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  • Venice's sleek and graceful gondolas

  • are a symbol of the city.

  • From the start, boats were the way to get around

  • among the island communities of the lagoon.

  • To navigate over shifting sand bars,

  • the boats were flat-bottomed,

  • and the captains stood up to see.

  • Today's boats still come with gondoliers standing up,

  • and no rudder or keel.

  • They're built with a slight curve,

  • so that a single oar on the side propels them in a straight line.

  • The art of the gondola survives in the quiet back canals.

  • In this shop the workmen,

  • were traditionally from Italy's mountains.

  • That's why they maintain a refreshing Alpine feel

  • in this delightful little corner of Venice.

  • Nearby, in an artisan's workshop,

  • visitors are welcome to observe as he provides for

  • the city's 400 gondoliers.

  • Working with traditional tools,

  • graceful oars are carefully planed

  • to be true and properly balanced.

  • And each walnut forcula --

  • the stylized oarlock --

  • is like a sculpture -- hand crafted,

  • one of a kind, and honoring the city's heritage.

  • A gondola ride

  • is a traditional must for romantics.

  • Gondolas are moored everywhere.

  • Wait till early evening,

  • when the crowds are gone and the light is right.

  • Find a gondolier whose personality you enjoy,

  • settle on a price, and hop in.

  • [ Speaking Italian ]

  • On a gondola, you glide through your own private Venice,

  • far from the hubbub of modern tourism.

  • Lonely bridges,

  • canals without sidewalks,

  • and reflections of once-upon-a-time grandeur.

Venice's sleek and graceful gondolas


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イタリア・ヴェネツィアロマンチックなゴンドラ (Venice, Italy: Romantic Gondolas)

  • 269 11
    Ntiana に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日