字幕表 動画を再生する
Hey. Come on everybody. It's going to start.
Well, that's true. But you know it took...Who did that?
Hello everybody. Welcome to The English Show. Welcome. I'm Vicki and I'm an English teacher. And with
me is my good friend, Fluency MC. Hey, hey, hey. I'm Fluency. I'm also an English teacher
and I'm a trainer and knowledge entertainer and welcome to another edition of The English
Show. And the other person we want you to meet is the guy who's making it all happen.
Jay, are you there? Jay! Hey everybody. I'm right here in the control room. I'm running
ジェイ そこにいるの?ジェイ!やあ、みんな制御室にいます走っています
the show. And I'm sure you're going to enjoy all the things we have for you today. Go Jay!
Another person you're going to meet later is Shanthi from English with a Twist. Our
もう一人は、English with a TwistのShanthiさんです。私たちの
special guest! Yeah, and we're going to learn about job interviews today, and how to ace
an English job interview. What does it mean to "ace" an interview, Vicki? It means to
be really successful at the interview so you get the job. Right. But first of all, I'd
like to come to Paris. Oh, would you? Do you think Jay can bring you once again? Jay, do
you think you can help me get to Paris today? Come visit me. How am I getting to Paris this
今日はパリに行くのを 手伝ってくれる?私に会いに来てください。どうやってパリに行けばいいの?
week Jay? This week you're going to swim there. Oooh, that's a long way to swim. Yes, you're
going to need some help. Grab his tail.
Wow, I'm here. That was exciting. Look, I've made it.
I'm here. Oh, Whoa. Here she is again, everybody. Back in Paris. High five. High
five. Vicki Hollett in Paris! Yeah. Wow, so is that the first time you've traveled by
5ヴィッキー・ホレットがパリに!?そうなんだうわー それって初めての旅行なの?
water? I think that's the first time I've ever swum here. Yeah. I had to be... I had
to be very energetic to get here. Was that a porpoise or a dolphin or...? I think it
was a dolphin. Ah must be. And actually, we're here with somebody very energetic who's based
in the UK. Shanti, are you there? Yes I am. I'm here. Hi everyone. Welcome to the English
Show. It's great to have you. Oh, it's lovely to be here. Because we all want to know how
we can ace a job interview. And we know that you're going to be able to help us. Oh yes.
That I can, indeed. Of course, one of the things you have to do is make a good first
impression. Have you got any good tips for that?
When you arrive, have a nice smile, a firm handshake and be smart - well dressed, good
haircut - nothing too strange, depending on the job you're applying for. Ok, so smile,
髪型 - あなたが応募している仕事に応じて、あまり奇妙なことはありません。Ok, so smile.
that's an important one, isn't it? Yes. And make sure you look smart. Yes, and also good
eye contact. You know, look the person in the eye with a nice smile and a firm handshake
please. None of the limp handshakes. That is terrible. I don't know about you, but I
just hate those. That's true, isn't it. A firm handshake suggests confidence. Indeed,
yes, and it shows confidence and it shows that, you know, that you're serious. OK. So,
imagine that I'm at a job interview, and the interviewer asks me a question like "Can you
tell me about yourself?" OK. It's a very general question. What does it mean? You really do
have to think hard. Because what they want you to do is briefly summarize who you are
and what you're experience is. And that's basically what most interviewers are asking.
Uh huh. There are some other tricky questions they might have too, like "What's your proudest
achievement?" You know, I always say to my clients you have to really think hard, because
Achievement? " You know, I always say to my clients you have to really think hard, because.
what the interviewer is asking you really is how you solved a problem. They want to
see your problem solving skills and how you achieved that, not just the results. So, how
あなたの問題解決能力と それをどうやって達成したかを見るのです 結果だけではありませんでは、どのように
you solved a a problem. But they'll be interested in the results as well, perhaps. Oh yes. So
what you're doing is, you start off with what was the situation, then what you did to deal
with that problem and then what were the results at the end. And, when you're giving results,
be specific. Give numbers. Quantify your achievement. Don't just say 'sales increased, you know
we had a good sales outcome.' They want to know by how many percent, by how much. What
売上が良かったです ' 彼らは何%までに、何%までに知りたがっています。何を
did you do? So, always give numbers. Be specific. Oh, so that's another good tip for us. So,
another tricky one... in fact, I can remember being asked this at a job interview... 'What's
your greatest strength?' That was all right. But then they said, "What's your greatest
weakness?" Yes. Always difficult, isnt' it, because you don't want to say too much about
weakness?Always difficult, isnt' it, because you don't want to say too much about
your weaknesses. But the key here really, is turning that weakness into a strength.
One of the things about weakness is it's demonstrating your self awareness. So, pinpoint an area.
