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  • What do you see at Christmas?

  • Christmas trees!

  • Do you know why?

  • Let me tell you the story... of three trees.

  • A long time ago, high up on a mountain,

  • there were three little trees.

  • They dreamed about what they wanted to become when they grew up.

  • The first little tree looked up at the sky.

  • It was a sky filled with stars, shining like diamonds.

  • "I want to hold treasure!” he said.

  • "I will be the most beautiful treasure box in the world!"

  • The second little tree looked at the river flowing into the sea.

  • "I want to be a great, big ship," he said.

  • I want to sail the seas and carry powerful kings.

  • "I will be the greatest ship in the world!"

  • The third little tree looked at all the people in town.

  • They were working very hard and they were very busy.

  • The third tree thought to himself,

  • I want to grow tall!

  • When people look at me,

  • they will stop to rest, and raise their eyes to heaven and think of God.

  • I want to be the tallest tree in the whole world!"

  • Many years later,

  • the little trees grew and became big trees.

  • One day, three woodcutters climbed the mountain.

  • One by one, they cut down each tree.

  • The first tree was brought to a carpenter's shop.

  • But, he did not become a treasure box.

  • He became a feed box for hungry farm animals.

  • The second tree was brought to a shipyard.

  • But, he did not become a great ship for kings.

  • He was made into a small fishing boat.

  • The third tree was left aside, forgotten.

  • The three trees almost forgot their dreams.

  • One night, a great light shone on the first tree.

  • A young woman placed her newborn baby in the feed box.

  • Then, the first tree knew

  • he was holding the greatest treasure in the world.

  • Many years later,

  • a man and his friends got on the small fishing boat.

  • Suddenly, there was a great storm.

  • Everyone was afraid.

  • The man got up,

  • stretched out his hand and said,

  • "Peace, be still!"

  • Immediately, the storm stopped.

  • Then, the second tree knew

  • he was carrying the King of heaven and earth.

  • A few years later,

  • a group of soldiers nailed a man's hands on the third tree.

  • They laughed and spat at him.

  • They did not believe who he said he was.

  • The man was raised up on the cross to die.

  • When he took his last breath,

  • the sky turned dark and the earth shook.

  • Three days later, the man came back to life!

  • Then, the third tree knew, that man was the Son of God.

  • The three little trees did not become what they wanted to be.

  • But, God was in control...

  • After all, He made them!

  • He had better plans for them.

  • God made the first tree,

  • to hold the greatest treasure we could ever hope for.

  • God made the second tree,

  • to carry the King of heaven and earth, who can calm all our storms.

  • God made the third tree into a cross.

  • Jesus, died on the cross for us,

  • so that we may live.

  • Jesus,

  • is how we know God loves us.

  • The three trees are God’s creation,

  • just like you and me.

  • Each of them met Jesus and became a part of God's plan

  • to show how He loves us.

  • Just like the trees,

  • we can come close to God, to know and trust Him too.

  • This Christmas,

  • when you look at the Christmas tree,

  • may you know that God loves you,

  • and that you can trust in Him.

What do you see at Christmas?


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A2 初級

三つの木の物語 (The Story of the Three Trees)

  • 340 15
    Theresa に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日