを増やそう (English Listening Practice: Improve your vocabulary!)

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    jwlee に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日