So for example, if you are someone who puts a lot of attention to detail, so you could
be detail orientated. But, it could also be that you're too concerned about details. So
that particular job requires you to complete it in a certain amount of time and you are
focused on too much detail. That is a weakness. So then, what you want to do, is to show how
you've overcome that weakness. You're aware of it, so this is what you try and do. Maybe
あなたはその弱さを克服したのです。あなたはそれを自覚しているので これを実行しようとするのですもしかしたら
you set yourself some time lines. So that's what they're trying to look at also and how
you've overcome that weakness. That's interesting. So it's not just a question of trying to find
a weakness that isn't really a weakness... you need to be honest. Yes. But you also need
to tell them how you've overcome it and got round it. Have you got any weaknesses, Fluency?
I sure do. Shanthi, it's really interesting what you're saying about different types of
そうですね。Shanthi, it's really interesting what you're saying about different types of the
questions interviewers might ask that all connect to the idea of how did you solve a problem.
Because when you're also... when you're talking about a weakness that they might want to know
about, you said 'something you're trying to overcome.' So, it seems like problem solving
skills - both at the job and also with yourself, your personality - kind of connect in a way.
Yeah, I mean it is very much that, because what you're looking at is also self awareness,
self knowledge of your strengths and weaknesses. Because we're all going to have that. One
自分の強みと弱みを知るための自己知識ですなぜなら 私たちは誰もが持っているからです一つの
of the key things I always say when you're applying for a job - look at the key skills
あなたが仕事に適用しているときに私がいつも言う重要なことの - キーのスキルを見て
they're looking at in your job specification. And you've got to really think hard about
what are the skills that you have where you are strong at and perhaps where you're going
to be a bit weaker. But then you've got to find a way to turn that round into a strength.
That's another good tip isn't it? Very good, yeah. To make sure you study those job specifications
so you can match what you're saying to what they're looking for. Yeah. People will see
through waffle. And they will see see through - if you're not being honest. Because what
ワッフルを通して。そして彼らは見透かして見るでしょう - もしあなたが正直でないならばなぜなら
happens when we're not being honest, we start waffling, we start talking too much, we start
rambling, and we're not focused. And an interviewer can see right through that. One of the other
things I always say to my clients, particularly where they're having an interview in English
which is not their native language - is to not be afraid of pausing for a while. You
know, we all get very nervous, we get get worried. And all of us do that. And then the
私たちは皆 緊張して不安になってしまいますそして私たち全員がそうしていますそして、その時には
tendency is to rush into the answer... with the answer. And what I always says is "...just
give yourself a few seconds and you know pause and then answer the question." It doesn't
show that, you know, you don't have the answer but it just shows that you're in control,
um, of what you're about to say. That's another good tip, isn't it? Yeah. I mean I... Don't
rush in. Yeah - you rushed in, Fluency. Ha ha ha ha. I was so excited that Shanthi started
talking about when you're not a native speaker since before that we hadn't really talked
about that. I mean that advice that we're giving here - Shanthi's giving is great for
everybody - but it's... when I work with students who are learning English, and you just prepare
for job interivews, it's even more important to be more prepared for the types of questions
that will be asked, and also, as Shanthi said, to uh... it's OK to pause and I want to add,
and I think you'll agree Shanthi, it's OK to ask to clarify the question and to be prepared
with ways to ask "...do you mean that this" ... or because that's also a way to show that
尋ねる方法で" ...あなたはそのthis"を意味しますか...またはそれはそれを示すための方法でもあるので、's
you're solving a problem, trying to do something the right way as opposed to just pretending
you understood. Yeah. That's really important, isn't it, to make sure that you've understood the
question. You don't want to answer the wrong one. Absolutely, because actually it takes
a lot of confidence say I didn't quite get that - what you're asking me is this... or
多くの自信は、私はかなりそれを得ることができませんでしたと言う - あなたが私に尋ねていることは、これです...または
maybe repeat that question so that it is down to the interviewer to confirm what they've
just asked. Because sometimes they're not that clear. Don't put yourself at a lower
level just because you are not a proficient speaker of English and assume that they're
always right or they're always clear. If you haven't understood don't make it "...I'm so
常に正しいか、彼らは常に明らかにしている。あなたが理解していない場合は、ドンはそれを作ることはありません' ...I'm so
sorry, I haven't understood." No. Turn it over to them to repeat their questions.
You know I often have that problem with you Jay. With me? Yeah, I ask one question and
あなたとはよく問題があるのよ ジェイ私と?ああ、俺は一つの質問をして
then you answer another. I never do that! I think that is selective hearing. You know,
speaking of questions, I think it's time for question Time. Question time everybody!
OK, we had a question from Nandish. Ah. And she asked about the difference between two words: achieve
and accomplish. Ah I can see why. Well, they're very similar, aren't they?. Yeah, yeah. And
I had to think about it and go check my answers. But what it's about is 'achieve' is what we
考えて答えを確認しに行く必要がありました。しかし、それが何かというと ' achieve' のことです。
say when we're thinking about the end result of something. So it's very results oriented.
