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The stone-humped hag,
the angels,
Silver Knight Ledo.
Alva and Zullie,
and the Murkmen.
At the end of the world, much is explained,
for characters are ripped here from all ages, all cycles,
without too much regard for context.
And some, like the Dragonslayer Armor,
even came from our age,
an age that ended long ago.
This armor has seen it all:
Once, it was worn by a legendary dragonslayer,
and it lost its master,
but it retained the memory of the fights it had against the Arch-dragons.
Memories that were so potent, the armor itself --
imbued with a soul, admittedly -- still remembered
their sporting hunts.
And left behind in Lothric,
it came to be manipulated by the Pilgrim Butterflies,
dark beings that may well be counterpoint
to the angels that we'll get into later,
who settled there as Lothric's age drew to a close.
And now,
deep in the Abyssal swamp, the armor,
it reads, was defeated by the Champion of Ash
in Lothric, and was left ages to rust.
Until it was possessed, once again,
by the memory of the hunt.
And why I start the video with this armor
is because I really want to talk about how ages HAVE passed.
Remember when you placed the cinders, and
you were teleported to a ruined shrine?
Everything and everyone here in the Dreg Heap --
including Gael, including Lapp --
they might not have done these things,
but they still made it to the very end of an era.
And, of course, a couple more minor
characters made it here. Though
their stories have always been just below the surface.
"One was a wayfaring knight,
on an endless, forbidden search.
Only the Abyss granted closure,
if not reunion with his beloved."
Honestly, most of us probably only know Alva
as that one red phantom who invades in Irithyll.
But he's featured in TWO games now,
and he has a story worth telling, although admittedly,
this is a story that the game explicitly
tells us, for once. There's not much
guesswork to be done here. So this is a tale
of three characters: Alva, Saint Serreta,
and Zullie, the witch.
Alva was a wayfaring knight who made it his quest
to search for a cure
for Saint Serreta's sickness.
He fully dedicated himself to this cause,
to the point where he eventually punished himself
for his failures. His search
would end up being quite famous, for
many bards would eventually sing tales
of his travels, and, of course, his involvement
with the witch.
Zullie is the witch, somone
referenced to employ heretical magical crafts,
which are said to be widely misunderstood,
forcing her to wear a veil when she traveled,
rather than the pointed hat she would wear sometimes
with a deep, unspoken sense of pride.
Zullie heard of Alva's dedication
to Saint Serreta, and decided to use
all manner of tricks and deceit to ruin him.
Perhaps she was trying to demonstrate
the fragility of faith, or
that dedication of man is ultimately a pointless thing.
And so,
her wtichcraft assumedly played a part in this,
but we also hear
that she intended to seduce Alva.
Zullie, however, never loved anyone, nor was she
loved in return.
But, as it turns out,
in trying to seduce him and trying to make him
fail, it's as if she accidentally
found some admiration for the man.
In the end, Alva would not find a cure
for Saint Serreta's sickness, and,
as a result,
wracked with guilt and remorse,
he relinquished his knighthood.
However, he, and Zullie the witch,
eventually both found their purpose in life
in each other.
Zullie, as unloving as she was unloved,
became Alva's closest supporter.
And Alva,
despite failing his saint and his purpose,
would accept the aid of the witch
who once plotted against him.
And that's the story in a nutshell.
But one more thing: Alva is named "seeker of the spurned"
in Dark Souls 3. Which is an odd
title, because to "spurn" something is to
reject it with disdain, and the only
real candidate for that, in this story,
is Zullie, who was spurned as a witch.
So, if he's the "seeker of the spurned"
than at this point of the story in Dark Souls 3,
he must, logically, be seeking Zullie.
And the implication, I think, is that
they're finally reunited in the Ringed City.
"Only the Abyss granted closure,
if not reunion with his beloved."
The implication in this quote, with Alva's invasion
in front of Zullie's set as well,
is that Alva was finally reunited with the witch
in the city that was losing itself to the Abyss.
