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  • These are the top 10 most prosperous countries according to the Legatum Institute whose mission

  • is to promote policies that lift people from poverty to prosperity.

  • The study ranked countries across nine key metrics.

  • The 10th most prosperous nation is the United Kingdom.

  • It’s strong business economy allowed it to crack the top 5 in that category.

  • It was top 10 in economic quality, natural environment, and educationhelped by its

  • vocational training reform efforts that saw it climb from 14th in the world in 2007.

  • Ninth is Denmark which scores best on Safety and Security as thefts have dropped by 25%

  • over the last decade.

  • Air pollution has fallen by 63% over the same period, improving its Natural Environment

  • ranking by 26 spots.

  • To improve, Denmark should focus on its health system, which isn’t as strong as its Nordic

  • neighbors.

  • Sweden comes in eighth.

  • It’s 3rd-ranked economy is its best asset.

  • Sweden actually ranked first in overall prosperity from 2010 to 2012, but it’s education and

  • governance scores have slipped slightly since then.

  • It’s still very prosperous and is the third least corrupt country in the whole world.

  • Seventh is the Netherlands.

  • The Dutch are wealthy, healthy, educated, and served very well by their government.

  • While its Natural Environment ranking is only 36ththe lowest score across any category

  • for any country in this top tenthat’s actually up 37 spots from where it was in

  • 2007.

  • Australia is sixth.

  • It is the only country in the top 20 to record an absolute decline in prosperity since 2007.

  • Its government has adopted protectionist trade policies that have driven down the quality

  • and diversity of its economy.

  • On the bright side, its Health Care ranking is on the upswing despite rising obesity levels.

  • In the same spot as last year is Canada at number 5.

  • It is second-best on personal freedom, but its healthcare rank is hurt by rising obesity

  • and diabetes rates.

  • Canada is also top-ten in Governance, Social Capital, and Economic Prosperity.

  • Fourth is Switzerland, the country with the best education score.

  • It is one of only two Western European countries to see its Economic Quality score improve

  • over the last decade, as the rest of the continent was hit hard by the 2008 global financial

  • crisis.

  • Finland is the third most prosperous nation.

  • It is top-ranked in governance, second in Natural Environment, and third in Education.

  • Surprisingly its Health score puts it at 21st in that category.

  • The decline of its two main industries, timber and Nokia electronics, has led to a surge

  • in unemployment.

  • Norway is second for the fourth straight year, a consistent performer across the board that

  • doesn’t rank in the top two in any category, but also doesn’t fall below 13th anywhere

  • either.

  • 93% of Norwegians say theyre satisfied with living standards in the country.

  • And the most prosperous nation in the world is New Zealand for the fourth year in a row.

  • It is best in Economic Quality thanks to free and open markets.

  • There is clearly a synergistic effect between its top-ranked Social Capital score, its second-ranked

  • Governance mark, and its high level of Personal Freedom.

  • On the flip side, these are the bottom 10 countries.

  • The prolonged civil war in Syria would likely land it down here, but there hasn’t been

  • enough accurately collected and reported data lately to rank it.

  • The US is ranked 17th.

  • With the top-ranked business environmentbut health and environment rankings down in the

  • 30’s — we really need to get our priorities straight.

  • And these are the top ten countries for each category: Economic Quality; Business Environment;

  • Governance; Education; Health; Safety and Security; Personal Freedom; Social Capital;

  • and Natural Environment.

  • I hope this video shed light on the countries we should look to for ideas on creating more

  • prosperity across our own societies.

  • Our recent examination of the top 10 recycling countries led some of you to express concern

  • about President Trump’s lack of respect for the environment, others were surprised

  • that Japan didn’t make the list, while many of you agreed that Germany belonged in the

  • top spot.

  • Until next time, for TDC, I’m Bryce Plank, thanks for watching.

These are the top 10 most prosperous countries according to the Legatum Institute whose mission


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B1 中級

世界で最も裕福な10カ国 (The World's 10 Most Prosperous Countries)

  • 454 50
    rcnwxiqtnqj に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日