'He achieved greatness and was awarded a Nobel Prize.' But accomplish refers to the process
of doing something - of getting something done. So you've got achieve which is about the end
何かをすることの - 何かを成し遂げることの。ということは、何かを成し遂げるということです。
result and you've got accomplish which is about the process. Right. So another example
could be you can accomplish a lot without actually achieving your goal. Hmmm. Interesting.
は実際に目標を達成しなくても 多くのことを達成できるかもしれませんうーん。興味深いですね。
Yeah. Yeah. And of course in a job interview, they're going to ask you about both, aren't
they? Yeah, what are your accomplishments? What have you achieved, yes. And it's useful
to know the difference. So you're working a job and you have a sales target for the
year. So that is your goal. That is your objective. You have to achieve that sales target. So
in between that you have to do things. So you have to accomplish different tasks and
jobs to get to that sales target. But sometimes you can do a lot of things so you can have
accomplished them, but you don't necessarily achieve that target. Excellent, yes, good
example. Yeah. I'm ready for a conversation. What do you think? Is it time for 'Conversation Time? '
I'm going to show you a business conversation
today and I'm only going to show you the first half at first, and your task is to listen
and to work out 'What's the conversation about?', what are they discussing, and 'What's going
to happen?' So what it's about - the topic - and then what's going to happen next because
you're going to stop it. Is that right? That's right. Are you ready? Ready.
We have big plans for you, Graham. We're going to give you a promotion.
You're going to be our sales manager for all of Asia.
OK, so 'We have big... What was the missing word? Plans. We have big plans for you Graham.
OK, それで...不足していた言葉は?計画グラハムには大きな計画がある
We're going to give you a... And the missing word was promotion. So a promotion is when
you move up a level in your job. You're going to be our... sales manager for all of Asia.
So did you get that Fluency? I did. It was really short, but I caught it. OK. What do
you think is going to happen next? Hmmm. My guess is that Graham is going to jump for
joy because he's been wanting this promotion forever. Do you think that too, Shanthi? Erm,
yes. It could be he does, or, I don't know, he wasn't looking terribly excited. So maybe
he's thinking Oooo. Maybe he wants to ask a few more questions. I don't know. OK. Let
me tell you. Shanthi. Yes, you're right. What! Yes! Yes! And Fluency. Oh my god. Does Shanthi
私はあなたを教えてください。シャンティはい、あなたの言う通りです。え!はい!そしてフルエンシー。あーあ、もう。Does Shanthi
get special treatment? Is that.... Absolutely! Absolutely! Shall we look at it everybody?
We have big plans for you, Graham. We're going to give you a promotion.
You're going to be our sales manager for all of Asia.
Gee, I'm sorry guys but I quit. You're resigning?
Yeah, I got a better job.But we had everything planned.
もっといい仕事に就いたけど 計画はあったんだ
Wow! That came out of left field. OK guys. So Shanthi, you were right. And in
fact what he did was he quit. Quit is a very informal way of saying resign. In fact we've
got resign coming up. 'You're resigning?' 'Yeah', he said. 'I've got a better job'.
And then there's a little idiom at the end. I don't know if you caught it. 'But we had
everything planned.' 'Wow! That came out of left field'. Now that's a baseball idiom.
Fluency, you know much more about baseball than I do. What does 'out of left field' mean?
Well there are a few expressions with 'left field' in English because our image of left
私たちのイメージでは左のイメージがあるので、英語では 'left field' を使った表現がいくつかあります。
field in the baseball field, it's like, really far away, over there. It's the furthest point
from where most of the action usually is. So it's sort of that idea of out of nowhere.
OK, so it's sort of a surprise. Mmm. You don't expect it because that's not where the action
usually is, so it's unexpected. So there's a little idiom for you. Out of left field
means something that's surprising - perhaps a bit of a shock. Mmm. It's usually a bad
意外なことを意味しています - もしかしたらちょっとした衝撃かもしれませんが。うーん。それは大抵、悪い
surprise, isn't it? So a shock. I'm curious. Is that idiom iused in British English? Even
though you don't have baseball. I know some baseball idioms are and some aren't. No. No.
