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  • Scientific American Instant Egghead

  • I really enjoy ice cream,

  • ice tea,

  • and sometimes just plain ice.

  • What I don't enjoy? Ice cream headaches.

  • Also known as brain freeze.

  • Why exactly does eating or drinking something

  • quickly create a sharp pain in the forehead?

  • After countless hours of exhaustive research,

  • I realized I could just Google my question.

  • Just kidding.

  • Here at Scientific American, we rely on primary sources

  • such as peer-reviewed research papers.

  • As it turns out, scientists have learned a lot about how brain freeze works

  • even though some of the details remain a mystery.

  • Blood vessels lining the roof of the mouth constrict

  • when exposed to something as cold as ice cream or a milkshake.

  • A few seconds later, they expand to their usual size.

  • According to one theory, this rapid constriction and expansion

  • triggers pain receptors on the roof of the mouth.

  • These receptors communicate with the brain via the trigeminal nerve,

  • a facial nerve whose branches spider across our nose, chin, cheek and forehead

  • which might explain why the brain perceives pain up here.

  • Another theory argues that the brain has a built-in defense mechanism

  • against sudden drops in temperature.

  • It keeps itself warm by increasing blood flow

  • through the interior cerebral artery just behind the eyes.

  • A recent study examined blood flow inside people's heads

  • as they sipped ice water through a straw.

  • (Sound of sipping) Ouch!

  • When the interior cerebral artery expanded,

  • they felt that familiar sharp pain in their forehead

  • But when the artery relaxed, the pain vanished.

  • Brain freeze usually disappears after a few seconds

  • and rarely lasts longer than a minute or two.

  • But there are ways to get rid of it and to avoid it altogether.

  • Pressing your tongue to the roof of your mouth

  • may help warm blood vessels more quickly

  • shortening the duration of your ice cream headache.

  • Eating or drinking cold things

  • slowly helps prevent brain freeze in the first place.

  • And if you're a fan of the extreme,

  • you can always eat your frozen treats in the freezing cold.

  • It's much more difficult to experience brain freeze

  • if your body is already battling low temperatures.

  • For Scientific American's Instant Egghead, I'm Ferris Jabr.

Scientific American Instant Egghead


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脳がフリーズする原因は?- インスタントエッグヘッド #11 (What Causes Brain Freeze? - Instant Egghead #11)

  • 118 9
    rcnwxiqtnqj に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日