And, as we'll get into in the video
about the locusts and the Ringed Knights --
subscribe for that --
perhaps the Abyss is not so evil after all.
But there's something else I wanna talk about: it's that, in Japanese,
the word for "spurned" is pulled from "imi",
which is a noun with a significant degree of nuance.
We have to thank Loremaster Nojah
for helping us out with this.
Because the word "imi", which they pulled the word
"spurned" from, in Japanese means something
more like a taboo, a shunned person,
or, strangely,
a purification rite. And obviously,
searching for purification or absolution
is very different to searching for a
shunned person. And I thought it was weird he was titled
"seeker of the spurned", which is why I brought this up.
And I'm glad I learned about the word "imi", because its definitions --
both "seeker of the spurned" and
"seeker of purification" --
both are definitions that fit with the story.
Because, at once, Alva is the seeker of Zullie
the shunned, and reunites with her in the Ringed City.
But also, he is wracked with guilt and remorse
over failing to find a cure for Saint Serreta,
and, as a result, he could be searching for absolution
and purification
and release from his sin, which is a word
that "imi" implied.
Zullie, on the other hand,
appears to enter the service of the Judicator Giant --
a character we'll talk about later -- who enlists,
by force or otherwise, the most
powerful beings who come down here
seeking the Dark Soul.
One of these phantoms is Ledo
of the Silver Knights, who invades us properly
in a tower far above the Abyssal Swamp,
swinging that great, stone-imbued hammer around.
But when you finally get your hands on it, you discover
that this giant rock would've made Havel proud.
And it probably did. It's description says that Ledo
was a traveling eccentric. Someone who befriended
both Havel -- probably because they both loved rocks --
and giants, as well. Which might explain
why he's summoned by the Judicator Giant.
I came across a great
Ledo theory in the comments of this video
a few days ago, when it was released early for patrons.
Salim B. comments that Ledo
could've been the friend that imprisoned
Havel the Rock in Dark Souls 1. And it's
a great theory, looking back.
The Watchtower Basement Key tells us that there are rumors
of a hero-turned-Hollow, who was
locked away by a dear friend. And, of course,
this is a reference to Havel, but back then, we assumed
that the friend who locked him away was most likely Gwyn,
listed as Havel's "old battlefield compatriot".
And he was the closest thing he had to a friend
back then. But I think, if we knew about Ledo,
than we would certainly be more likely to
ascribe this imprisonment to Ledo --
a Silver Knight -- rather than Gwyn -- a Lord --
who might've had more important things to do.
What do you think?
This theory gives a lot of character to Ledo,
and one of the most significant things about Ledo,
for me, is that here's our
first mention of a Silver Knight with a name
and a personality. Not just these
faceless knights that are unquestionably loyal to Gwyn,
Gwynevere, and even empty cathedrals.
This goes a long way to making this Order seem more
interesting, more human. And
I might be less inclined from now on
to see them as an army unit, and more
as individuals who were ultimately driven to serve
the kingdom of Gwyn, but who also had
agency to leave said kingdom and go on
their own travels.
The woman who sees all these travelers go by,
seeking the Ringed City, is the old,
stone-humped hag atop the Dreg Heap.
"Don't run off and die, love.
It's a nicer view with you in it."
This old, stone-humped woman, according
to her ashes, was once the wetnurse of royalty.
So our question is in two parts:
A) why is a pilgrim of Londor here?
And B) to whom
was she a wetnurse of royalty?
Well, in Dark Souls 3, the wetnurses
are exclusively related to
the Lothric royal family, whose wetnurses
groomed the inheritors of the throne.
"But Vaati," you say, "the Dreg Heap is at the end of the world,
and this woman could be the wetnurse
of ANY royalty, right?" And I thought so, too,
initially. Until I looked more closely
at the image for the old woman's ashes.
As pointed out by Sanidus K in the last video,
she wears the priestess ring upon her finger,
confirming that she was, in fact, wetnurse
to the kingdom of Lothric at some point.