We have some cricket idioms that are similar to baseball idioms. So another similar one
would be, we can talk about a curve... a curved ball in British English. And that would be
something that's surprising. When somebody throws a ball and it moves in a way you don't
expect. And in American English I think you say 'curve ball'. Yeah, but I thought some
を期待しています。そして、アメリカ英語では 'カーブボールと言うと思います。ええ、でも、いくつかの
baseball idioms were also ... just had gone into British even though there's no baseball,
but maybe I'm wrong. You're right. There are a few. We do have a few. In fact we've made
a whole series of baseball idiom videos. I was just thinking about that. Yeah, great
videos so check them out. 'Simple English Videos - Baseball Idioms'. That's right. So
簡単な英語動画 - 野球のイディオムལ。その通りです。その通りです。
Shanthi. Have you ever turned down a job offer? When I was in finance, in the years before,
erm... no, not that many. No, actually I don't think I turned down job offers. But ever since
becoming a Business English teacher, yes. Where people have offered me certain projects
ビジネス英語の先生になることですね人々が私に特定のプロジェクトを 提供してくれたところでは
or jobs, then yes, I have turned them down. I've become more, more brave as I've got older
- than when I was younger. I think sometimes people can forget this at a job interview.
- 若い頃よりも面接で忘れてしまうこともあると思います。
That it's not just an opportunity for them to get to know you. But it's also an opportunity
for you to get to know them, so that you can decide whether you really want the job. Yep, absolutely, and
あなたが彼らを知ることで 本当にその仕事をしたいかどうかを 決めることができるのよええ、絶対に、そして
I think that's really important and very much something that very few people do. Especially
at the end, you know, when an interviewer asks, you know, do you have any questions
for us, show that you are interested. You have actually done some research on the particular
company. Oh good point. Mmm. The world of business can change very quickly so what you
want to see is what is the time line for this particular new enterprise or this new project.
Do they have a five year plan? You know, you want to dig in a bit more to find out what
is their long terms strategy for that business, for your position. So that's a great tip,
isn't it? To do some research beforehand so that you can ask deeper questions about what
this job involves and where this company is going.
Can I add something here? Yeah.
Another thing, I... I used to interview, I don't know, sometimes ten or fifteen people
a month when I was director of a program at a school in New York... a couple of different
programs, but anyway... Err, and one of the reasons that I always liked when candidates
were talking about how the job would help them, why they wanted the job, not just why
they were great for us, is because I found that when... when people are more invested
in how it's going to, you know, make them better professionally and their life better,
they're more likely to stay and commit and work hard. Good point. Yeah.
Yeah. It also shows enthusiasm. Now I have another question about... A different
question they sometimes ask which is 'Why do you want to leave your current job?' That
can sometimes be hard to answer. Yes, it can be. And I think the key here is
to stay positive, and show that you're looking at... to progress your career. Even if your
reality, say for example, you know, has been difficult or there have been changes in the
structure in a company and you didn't really like it, or morale was low, turn it round
and say that, you know, I've achieved what I wanted to achieve in this particular role
and there's no more... there's no way of progressing in my career, so I think it's now time for
a change and to look at something different. And so that's what I want to do. So stay positive.
Mmm. And focus on the future. Mmmm. If you can. Yes. Is that the tip? Yeah. That makes
sense. Yeah, it's a great way to connect... to connect to what I was saying before, I
guess about why you want to work for them and what they can do for you at this point
in your career. Yes, absolutely because the world of work
has changed hugely in the last ten to fifteen years, so of course we also have people who
have been made redundant. And now you can see it as a bad situation and a... and a pesimistic
situation, but I know a number of people, myself included, who... for them redundancy
was the best thing that ever happened to them. We should talk about the phrase 'make someone
が最高だったのです。というフレーズについて話すべきです 'make someone
redundant', which means, lay them off. OK. But it's more... it's more common in British
than American English I think, isn't it Fluency? Absolutely. We have 'to lay someone off' meaning
アメリカ英語よりもFluencyではないでしょうか?絶対にそうですね。私たちは '誰かをレイオフするという意味で
we can't use you or we don't need you any more. And then we have 'to fire someone' which
is when something... when the person has done something wrong or, you know, bad. That's
right. Now we say 'fire' in British English as well. Mmm. But in British English we can
でしたね。今はイギリス英語でも 'fire'と言います。うーん。でも、イギリス英語では
also say 'to sack someone'. Right. And it means the same thing. Yeah. And that's when
to sack someone'とも言います。そうですね。そして同じ意味になりますそうですね。そして、それは
they've made a mistake or they've done something wrong, as you said. And you also say 'terminate'
あなたが言ったように、彼らは間違いを犯したのか、何か間違ったことをしたのか、どちらなのでしょうか。また,あなたは '終了とも言っていますね。
don't you Fluency? Yeah, that's more the official terminology. So if we're talking about 'I
don'39;t you Fluency?ええ、それが公式用語です。だから、もし私たちが話しているのであれば
got fired from my job', we wouldn't normally say 'I got terminated'. Certainly the verb
'to fire' is not used so much in official language in a company. 'To terminate' sounds
really funny in British English. We think of Arnold Schwarzenegger and the terminator.
I know, it sounds so brutal too, doesn't it? 'I terminate you!' Really? What did I do that
それも残酷に聞こえますよね 'あなたを解雇します '本当に?私が何をしたかというと
was so terrible? OK guys. I think we're ready for a game. Always
ready for a game. Let's go! Let's play!
