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this is number 16 of 25 bite-sized
lessons which I'm making especially you
because it's Christmas
my name is Anna and today's lesson is
all about the word lie now to lie could
mean to physically lay your body in a
horizontal position so when you go to
bed you lie down in order to go to sleep
we could also use the word lie to mean
something that is not true for example
if i say to you
my name is Margaret that is a lie
because my name is Anna so I was telling
a lie I told you a lie
interestingly we often use the phrase
little white lie, now a little white lie
is a lie that doesn't really do any harm
for example i could say before I started
this video i have three cups of tea i
didn't i only had one cup of tea but by
telling you a little white lie
it didn't do any harm and people usually
tell little white lies in order to
smooth over a situation or to keep
somebody happy so why don't you tell me
what was the last little white lie that
you told and put it in the comments box
we can also use the world lie to mean
position so i could say that Manchester
lies north of Birmingham just meaning that
Manchester is positioned north of
Birmingham or i could say the cardigan
lay on the floor for three days so the
cardigan was placed on the floor for
three days now there are lots of phrases
that use the word lie for example we've
had little white lie
you might also hear let it lie
or let it be would be a similar phrase
but let it lie
Let It Be means to leave it alone for
example if something has been said about
that isn't true but it's not a big deal
then your friends might advise you to
just let it lie
don't worry about it leave it alone
don't try to phone people and put the
record straight
just let it lie you might hear lies
in store or lies ahead
this means what is about to happen in
the future so I'm arranging a surprise
birthday party and the birthday boy does
not know what lies ahead for him today
he doesn't know what lies in store for
him but I do, a surprise party you may
hear lies at the heart of... or lies at
the root of... this means the true meaning
so what lies at the heart of the problem
what the true reason for this issue you
could say that Anna's loneliness lies at the
heart of her chocolate addiction i'm so
lonely chocolate makes me feel better
lies in wait normally represents
something sinister so it could be a person
or an animal is hiding waiting to attack
you could say that the mugger lies in
wait for his victim and then he attacks
and mugs his victim if your advised to
lie low
this means to keep a low profile whether
it be at work or in a social situation
just keep yourself to yourself
usually it's because something has blown
up or there's a scandal or something
similar and everybody's got their eyes
on you or you're in trouble of some sort so
you're told to lie low until it's blown
over until the situation has resolved
and then you can be like "hello I'm back" so to
lie low to keep a low profile now my
favorite of the lie phrases is something
that I don't get to do very often and
that is to lie in now to lie in is to
sleep or to relax in bed in the morning
without having to set an alarm or
having a certain time when you have to
get up so usually at the weekend when
you don't have to go to work
you'll turn off your alarm the night
before and you'll sleep until you
naturally wake and then you might just
snooze for a bit longer you have a lie-in
but don't disturb me i'm having a lie-in
thank you i never have a lie in too busy
making video right well i hope you found
that helpful don't forget there are 25
videos in this bite-sized series please
if you do like this video it will make
such a difference if you give it a
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subscribe button also leave me a comment
in the comments box below I would love
to know what your little white lies are
about okay until tomorrow take care and