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  • Just before we start, I'd really, there's something.

  • I know you're there at the People's Choice Awards.

  • And I know you set it backstage.

  • So obviously it's been [INAUDIBLE] you a little bit.

  • >> [INAUDIBLE] >> I know and I meant, and I really did.

  • And when I say the word, I've really meant to thank you.

  • So I'm thinking this has been killing.

  • And I have flowers for you, actually.

  • They have flowers for me to give you.

  • But I just wanted to say sorry.

  • I know like, yes, okay, here they are.

  • Yeah, I have these for you.

  • >> You're so sweet.

  • >> This doesn't really do, but I am sorry, I should have thanked you.

  • I really- >> You should not have thanked me.

  • >> [APPLAUSE] >> You're sweet.

  • What? >> No, but I honestly,

  • it's been killing me like in my sleep.

  • And then backstage when you're like something about the People's,

  • I was like, my gosh, it really messed her up and messed me up and-

  • >> What are you talking about?

  • Okay, here's the only way I knew that you felt like you should have thanked me on

  • the People's Choice is cuz you told one of my producers and he told me.

  • I had no expectation of you thanking me on the People's Choice Awards.

  • >> No, but actually I was really debating it.

  • I was like- >> Why would you thank me, why?

  • >> Cuz I love you >> Okay, well.

  • >> But I guess, I mean, no, you had me on the show really early.

  • >> Yeah. >> But anyways,

  • I was really seriously debating it.

  • And I was like, are other talk show hosts gonna be mad at me?

  • >> [LAUGH] >> No, they'll understand, it's Ellen,

  • they'll get it.

  • And I was so nervous, it was right there, I was like, all right, it's Ellen time.

  • But it was just like, no, get out of here, Ellen.

  • So I don't know.

  • Anyways, I'm sorry.

  • >> Well, the fact that I'm on your mind so much-

  • >> [LAUGH]

  • >> I'm honored.

  • But listen, thank you.

  • And next time, what you do, whenever you win anything, just thank me.

  • >> I know. >> Just get it-

  • >> [LAUGH]

  • >> Don't-

  • >> I mean, hopefully next year I get

  • a Grammy or something, that will be really awesome-

  • >> Yeah.

  • >> And you're my number one.

  • >> Alright, first me and

  • then- >> And

  • then mom and dad. >> Family and

  • yeah- >> And stuff

  • yeah. >> Right.

  • >> [LAUGH]

  • >> Okay, so there's a lot of fans in

  • the audience. But

  • there is one fan that I wanna give a chance to meet you, and

  • her name is Sophie Hart. Where is Sophie?

  • [NOISE]

  • [MUSIC]

  • >> Look what he got

  • you. >> No.

  • >> [APPLAUSE]

  • >> No, these are yours.

  • >> It was actually planned out,

  • it was planned. >> Yeah.

  • So, hi Sophie, where do you live?

  • >> I live in Los Angeles.

  • >> How old are you?

  • >> I'm 16 years old.

  • >> You're 16.

  • >> I am the biggest fan in

  • the world. >> Yeah.

  • >> Probably

  • ever. >> Yeah.

  • >> Yeah [LAUGH].

  • >> Of all time?

  • >> Yes, ever.

  • I was there since

  • MadCon. >> Really?

  • So you know about it.

  • >> Yes, I know all about

  • it. [LAUGH]

  • >> So what do you wanna do for

  • her? >> We have something

  • for you. >> Yeah.

  • >> Here, there's like a couple things I

  • have for you. First we have these.

  • These are tickets to [CROSSTALK] cuz

  • the tickets are sold out. >> My

  • god. >> I know they're hard to get tickets so.

  • >> My god.

  • >> Here's two tickets.

  • >> So your tour sold out in four minutes.

  • His entire tour sold out in four minutes.

  • That's impressive.

  • >> Honestly, it's very insane.

  • >> Yeah. >> It completely [INAUDIBLE].

  • But I also have something else for you, back here.

  • This is under this cool cloth.

  • I have this guitar for you.

  • >> No!

  • My god. >> There's a pen.

  • Yeah, there's something here.

  • >> [LAUGH] >> All right, this is for you.

  • >> Thank you. >> Regardless if you can play it, still,

  • I mean something.

  • >> This is the best day of my life.

  • >> So this is for you and yeah, this is for you.

  • >> Thank you.

  • >> You're welcome, I'll tune it for you and stuff.

  • >> Okay. >> That's pretty impressive.

  • The name of Shawn's cd's handwritten.

  • Everyone in the audience is gonna get a copy to go home with.

  • >> [APPLAUSE] >> [INAUDIBLE] I'll see you tomorrow.

Just before we start, I'd really, there's something.


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A2 初級

ショーン・メンデスがスーパーファンを驚かせる -- EXTENDED (Shawn Mendes Surprises a Superfan -- EXTENDED)

  • 760 68
    Vincie Lam に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日