ゲームの準備ができました。Let's go!レッツ・プレイ!
Hey, we've got a great game today, haven't
we? Oh yeah, this one is going to be a lot of fun. OK, so here's how it works. We're going
to interview one another for a job, but the person who is being interviewed won't know
what the job is. So they'll have to answer the questions and try and get the job, but
they won't actually know what it is they're being interviewed for. That's right and I've
got... Shanthi and I have a job we're going to interview you for, and you have something
you're interviewing Shanthi for. Is that right? That's right and we've also got a job that
we're going to interview you for, Fluency. Ooo! Yes. Really? I didn't know that. Oh good.
Yeah. Oh yeah. So shall we show everyone what the job is. Fluency, you can't look. All right.
OK. Close your eyes Fluency. We're starting with me and I can't look. OK. Yep. Close your
よし、いいぞ。目を閉じて私から始めるのよ 見てられないわいいわようん目を閉じて
eyes. I'm covering my eyes. OK. So everybody's seen it now. You can look back. OK. All right?
So Fluency, we have some questions for you. Oh, thank you so much for the opportunity
to interview with you. OK, well, first question for you is: what would you say your greatest
strength is? What sort of personal qualities have you got that will be good for this job?
Well, let's see. I love working with different types of people and learning new things from
them. I work really well as part of a team. So I think that's an important quality I have.
Good good. How important are qualities like honesty to you? Oooo. I think honesty, and
reliablity, and loyalty - these are very important. You haven't mentioned anything about leadership
or communication skills. Ah, well, erm... Well, part of why I think I'm really good
working with different types of people is that I think I'm good at communicating with
people. Listening - I'm a great listener, but also I think I'm patient and can explain
人と接することができます。人の話を聞く - 私は聞き上手ですが、忍耐力があり、説明できると思います。
things to people I work with. And then leadership. I love leading projects but I'm also happy
to be led - to be part of a group that has a leader, so I think I have both qualities.
to be led - リーダーのいるグループの一員になること、だから私は両方の資質を持っていると思います。
Leadership qualities but also working well on a team with a leader. Uhuh. Erm, that sounds
quite good doesn't it, Shanthi? Yeah, I think so. Yeah. Not bad. I wanted to ask you another
question, Fluency. Erm, what sort of experience have you had in negotiating? Are you good
at negotiating? Yeah, I think so. I mean to be honest, not too much experience, but again
I thnk it's back to communication. I think with that skill I can build on my experience
as a negotiator. Uhuh. So tell me about your free time interests. What do you like doing
that perhaps connects with this job? Oh well. Let's see. Uh, I love reading and doing research.
I love cooking, of course. I think that would be... it's a free time activity but you know,
you can see the connection.... Cooking? ...I'm sure with the job there. And music is a big
繋がっているのがわかります料理? ...I'm sure with the job there.そして、音楽は大きな
interest of mine. And I think there's a nice, you know, er... synergy with... with making
music and with the work I'd be doing for your company. So... Uhuh. And what about beauty
pageants? Well, I was Miss North Carolina, but that was years ago. No. Beauty pageants,
ページェント?ミス・ノースカロライナだったけど 何年も前のことよいや、美人コンテストだ
let's see. Erm. Well, not so much. No, I have to say, no. And do you watch a lot of television?
Oh, well these days more YouTube actually. That doesn't really count, does it? Oh, I
don't know, what do you think, Shanthi? Well, it could be. It's another form of social media.
But, speaking of social media, what other forms of social media do you like? For example,
do you like to tweet? Do you use Twitter? Twitter's OK but I'm more of a Facebook-Instagram
guy. But if you need some one to.. to do Twitter, I do use it and I think I could get better
男の人でも誰かが必要なら... ツイッターは使ってるし もっと上手くなると思うよ
and better at Twitter, I'm sure. Do you have many followers? Mmmm. Sure, oh yeah, absolutely.
I think my neighbor, on my street. Let's see, I think my son's teacher. And then a few other
people. Family mostly. What do you think Shanthi? Shall we give him the job? Oooo. I think he's
going to have to increase his er... his use of Twitter. Erm, because for this job he's
definitely going to need to tweet a lot more. And he's going to need to increase his number
of followers. Erm, I don't know. Well, I think we could give him a go. Let him have a go
at this. I don't think he could do worse than the present one. He can't, no, nobody can
do worse than him. Fluency, what job do you think we're interviewing you for. Err, I can
guess this one for sure because these are the questions that you would only ask if you're
trying to find the best President of the United States. Woohoo! That's exactly right.
Bravo! You asked all the right questions. OK, I think Shanthi's might be a little bit
harder. Shall we interview Shanthi now? Yes, let's go. So Shanthi, I wanted to start by
asking you about your experience, and the training that you've had for this job. OK,
so I graduated from university and I got a degree in politics and international studies.
