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Wanna learn how to turn your ex on through text messaging?
Stay tuned because in just a moment, I am going to teach you just that!
Hi, my name’s Brad Browning, AKA “The Breakup Geek” … and I’ve been studying
the psychology of breakups and relationships for over 10 years now.
I’ve released multiple books, been featured on countless online relationship advice columns,
and have I have a YouTube channel with almost 12 million views.
If you’re interested in receiving more of breakup and dating advice, simply subscribe
to my YouTube channel to receive regular updates.
Okay…so how can you turn on your ex through text messages?
Well, I hate to break it to you, but isn’t as simple as just sending a bunch of text
messages and hoping for the best.
If you haven’t properly primed your ex – that is, if you haven’t been using some of the
tactics that I outline in my Ex Factor Guide program, then these text messages won’t
be as effective as they could be.
Using these text messages right after the breakup wouldn’t be a wise idea.
And if your ex is still mad at you or if they don’t want to talk to you, then these texts
will probably be make matters worse.
So what you have to do is make sure that your is at “emotional neutral” first before
sending them these text messages… but what do I mean by “emotional neutral?”
In order to make your ex emotionally neutral, you need to make sure your ex isn’t experiencing
any of the negative emotions that are common after the breakup.
There are a few sneaky ways to do this…and No Contact is one of the best ways to do this.
But the sake of brevity, I’m going to assume that you already know all of that… and I’m
also going to assume that you’ve properly primed your ex to the point that he or she
is open to at least chatting with you.
So without anymore BS, let’s jump right into it…
Text 1 – Which I Call The Intimate Memory Text.
This is a powerful text that you can send to your ex that will force him or her to think
about a romantic moment you two shared in the past.
To better explain this, let me jump right into an example…
You could say something like…
“Do you remember that room we stayed in at the Fairmont Pacific?
They had the most incredible bath robes… and the bed there was the softest thing ever.
Take me back…”
Now, the goal here isn’t to get too sexual… you simply want your ex to start thinking
about the romantic moment you shared together and let his or her imagination do the rest.
If your ex seems receptive to your message, you can delve a little bit deeper and get
a little bit more explicit.
But again, if you force it, you’re going to blow it and your ex will probably just
get creeped out.
So remember that the key here is subtly…
Text 2 – The Clothing Text.
This works really well if you’re female… but it can work well if you’re a guy too.
The key to this text is to get your ex to think about their favourite article of clothing
that you wore.
It could be a fancy, little dress that you wore out on dinner dates or even a comfy sweatshirt
that your ex like to steal from you… but to better explain this text, let me just jump
right into another example.
You could say something like…
“I’m wearing that little blue dress you always liked, by the way!
Hope you’re doing well.”
Or you could say something like…
“Remember that sweatshirt you always used to steal from me?
I’m wearing it right now!
And it’s ALL MINE!”
Of course, you can customize this to fit your breakup or your relationship.
And this is a great text to send if you want to be really subtle about getting your ex
to think about you intimately.
Now if things between you two are going really well and your ex is being receptive to the
above two texts, you can turn it up a notch by sending him or her this next example…
Text 3 – The Winky Text.
Again, this one is a little bit more “forward” so make sure things are going well between
you and your ex.
This one can do wonders for you when said in the right situations.
You could say something like…
“You know what I miss most about our relationship? ;)” -- and you can send a little winky emoticon
after it.
Alternatively, you could say something like…
“I miss you in that way.
;)” -- again, the winky face is key!
I know, it sounds really, REALLY cheesy when I say it here, but trust me, when you do say
it in the right case, you’ll be able to turn your ex on in no time.
And this is just a handful of the texts that are proven to turn your ex on… if you want
more information on EXACTLY how you can turn your ex on (and get him or her into your bed
NOW), then head over to BreakupBrad.com and watch the free video presentation
on my website.
Text 4 – The Picture Text.
No, get your head out of the gutter, I don’t mean you should send your ex a nudie or a
dick pic, but look through your photos album and try and send your ex a picture of a place
where you shared an intimate moment.
It could be the view from your hotel room in Hawaii, the cabin you shared at the lake,
or even a romantic dinner you shared at a fancy restaurant.
Send them the picture and say something like...
“Remember this place?
I only have amazing memories here.”
Similar to the first text, the key here is to make it SUBTLE.
If you’re being overtly sexual at the wrong time, you could blow it and your ex will go
running for the hills.
So that just about does it for this video.
If you’re wondering WHEN to send these text messages, then take my free quiz tool at BreakupBrad.com/quiz.
On that page, you can take a quick 5 minute quiz that will determine how interested your
ex is in you.
Again, that URL is www.BreakupBrad.com/quiz.
Thanks for the likes and subscribes as always and I’ll chat with you soon!