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  • The book the first and second Samuel.

  • They're two separate books in our modern Bibles but that division is due simply to scroll length

  • It was originally written as one coherent story

  • We're just going to cover the book of first Samuel in this video

  • So after Israel was rescued from slavery in Egypt they made a covenant with God at Mount Sinai

  • and eventually came into the promised land

  • and there, Israel was supposed to be faithful to God and obey the covenant commands

  • Before the book of Samuel judges showed how Israel failed at that task big time

  • It was a period of moral chaos and it showed israel's need for wise faithful leaders

  • The book of Samuel provides an answer to that need

  • The book of Samuel's story focuses on three main characters

  • The prophet Samuel where the book gets its name and then King Saul and after that King David

  • In all three of them transition Israel from a group of tribes ruled by judges

  • into a unified kingdom ruled by King David in Jerusalem

  • and the book of Samuel has a fascinating design

  • that weaves the story of these three characters together in four main parts

  • Samuel he's the key leader and prophet in the first section of the book

  • but then he also plays a key role in the next section which is Saul's story and its told in two movements

  • Saul rises to power and then his failures. In the second part is about his downfall in his tragic death

  • In the drama of Saul's demise is matched by David's exciting rise to power

  • and then David's story is told in two movements

  • First he rides the wave of his success followed by his own tragic failure

  • and the slow self destruction of his family and then his kingdom

  • The book concludes with an epilogue that reflects back over the whole story

  • So let's dive in and see how this all unfolds

  • Part 1 picks up from the chaos of the book of Judges

  • and we're introduced to a touching story about a woman named Hannah

  • and she's grieved because she has never been able to have children

  • and by God's grace she finally has a son named Samuel

  • And in joy she sings this amazing poem in chapter two

  • And the poem is all about how God opposes the proud and exalts the humble

  • about how despite tragedies and human evil God is working out his purposes in history

  • and also it's about how God will one day raised up an anointed king for his people

  • and Hannah's poem has been placed here at the beginning of the book to introduce these key themes

  • that were gonna see throughout the whole story like the next one

  • Samuel grows up and becomes a great prophet and leader for the people of Israel

  • at the same time that the Philistines rise to power as Israel's arch nemesis

  • And in this crucial battle the Israelites get arrogant

  • and instead of praying and asking God for help they trot out the Ark of the Covenant

  • as this kind of magic trophy that will automatically grant them victory in battle

  • and so because of their arrogant presumption

  • God allows Israel to lose the battle and the Ark is stolen

  • so the Philistines they take the Ark and they place it in the temple of their God Dagon

  • and then the God of Israel defeats the Philistines and their God Dagon

  • without an army by sending plagues on the people

  • and then the Philistines don't want the ark anymore obviously and they send it back to Israel

  • And the point of this little story seems to be this

  • God is not Israel's trophy and he opposes pride among the Philistines

  • but also among his own people and so Israel needs to remain humble and obedient

  • if they want to experience God's covenant blessing

  • which opens up into the next large section

  • The Israelite come to Samuel and they say hey we want to King like all the other nations have

  • Go find one for us and so Samuel he's kind of ticked off and he goes to consult with God

  • and God says yes their motives are all wrong

  • but if the king is what they want give them one

  • and so we're introduced as a figure of Saul

  • now Saul is a tragic figure because he begins full of promises, tall, he's good looking

  • He is a perfect candidate for a king but he has deep character flaws

  • he's dishonest, he lacks integrity and he seems incapable of acknowledging his own mistakes

  • and so these flaws become his downfail

  • he wins some battles at the beginning but his flaws went so deep

  • he eventually disqualified himself by blatantly disobeying God's commands

  • and so the aging Samuel confronts Saul and Israel

  • he had warned the people that they would only benefit from a king whose humble and faithful to God

  • otherwise the kings of Israel will bring ruin

  • so he informs Saul that God is going to raise up a new king to replace him

  • and so Saul's downfall begins

  • as God at the same time is working behind the scenes to raise up that new king

  • It's an insignificant shepherd boy named David

  • he's the least likely candidate to be king

  • but the famous story of David and Goliath shows

  • that God's choice of David is not based on his family status

  • but simply on his radical and humble trust in the God of Israel

  • and so this story embodies all of the themes of Hannah's poem

  • proud Saul and Goliath are brought low while humble David is exalted

  • From here we watched Saul slowly descend into madness while David rises to power

  • so David starts working for Saul as a general

  • and he's winning all of the battles and he's also winning all of the frame

  • and so Saul gets jealous and he starts chasing David around, hunting him, trying to kill him

  • David's done nothing wrong and so David simply runs and waits in the wilderness

  • and here we see David's true character he has multiple opportunities to kill Saul

  • but he doesn't, he simply trust that despite Saul's evil, God will raise up a king for his people

  • What's interesting too is that many of the poems of David

  • that you find in the Book of Psalms are linked to this very period of his life

  • and they all expressed the same attitude of trust

  • and so this section of the book ends with Saul coming to a grisly death after losing a battle with the Philistines

  • First Samuel tells some of the most intricate well told stories you find anywhere in the Bible

  • and the characters Saul and David they're portrayed very realistically

  • and the authors putting them forward as character studies so that you can find yourself in them

  • so Saul's story, we see a warning

  • it's crucial that we reflect on our own character flaws

  • and how they harm us and other people

  • and with God's help we need to humble ourselves and deal with our dark side

  • so that Saul's story doesn't become ours

  • David on the other hand is presented as an example of patience and trust in God's timing in our lives

  • and so he's running in the wilderness being chased by Saul

  • David had every reason to think that God had abandoned him

  • but that's not what he thinks and so David's story encourages us to trust

  • that despite human evil God is working out his purposes

  • to oppose the proud and to exalt the humble

  • and that's what first Samuel is all about

The book the first and second Samuel.


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聖書を読むサムエル記1章 (Read Scripture: 1 Samuel)

  • 231 22
    sophia に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日