And I've had twenty years in the finance world. So my qualifications and experience has been
in investment management and in finance. And then I changed career and then I came into
Business English teaching. So banking and finance is her background Fluency. Yeah. I
ビジネス英語を教えています。銀行と金融が彼女のバックグラウンド Fluencyなんですねそうですね。
mean I've heard of career changes but erm... This is quite unusual. Erm, what about manual
dexterity? Yeah, could I ask her a question about that? Yeah. Yeah, so, so, how... are
you good... good with your hands? Erm, I mean all this finance stuff, it's very interesting,
手先の器用さは?金融関係のことだけど とても興味深いよ
but yeah, like Vicki was saying, manual dexterity. It's really important how well you can, you
know, how precise and how comfortable you are using your hands. Oh, OK. Well. I'm good at
knitting and crocheting. Wow! And yeah, you know, I use my hands well. That's a pretty
big leap from knitting to what we'd have in mind for you in this position. Erm. Yeah.
編み物からこの職に就くことになったのは 大きな飛躍でしたねえーと...そうですね。
Right Vicki? Yeah, I'm surprised by that, but maybe you're really good with modern technology.
だろ ヴィッキー?驚いたわ でもあなたは現代の技術に長けているのね
Ah, that's important, yeah. Well, yeah, I've had to learn a lot in the last few years,
especially, you know, the different apps and what to do. Apps? Yeah. yeah. Well it sounds
like you're someone who likes to jump in and experiment then? Yeah, I don't mind trying
things out, so I'll jump in a try something out. OK, so you're not particularly cautious.
You prefer to take risks. Mmm. But it all depends. I mean, physical risk, if it's going
to hurt me, then no, I'm not very good at that. But if it's a business risk, then I
don't mind too much. Well actually we're more worried about whether it's going to hurt the
other person. That's right. Yeah. Am I ... Am I apply for a job to be a wrestler or something?
Vicki do you want to tell her. I think we should tell her, don't you? You're applying
for a job to be a brain surgeon. Obviously. A brain surgeon? We were surprised by your
training. Yeah, you might want to shelve some of that finance interest for a little bit.
A brain surgeon? Oh I get it. Manual dexterity. Yeah, we were impressed by your knitting skills,
but we'd have prefered to hear sewing, I think. Yeah, the knitting could lead to sewing. I'm
でも 裁縫の話を聞きたかったんだと思いますそうですね、編み物は裁縫につながるかもしれませんね。私は
not sure if sewing could lead to surgery though. So hit the street. It's a definite no. Yeah,
裁縫が手術につながるかどうかは 分からないけどね。だから、通りを叩く。それは絶対にないわそうですね。
no that was totally way way off. OK, do you want to interview me now and see if I can
get a job? Yeah, I'd love to. I've got time because I have almost four years until I need
to start my new job as President. So er...
Yeah, Shanthi and I have some questions for you, Vicki. Erm, Shanthi, do you want to begin?
ええ シャンティと私はいくつか質問がある ヴィッキーシャンティ 始めようか?
Yeah. OK. So Vicki, we'd like to know if you prefer to work on your own or do you like
そうだないいわヴィッキー 君は自分で仕事をするのが好きなのか?
to work in a team? I love to work in a team. I really enjoy working with lots and lots
of people. Hmm. Oh. OK, so should you have moments when you have to work on your own,
would that be a problem? Oh no. I could perhaps work on my own for a little while. Because
independent work is very important in this position. Oh, Oh I'm a very sort of independent
person actually. OK. Good. Erm... how about travel? I mean would you be OK being away
from home for, I don't know, maybe a week at a time - maybe even a little bit longer?
Oh, I love travelling. In fact I love going to different countries. I hope it involves
foreign travel. Not so much actually. Ah. OK. Mmm. Maybe it could become an international
job in the future. That's what I'm hoping. Or Maybe not. Shanthi, your turn to ask a
question. Err, OK I would like to know, in terms of your time keeping, are you usually
on time? Oh erm, I'm very very punctual. In fact normally I arrive ten minutes early for
every event. Interesting. Wow! OK, and this is also with traffic? Erm, well, I don't drive
any more these days. Uhuh. But I take Ubers a lot. Shanthi, would Ubers work for this
position? I don't know. It's going to be a bit difficult, isn't it Fluency? Just a little
bit. Err, you know, my next question Vicki - it's, it's very interesting to us that you
don't drive. You know I was going to ask, if you have a clean driving record. Because
that's actually... Well I do have a licence. And I have a clean driving licence. It's just
because I live in the centre of the city, I haven't driven for a few years. Is it because
you don't like driving? Erm, well it's very busy. The traffic's very bad in the city centre
and I can walk everywhere. Aha! So when you're out of the city, how do
you like to travel? How do you travel normally, once you get out? I love boats. I love planes.