And, considering her knowledge of Prince Lorian's endeavors --
"That Prince Lorian spoke of,
I'm sure." --
we can hazard a guess at the priestess
this woman may have once been.
But the question that's really important is, who is she now?
Well previously, all signs pointed to
every pilgrim being of Londor, which
was a land devoted to the usurpation of fire.
Which is a goal that's in stark contrast
to the fire-linking goals of Lothric,
where this woman apparently came from. And
I don't think who she was really matters,
because if anyone were to leave
their former life behind, it would be those of Londor.
Because this is a society that was
comprised of undead who led "unsavory
lives". Their land has many references
to absolving sin, and their
very tome offers salvation to Hollows.
Also, conversely, cursing all
things living. This reminds me of the angels
in more ways than one.
And these angels seem
exclusively born of the pilgrims,
who are assumedly of Londor. Which means that
the angels now fly pretty much in the face
of what we previously thought we knew about the Angelic Faith
of Lothric. Assuming, of course, that
these angels are indeed the angels that visited Gertrude,
and started the Angelic Faith.
So, I suppose I kind of have to
take back a lot of what I said in THIS video.
Which I recommend you watch, if only to understand
why I'm taking some of those things back.
In that video, I made the case for the angels being
aligned with the linking of the fire,
aligned with the Way of White, and the old gods,
and the old royalty.
And I was citing the white feathers that were common
to the heavenly children as a central point of evidence there.
However, it appears that the angels
now undeniably appear from the pilgrims of Londor,
who are AGAINST the linking of the fire,
and instead want fire to weaken,
so that they can wrest it from its mantle. This is
very different, so I think the conclusion I would draw now
is that we can finally recognize why
the Angelic Faith was considered heresy in the
kingdom of Lothric. If the angels are
agents of Londor, and a part of their
usurpation of the flame, of course the traditional Lothric
pillars would be opposed to the rise of
this new faith.
But, Lothric eventually lost
its devotion to the linking of the fire, because
of Prince Lothric, who was
very content to watch his kingdom crumble,
and the age of fire end, and
probably was not opposed to the rise of the angels
at all.
This theory probably still needs a little bit of work,
so let's move on.
Finally, if you're still here, let's finish on
the Murkmen, who largely represent the lore
on the Deep in the Ringed City.
So the Murkmen are described as being
possessed by soul dregs, which have
a grave likeness to the human form.
Now we know that human dregs are the
heaviest things in the human body, which sink to
the lowest depths imaginable. And I wouldn't be surprised
if the soul dregs here appeared in just that way,
slowly sinking through the earth over the ages,
to accumulate here, in the Dreg Heap.
And, while the Deep doesn't get much more
elucidation in the DLC,
the Abyss does. And the Deep becomes far
more significant because it is compared and
contrasted to the Abyss.
So this video is getting far too long for minor characters,
but I think the best possible thing I could leave you guys on
is a video by another creator named
Jerks Sans Frontieres, who
makes this excellent case for the Deep
being a defilement of purity in line
with many definitions in the Shinto religion.
This theory of defilement lines up
with the Deep being comprised of stagnating souls,
and I think it's worth showing you guys this
because I know that this is the theory
that's definitely affected a lot of my
opinions on the Deep, and it's gonna affect
a lot of the theories going forward. So check it out. It really is,
like, one of the best Souls videos out there, not just
because of the mentions of the Deep. So, please watch it.
But back to my stuff: in a day or two,
I'll probably release the next video, which was gonna be "Ten More
Secrets in the Ringed City". But now it's gonna be titled
"Twenty More Secrets in the Ringed City" because
we've found out SO much. And I think that now,
about a week after release, most of you guys have played it.
So after the next video, we'll dive right into
explaining the entire story. The next video is
probably already out for patrons, who get a bit of early access.
But regardless of whether you're a patron of not, thank you for watching.
Check out the other videos, and I'll see you next time.