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  • - So at 30, I started Wine Library TV, YouTube blows up.

  • At 31 I'm on Conan O'Brien, Ellen,

  • there's articles being written about me,

  • now they're writing that the business grew

  • from three to 60 million dollars in sales,

  • I'm becoming this guy.

  • I got so many goddamn emails from friends in high school,

  • during that period when I was showing up

  • in all these magazines and TV shows,

  • and every single one of them, was like

  • "Hey Gary, you remember me from high school?

  • "Oh my God, you're so lucky."

  • I wrote back every single one of them, and said,

  • "Let me just clarify one thing, I'm not lucky,

  • "I worked. I worked every goddamn weekend and every holiday,

  • "since I was 14 years old,

  • "so you can keep that luck shit in your pocket."

  • ("Inertia" by Irregular Expression)

  • Every day, every day that I live my life,

  • I get five to 27 emails from people

  • that are telling me that they are quitting,

  • or they should quit, or,

  • or are really coming to me as a last resort

  • to convince them not to quit I think a lot of times, or,

  • or maybe give them confirmation that they should quit.

  • You know, "Hey Gary, this is Sally,

  • "I've been doing my blog now for nine months

  • "and I'm not getting the results that I like to see

  • "or that I was promised" or that, you innuendo.

  • "Should I give up, like, you know, should I,

  • "is my content not good enough,

  • "am I, is my voice not good enough?"

  • And I think about it, every time,

  • every time I see these emails,

  • every time people ask me at conferences I think about it,

  • I think about how sad I am

  • that I wasn't documenting my life,

  • or putting out content, or doing The #AskGaryVee Show,

  • during those five and a half years of Wine Library TV,

  • especially those 18 months when nobody was watching.

  • You know the story that's never told,

  • is the story that I was building Wine Library

  • to a huge company long before Wine Library TV,

  • and that the first month that I did Wine Library TV,

  • was the first time that Wine Library

  • had not grown 30% over the prior year's revenue.

  • So not only did I have the patience

  • to let it play itself out and win,

  • it was a scenario where I was actually losing money

  • by being patient.

  • Many of the people that are going to watch this video

  • are not achieving what they want,

  • and are lacking the patience,

  • and think everything happens overnight,

  • and that is coming at the cost of an unhappy life,

  • or no loss financially, just loss in time.

  • Just coming at the expense of Angry Birds,

  • or House of Cards marathons, or the bowling team,

  • or hanging out with friends and having a beer,

  • or reading a magazine,

  • or whatever the hell gets you off and excited as a hobby.

  • It's coming at that expense,

  • it's not coming at the expense of actual money,

  • or something, or pain, or, you know,

  • it's coming at the expense of a luxury.

  • And so to me,

  • the insanity, really, and that's what I'm gonna,

  • you know, the disproportional misunderstanding

  • that there's not a person that you can name, not one,

  • there is zero people that you can name,

  • that had it happen overnight.

  • Even the nine year-old Stevie Wonder

  • and six year-old Michael Jackson,

  • there were years of work put in prior

  • by their parents, by their uncles.

  • Even with the greatest talents, even with LeBron,

  • he seemed like so young when he hit the scene.

  • Guess what, he wasn't,

  • he'd already been playing basketball for 15 goddamn years.

  • Even though you all say to me like, wow, you did it,

  • I didn't do it, I did it when I was 14 years old,

  • and 15 years old, and 16 years old, and 17 years old,

  • and 18 years old, and 19 years old, and 20 years old,

  • and 21 years old, and 22 years old,

  • which are all the years that every single weekend,

  • while my friends went to the Jersey shore

  • and hooked up with girls,

  • while my friends went fishing,

  • while my friends hung out and threw round the football,

  • and lived the leisure life,

  • every weekend, every single weekend,

  • let me just say it one more time, every weekend,

  • every day, from the day I got out of school

  • to the day I went back into school, every vacation day,

  • all of them, not a good amount of them, every day,

  • from 7am to back then 8pm, every day,

  • I was learning the wine business.

  • I was honing my craft to be a good salesman.

  • I was figuring out how to be an operator.

  • I watched how my dad interacted with his employees,

  • what I liked about it, what I didn't.

  • I watched my cousin Bobby interact with the employees,

  • I took what I liked from it, what I didn't.

  • I was 30 years old before any of you ever saw me.

  • Go show me the videos on YouTube right now,

  • that have me under 30. They don't exist.

  • I was putting in the work, for half my life, from 15 to 30,

  • where I built an actual business. I put in actual work,

  • and so if you want to tell me that every goddamn moment

  • of my life between 15 and 30 is an overnight success,

  • then knock yourself out, but that is complete bullshit,

  • and every one of you know it.

  • And so when you email me, that you've started this thing,

  • that you have the audacity

  • to want it to be the rest of your life.

  • The audacity, really, the entitlement,

  • that you think that you should be able to do something

  • that you love so much, for the rest of your life,

  • that makes you enough money,

  • to be able to do it for the rest of your life,

  • that you're giving up after four months?

  • That you're giving up after two years?

  • As a matter of fact, every single person watching this video

  • should be trying for that moment

  • for the rest of their life, period.

  • You might hit pay dirt at 80, and cool,

  • then you can really do exactly what you love from 80 to 100.

  • My friends, it is a gift, is a gift,

  • to wake up in the morning, and be able to do what you want,

  • for the rest of your life.

  • The way you do that,

  • is by becoming a quote unquote, "overnight success".

  • You know, the excuse that everybody uses

  • to deploy against somebody who's actually put in work,

  • for the last decade, and got themselves into a position

  • where they can do something pretty rad,

  • that we all think is cool, and we all wish we could do.

  • You know, that thing,

  • the thing that you say to yourself

  • to make yourself feel better,

  • about when you're laying in bed

  • and playing a goddamn game on your phone,

  • instead of putting in the work to achieve what you want.

  • Nothing in life is free, nothing happens overnight,

  • it all takes tons and tons of work,

  • and tons and tons of talent,

  • and tons and tons of serendipity,

  • but my friends, luck, serendipity,

  • there's a forced culture within that.

  • You know, you'll just sit in your room,

  • hoping and then something lucky happens,

  • nobody just knocks on your house's door and says

  • "Congratulations, you've been awarded this".

  • Luck comes from being in the right spot.

  • I've been really lucky, because I fucking bleed

  • out of my eyes every day of my life and work my face off.

  • You're really lucky when you're at that 11:30pm meeting,

  • where the lucky thing happens, pretty cool,

  • since all you were fucking sleeping.

  • I was pretty lucky, weird, that I scheduled that meeting

  • 'cause I did a ton of things for 30 years,

  • that allowed me to even have that meeting

  • in the first place, that gave me the leverage

  • to have that lucky thing that happened.

  • There's no overnight successes, period, they don't exist.

  • Show me, leave a comment in YouTube,

  • leave the name, explain to me, tell me, show me,

  • let me know, show me the overnight success,

  • because I'll show you you, justifying in your brain,

  • something that is just not true, period.

  • ("Inertia" by Irregular Expression)

- So at 30, I started Wine Library TV, YouTube blows up.


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A2 初級

一夜の成功ゲイリー・ヴェイナーチャック (Overnight Success: Gary Vaynerchuk)

  • 545 76
    柯媁涵 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日