Flying is great. Hmm. Wow! Uhuh, Uhuh. Shanthi, I think there may be some challenges for Vicki
in this position. One more question I have Vicki is how... how is your endurance? I mean
can you work for a long period of time without a break? When I get interested in a task,
I like to work all night on it. Oh wow! That's good. So what do you think? Have I got the
job? That's a tough one because - Shanthi, here's what I think... I think that... What
was the job? One second. What we just found out about you Vicki is really important. The
が仕事だったのか?ちょっと待ってヴィッキーについて分かったことは 本当に重要なことだ見つかったのは
endurance but no driving licence. Oh you say driving licence, by the way and in the States
we say driver's license. Just something for everyone to know out there. What do you think,
Shanthi? Good point. You know Vicki, you wouldn't be right for this job. Oh no! I'm so sorry.
シャンティ?いい指摘だヴィッキー この仕事には向いてないわあらまぁ ごめんなさい
So what job have I missed out on? Tell me! Well, driving an eighteen wheeler. A truck
driver, of course. You were going to be a truck driver. Oh a truck driver! Do you know,
I might actually like that job, because you get to see America, don't you? That's true,
but unfortunately you chose to tell us about your love for walking and boats and planes
and pretty much every mode of transportation you could think of besides a truck - which
is not so good when you're interviewing for the job of truck driver. Ah. And you wanted
to go abroad. You wanted to do international travel. Ah, I'm going to have to give myself
a mark here. Finally! A 'Boing' for Vicki. It's about time. OK, I think we should stop playing
this stupid game and have a rap. Let's do it! Oooo! Let's do it! Cool!
このくだらないゲームでラップをLet's do it!うわぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁLet's do it!かっこいい!
Once again it's Fluency MC, Flu, Flu, Fluency MC. Once again it's Fluency MC. Grammar through
もう一度、それは Fluency MC、Fluency、Fluency、Fluency MC。もう一度言うと Fluency MCです。文法を通した文法
lyrics, kick it! Ha! Yeah! Well, I want to tell you about the rap for today. But first
I want to quickly explain, in case we have any new viewers for the English Show today,
why we do raps on the English Show. So, I like to write short raps using rhyme and rhythm
なぜ英語番組でラップをするのか?だから私は韻とリズムを使って 短いラップを書くのが好きなんです
to give you practice with the vocabulary and the grammar structiures that we've included
in different segments of the show. So I made a rap for today and Vicki made a video. We're
を作ったんだそこで今日のためにラップを作り ヴィッキーがビデオを作りました私たちは
going to show you the video so you can watch, read and listen. We'll have the lyrics there.
Then we're going to practice together and Shanthi, will you practice with us. Yes, of
course. Can't wait. Excellent. And then what we'll do is show the video again. And of course
もちろんです。待ちきれない。素晴らしいそれから何をするかというと ビデオをもう一度見せますそしてもちろん
you can watch this English Show program and all the English Show programs multiple times
to keep practising, because these raps really can help your pronunciation, your listening
skills, and most importantly, help you remember the great vocabulary and structures that we
talked about today on the English Show. So, Jay! Could you roll the video?
今日のイングリッシュ・ショーで話したそれで ジェイ!ビデオを巻いてくれる?
. All right. Cool, very good. Great. I love
the video Vicki, thanks for that. It was fun to make. So there's vocabulary and grammar
the video Vickiさん、ありがとうございます。作るのは楽しかったよ。ボキャブラリーと文法があるんだね。
structures that I hope you remember from earlier in the show. So things like 'resigned' and
の構造を覚えているといいですね。ですから、 'resigned' のようなものや
we talked about 'achieving' versus accomplishing. And I also put in some other vocabulary that
I think is very common in job interviews so I focused a lot on the questions the interviewer
asks, as you can see, not so much on the answers to the questions. And it might seem a little
が質問しています 見ての通り 質問への回答にはあまり注目していませんそして、それは少し
fast so we're going to do it slower but with the same rhythm, because the rhythm here is
the natural rhythm of conversation. So Shanthi, if you will repeat after me for this practice?
And everybody out there in the audience, please do the same. Shanthi, ready to go? Yes, I
am. Ready everybody? Let's go like this.
Good morning! Thank you for coming in for this interview today.
Good morning! Thank you for coming in for this interview today.
Good. I’ve just had a look at your resume. I’ve just had a look at your resume.
Good. In the United States we usually say resume. Er, resume. Other places sometimes,
cv. I say cv. Yes, cv for sure. Curriculum vitae. Yeah.
What are your greatest strengths? What are your greatest strengths?
How about your long-term objectives? How about your long-term objectives?
Why do you want to work for our company? Why do you want to work for our company?
In what ways would you be effective? In what ways would you be effective?
