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  • There's no way this episode is as interesting as the last one

  • but I'm still gonna try.

  • So first, the architecture in the Dancer's room is flammable

  • and not just from her weapons, but from ours as well.

  • This fire spreading effect exists all throughout Lothric Castle, and it stops when you reach the Grand Archives

  • and then it starts again in the Twin Princes boss fight on two chairs in particular

  • these ones; the ones on their sides.

  • I spent a lot of time hitting chairs with a torch today...

  • And, to be honest I wish this mechanic was built in to way more wooden structures, maybe with the ability

  • to deal damage if enemies got too close to the fire?

  • I think the game could really benefit from more environmental effects, more destruction effects, things like that.

  • Second. Do you remember this moment in one of the really old Dark Souls trailers?

  • An elite knight does the quiet resolve emote as they walk away, and this same emote is given to us by Anri

  • in Dark Souls III, a character who wears the Elite Knight Set and really embodies that same sentiment

  • that same courage because Anri is a character who deticatedly pursues her and Horaces quest against

  • Aldrich, even after Horaces passing.

  • Third. After we kill the Abyss Watchers, Hawkwood, a fellow Unkindled, thanks us for helping them find

  • their final resting place and after they're dead, Hawkwood the Crestfallen looks away and leaves

  • to find his purpose. We see him next outside the fight with Oceiros, and I bet this is where he comes across

  • The Way of The Dragon emote, and then Hawkwood can be summoned atop the Archdragon Peak

  • and, you might not have done this with him, but he actually performs The Way of The Dragon emote here

  • obtaining his own Twinkling Dragon Headstone while you obtain the Twinkling Dragon Torso Stone.

  • After talking with Andre, Hawkwood can be confronted aside the corpses of his fellow legionaires

  • where you fight for the title of the true dragon.

  • And most curiously, if you lose here Hawkwood will actually take the Twinkling Dragon Torso Stone

  • from your inventory until you manage to defeat him and steal it back.

  • I thought it was really interesting that the game really shows you his path around the world.

  • Moving on. For number four, it's obvious that The Nameless King is Gwyns firstborn, the god of war

  • who led the Warriors of Sunlight, but as an awesome piece of extra evidence, did you notice that the

  • Sunlight Medal sigil is all throughout Archdragon Peak printed on these silver plates?

  • Another thing I discovered when going over character dialogue; did you know that Ludleth has some

  • seriously tricky to receive dialogue? If you kill him, and then reload the area and go close to him he'll be asleep,

  • he'll be dreaming and he'll be muttering this:

  • "Ahh, it singeth, to the bone, it hurts...

  • Please, help me. Be done with me... No, gods no. I cannot bear it...

  • It burns. burns, help me...

  • Ahh, beg pardon. I must have dozed a while."

  • Is he having nightmares about the time he linked the fire, maybe?

  • Interestingly, if you initiate this post death dialogue with him after you defeat the Dragonslayer Armour

  • then he says this as well:

  • "See ye not? I am a Lord... A wee flame, belike, but I shoulder the world...

  • Forgive me. Oh, please... I am not to blame, I'm not..."

  • Ludleth is a fascinating character, there's surely more to him that that needs to be revealed.

  • He's this Lord who exists in an alternate version of a shrine where he states that he painted a new vision

  • of the world.

  • And while he's really proud of how he linked the flame, he also displays this supreme amount of guilt and pain

  • in his nightmares. Something is going on here, and I hope it's elucidated in the DLC.

  • Six. True to Patches' deep lore, his dialogue changes when you start the game as a cleric.

  • "Every rotten cleric's dream, right?"

  • Next, I'm sure by now a lot of you know that the Calamity Ring can be obtained by performing

  • The Way of The Dragon emote at this statue but, more importantly, do you think that they're poking fun

  • at the players in the description?

  • "This ring has no useful powers and is merely a symbol of dragon worship, a thing quietly passed down amongst

  • it's most fervent adherents, some of whom become convinced the task has been bestowed upon them

  • as a sacred duty." This is a ring that makes you take double damage and in the last episode

  • we talked a little bit about how they might be doing this same thing with the pendant where they poke fun at

  • people who are convinced that these items mean something, and I bet they're doing it here as well,

  • because a lot of people thought this ring meant something in Dark Souls I, but it didn't.

  • For number eight, did you ever pay attention to this corpse dead at the first bonfire in the Profaned Capital

  • surrounded by ladders?

  • It's Laddersmith Gilligan from Dark Souls II, a beloved and complex character who sold ladders

  • that helped you access a place that you could just drop down into. Yeah, he's pretty forgetable, anyway,

  • him being here is pretty funny, actually, once again he's surrounded by ladders and at least some of them are useful this time.

  • For number nine, I'd be surprised if you managed to find a bunch of items that appear on corpses

  • after you've killed their corresponding NPC's.

  • For example, the Pale Shade set appears in Firelink Shrine if you've defeated this invader in Farron Keep and Irithyll.

