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I want our young people to know
that they matter
that they belong
so don't be afraid
you hear me, young people don't be afraid
be focused. Be determined. Be hopeful.
Be empowered. Empower yourselves with a good education
With a lot of hard work and a good education
anything is possible
And when you
encounter obstacles because I guarantee
you you will, and many of you already have
When you are struggling and you
start thinking about giving up, I want
you to remember the power of hope
The belief that something better is
always possible if you're willing to work
for it and fight for it. Our hope that if we
work hard enough and believe in
ourselves, then we can be whatever we
regardless of the limitations that
others may place on us.
The hope that when
people see us for who we truly are
maybe just maybe, they too will be
inspired to rise to their best possible selves
You need to prepare yourself to be
informed, and that means getting the best
education possible, so you can think
so you can express yourself clearly
so you can get a good job and support
yourself and your family. So you can be a
positive force in your communities
You should never view your challenges as a disadvantage
instead it's important for you to
understand that your experience facing
and overcoming adversity is actually
one of your biggest advantages
And I know that because I've seen it myself
In that role I encountered students who had
every advantage. Their parents paid their
full tuition they lived in beautiful
campus dorms they had every material
possession a college kid could want cars,
computers, spending money.
But when some of them got their first bad grade they
just fell apart. They lost it
Because they were ill-equipped to handle their
first encounter with disappointment
or falling short
life will put many obstacles in your
path that are far worse than a bad grade
You'll have unreasonable bosses
difficult clients and patients you'll
experience illnesses and losses crises
and setbacks that will come out of
nowhere and knock you off your feet
but unlike so many other young people
you have already developed the
resilience and the maturity that you
need to pick yourself up and dust
yourself off and keep moving through the pain!