What gives you the most satisfaction? What gives you the most satisfaction?
What are you passionate about? What are you passionate about?
Do you work well on a team? Do you work well on a team?
Absolutely, without a doubt! Absolutely, without a doubt!
Good, notice we say 'on a team' usually in American English, but British? 'In a team.'
Yeah, yeah.All right let's continue. I achieved
a lot at my last job. I achieved a lot at my last job.
But I recently resigned. But I recently resigned.
I have big plans for the future, you know. I have big plans for the future, you know.
Well, thank you for your time. Well, thank you for your time.
We appreciate your coming in. We appreciate your coming in.
And we’ll be in touch soon. And we’ll be in touch soon.
Thank you for this opportunity. I look forward to hearing from you.
I look forward to hearing from you. Very good. One more thing I wanted to mention,
because some of you might be wondering, 'we appreciate your coming in'. In more formal
English in American English (I'll ask you two in a moment about British) we would use
the possessive pronoun here - your coming in. But in everyday conversation in American
ここでは所有代名詞である your coming in.しかし、アメリカの日常会話では
English, we don't use this so much. 'We appreciate you coming in' but in a more formal context
it would be 'your'. How about in British? Oh same thing in British. Although I have to
というのは 'your' になるでしょう。イギリスではどうですか?ああ、イギリスでも同じですね。しなければなりませんが
say when I saw it I thought mmm. Because I'm so used to hearing it in the informal way.
Great, well thanks Shanthi, and thanks to all of you for practicing. As you see we slowed
it down, but I hope when you're watching the video, you'll notice that the rhythm is the
same, so for example, we said, erm, 'how about your long term objectives?'. In the video
同じなので、例えば、長期的な目標はどうですか、と言いました '。動画の中では
it's more 'how-about-your...' Right? But the idea is to get practice with it more slowly,
it's more 'how-about-your...' right?でも、もっとゆっくりと練習していくのがいいと思います
really focusing on it as we did. And then also to get listening practice and then when
you're ready, also speaking practice by rapping along with the video. So can we check out
you're ready, also speaking practice by rapping along with video.だから私たちはチェックアウトすることができます
the video again, Jay?
もう一度ビデオを見て ジェイ?
That was great. Well, thank you. Great video
for the rap and I hope everybody enjoyed it. I hope that everybody who is applying for
a job and has an interview coming up, gets that job. Good luck. Yes! Good luck! Hopefully
仕事をしていて 面接が近づいている場合は その仕事に就くことができます頑張ってね頑張れ!幸運を!うまくいけば
you'll know before the interview what the job is for. That definitely helps you prepare.
And I want to say thank you to Shanthi for all the great tips she's given us about interviews
today. Thank you Shanthi. Thank you very much it was a pleasure. Listen. If people want
to stay in touch with you, or get in touch with you, or follow you, what can they do?
Well, what they could do is they can have a look at my website: English with a Twist
dot com, sign up to my free e-guide where they... and they sign up to my blog, and that
ドットコムに登録して無料の電子ガイドに登録して... 私のブログに登録して
way I deliver weekly lessons every Friday, which is specifically for Business English.
And they also get a free e-guide on the ten ways to communicate better and more effectively
in business with English. Now the other thing is you've actually written a book about interviews
- English job interviews, haven't you? Yes, I have. It's part of my book called Business
- 英語の就職面接、ありますよね?はい、そうです。それは私の本「ビジネス」という本の一部です。
English Secrets. And one section of it is dedicated to job interviews, but it also covers
other areas like presentations, and also writing skills, and small talk - which are the key
skills that a lot of my clients have, you know, asked me to cover and where I've coached
them. And job interviews is a big section of that. Yes. Fantastic! Great. And erm...
if you want to follow us, and I hope you do, then how can they follow us on 'The English
もしあなたが私たちをフォローしたいのであれば、私はあなたがそうすることを願っています、そして、彼らはどのように 'The English で私たちをフォローすることができますか?
Show' Fluency? Well, it's really easy because you can look in the description box below
Show' Fluency?まあ、それはあなたが下の説明ボックスで見ることができるので、それは本当に簡単です。
for all the information. Definitely our YouTube channels: Fluency MC and Simple English Videos,
すべての情報のために。間違いなく私たちのYouTubeチャンネルFluency MCとSimple English Videosです。
and also to be on our mailing lists to get information from us. You can do that by going
to our websites. So I think all we need to do now is say goodbey to everybody, but first,
good-bye to you Jay and thank you for your help today. Thanks so much Jay. It's been
さようならジェイ、今日はお世話になりました。本当にありがとう ジェイそれは
my great pleasure. I've had a lot of fun. I hope you have. It was great to see you Shanthi.
And we'll see you in the next show! Goodbye then everybody. Bye. Have a great week. See you soon. Bye-bye.