  • Kirks Barbed Set appears near Rosaria if you kill his phantom in the Cathedral,

  • Havel's set appears near the Stray Demon once the Havel Knight is dead in the real world,

  • Hodricks set is found upon his corpse in the Pit of Hollows after Sirris' questline,

  • and Sirris' Sunless Talisman is found on a grave outside our shrine once her quest is complete.

  • Her grandfather's shield can also be found here.

  • And finally, one of my favorite sets, which is Creighton's Mirrah Chain set, is found upon the bridge after you

  • kill him in Sirris' world and your own as well.

  • I'll leave wiki links to all of these in the description below if you want to find them.

  • For the Lord of Hollows ending, you sacrafice your fellow Unkindled Anri and claim her Dark Sigils for your own.

  • But did you know that Anri appears the in ending cutscene?

  • You can spot him/her in here and additionally some people have stated that Anri appears without armor for

  • them in a Hollow state, but I was never able to reliably replicate this glitch

  • but anyway, the implications from this are that Anri lives on if you want to call being Hollow living.

  • So, we started last episode off with the discovery that the Dancer's soundclips could be reversed

  • so that you could hear their original sound.

  • -Dancer Sound Reversed-

  • And now, a week or two later, user Sentuh is back with more fascinating sound findings, and I just can't help

  • but talk about these again, so the Crystal Sages, for example, sound like they're saying "Release me now"

  • when this clip is reversed.

  • -Soundclip sounding like "Release me now."-

  • The Deacons sound like they're in a lot of pain:

  • -sound effect-

  • And this is what it sounds like when hundreds of curses are stuffed inside a spirit tree:

  • -sound effect-

  • And there are a bunch more creepy, haunting and illuminating sound effects that you can listen to, so go and check out that link in the description.

  • For twelve, did you know that you can combine the two swords of the Twin Princes of Lothric to create the

  • Twin Princes Greatsword?

  • This requires NG+, and if you have both of the swords from two Twin Princes souls then just bring them to

  • Ludleth, and he'll transpose them together.

  • Within the weapon art of this new greatsword is both the sacred light of Lothric, and the flame of Lorian.

  • Next, there are quite a few NPC's that have hard to find endings to their quest.

  • First, did you know that Orbeck can appear in the Grand Archives if you purchase all of his spells?

  • He can even help you with the Lothric boss fight if you do this, and afterwords you'll find his corpse

  • sitting at a table beside these candlestick scholars.

  • Also in the Grand Archives is Greirat's corpse, if you manage to keep him alive after his outing to Irythill.

  • Third; if you only purchase light miracles from Irina then she'll eventually become a mute firekeeper,

  • moving to the bottom of the tower to the side of the Firelink Shrine, and she can even level you up

  • if you desire.

  • "Let souls be your strength."

  • Lastly, at the end of Anri's quest to kill Aldrich, Anri Hollows, her duty fulfilled.

  • "Now, heed this little warning, from this little lord...

  • Seek not the girl. She knoweth her fate, what will become of her upon her duties end.

  • She would not wish thee follow her."

  • After receiving her sword, she left with Ludleth, Anri can be followed to her grave in two places.

  • If you told her where you found Horace, then she will decide that her grave should be beside his, and

  • if you never told her where to find Horace, then she will Hollow atop this lonely hill outside the

  • Cathedral of the Deep,

  • a place that probably has some meaning to her because this is where her early life was, within the Cathedral of the Deep.

  • For fourteen, did you know that it's possible to stagger Yhorm to the point where you can perform a critical attack?

  • This reminds me so much of Bloodborne, especially if you do it with a fist weapon like the user Cleopatra who pointed this out the other week.

  • For fifteen, I want to give a bit of a teaser for an upcoming video that I'm planning on doing in

  • collaboration with everyone's favorite translator, Loremaster Nojah. We've done a few translation videos

  • in the past.

  • In the research for the Angels of Lothric and the Hollows of Londor video we discovered that Yuria's line

  • "Kaathe, I have failed thee..."

  • actually translates more accurately to "Kaathe, your dying wish wasn't done."

  • So, does this mean that Kaathe, the primordial serpent that many assumed was immortal, might actually be dead?

  • This Japanese is drastically different from the English at any rate, so, all of this and more will come out in a full

  • translation video where we go over the fascinating little discrepancies between the English and the Japanese,

  • but we might wait until the DLC comes out, I think, because then we'll have access to all of the descriptions.

  • But, I'd love it if you could throw Loremaster Nojah a follow on Twitter or something, he's been this huge

  • help to me and he's currently working on an indie game project that looks really interesting, so far.

  • But, thank you for watching this one, guys, I think we're finally ahead of the schedule with videos a bit now,

  • there should always be a video out for patrons whenever I release a new video, so, become a patron if you want

  • a bit of early access, but, yeah, hopefully I can get back into more of a regular schedule now for once in my life.

  • Thanks for watching, and I'll see you next time.

There's no way this episode is as interesting as the last one


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ダークソウル3 ► 15後半のゲームの秘密 (Dark Souls 3 ► 15 Late Game Secrets)

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    張博然 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日