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  • The building of a New Paradigm

  • The Redemption of the human Spirit

  • Do you like what You hear ? :)

  • And that after all, is what it's really all about !

  • The Energy

  • Is out There

  • For You To Have

  • What happens to us,

  • in Altered States of Consciousness ?

  • I have arrived at some personal opinions

  • about these Mysteries

  • through my Research and through my,

  • my own Exploration

  • What The Altered States of Consciousness

  • seem to allow us to realize

  • is that there may be other Realms

  • perhaps non-physical Realms

  • in which we may have

  • Experiences and Encounters

  • and direct Connection to

  • Another Level of Reality

  • There are these

  • Electro-Magnetic

  • Waves that are in the Air

  • around us

  • And what's seemingly

  • unbelievable with this portable technology

  • is, I can go online

  • and pull out of thin Air,

  • Information

  • about more ore less any subject

  • and that's called

  • The Internet

  • But... that's simply what

  • Shamans are proposing

  • in their own fashion

  • with modification of Consciousness

  • and you know, they "pull out of thin air"

  • Information about more or less

  • any Subject

  • it's completely magic

  • it's an unbelievable Resource

  • and uh

  • you know, uh...

  • Interesting ;)

  • I think there is some kind of Message

  • it's as though that there's a Secret Doorway

  • inside our Minds

  • through which we may project

  • our consciousness

  • into another realm and

  • encounter that Realm and

  • Experience it directly

  • to me that's a very attractive idea

  • and it fits very closely with

  • my own experiences

  • yes many

  • are

  • sold we r finding ways how

  • three-dimensional named Tony increase which says

  • I'll life it is not a rule am linemen in

  • grainy huh

  • yes parties

  • fascinating this particularly prosecution

  • years we are conscious pensions

  • final

  • obviously we're on the brink of building

  • computer-assisted world don't

  • called quote really exist

  • which we will experience the way we experienced during

  • so in the imagination

  • and I think this is where psychedelic

  • substance comment Albert Hofmann's discover LSD demonstrated

  • that is accessible to most people all

  • and non physical realm of information

  • cool

  • he her transformation

  • that's the psychedelic experience of

  • yes you use the nineteen years the world is not what it appears

  • to me and it gets you use to the idea

  • that the world is somehow am intelligent

  • 10 proceeding along its own a champion

  • test I am me

  • it everyone around him when we go into

  • like you know anything minutes what we should be looking for the new RX

  • more can you represent our species the new you can do

  • going to bring back a new idea

  • again our world is in danger by the absence

  • good ideas tomorrow crisis because of the absence of conscience yes

  • anyway

  • the money the more

  • the matter partner for dinner and one arrest

  • I'm primer small going on

  • paradigm protests uphold there

  • the repairman for months we're router

  • after all this work it's really or are on

  • handles are

  • are

  • are

  • ruling

  • on

  • the mail

  • good it

The building of a New Paradigm


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

サイケデリック・エクスペリエンス - テレンス・メンケンナ、グラハム・ハンコック、ジェレミー・ナービー (The Psychedelic Experience - Terence Mckenna, Graham Hancock, Jeremy Narby)

  • 51 4
    tom0615jay に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日